
9. Info about here and there

Waking up, Mark look at the time it was already morning and he got ready for the school. It's not long before he will be turning 12 years old and after these almost two years of hero work made him quite strong. All that jumping and fight does pay off and with a little diet it's good to go.

Lately, their has been cases of another hero a.k.a Deredevil. But he only work in Hell kitchen, so it's impossible to see him. At first when I heard about it, I was really excited as I will be able to work with a hero. But I don't know maybe because he is new or because he thinks that Hell kitchen has more crime so he doesn't go through other areas.

Anyway, it helps me quite a bit, as I don't know that, if you just disturbed a small drug distribution. You will have a crime family try to kill you, I don't know how they know about me doing it. But after that incident, I didn't go to Hell kitchen and only patrol the New York City areas not too far from home and not too close.

It was one day when I was trying to save someone that a car pulled up and start shooting me, it was lucky that victim was already run away and only theifs were sticks to the wall with web so they survives. I had to use the grappling gun to quickly left the place, they tried to follow but I was able to get away.

It was all thanks to the suit that I was safe, although it hurts a little bit but not much. This was only the first attack, after that every now and then they will show up and attack. At first I was scared because it hurts even if it was only a little bit, but slowly I started to fight back from use web to stall them to, use smoke bomb as a cover to hide and using Infraread vision to locate their position. After that it was simple web shooter work to binde them and call the police.

Although it looks like I use too much web shooter but that is because they are easy to use, can be used in various ways like binding, using as wire for shock, and as small web bullets that sticks to enemies. O and they are strong even if their is tons of weight you can trust on them, as for how villains free themselves from them. It's mostly because it's made to be removed in 2 hours so its got weak, if I comes with web that don't remove no matter what then it will be able to hold a total of 6,000 tons ( I search on internet ). But that will bring problems all over the city so can't use for now, I will try to create a web shooter that can choose a mode for webs to how strong should they be. Although it will take time and a lot of minde.

As for the crime family, they still tried with much more manpower so I have to run away. I don't came out for a month after that. This was the time when Deredevil took action and I think after that it was only once again that I was attacked but nothing more as I would skip days and sometimes weaks. Also started from far away locations from home, so maybe it was hard for them to find me and they got new hero to focus on.

As the I had breakfast with my parents and left the home, nothing is currently happening. From what I know Peter Parker lives in Queens and Tony Stark did got kidnapped and he also become Iron man but he didn't reveal his identity. He said that iron man is his bodyguard who wear the armor he made.

Mutant is a thing and I am happy that I got mind immunity. As for other heroes like hulk and captain America, Thor. Hulk is out for some time and from the info he was gray a first and slowly turned Green. He also worked as hero for some time but it was later said that he was being controlled. Captain and Thor are not out but from the look it won't take long, I just hope this is a universe where Heroes don't turn zombies or villains.

Right now I am lucky that villains are not supernatural or high tech. I really don't want to face something too powerful for me.

After coming from school and doing the homeworker, I got ready for my night job being a hero. Getting suit up and leaving the house as my parents are not home today as well, not that they don't stay home but as I got older they don't have to take care of all my needs so they can sometimes stay at work for a night or two. But not always only occasionally, after reach a building roof. I thought about Shield, I think they already know about me as no matter what I do I can't be better at hiding then a spy.

Reaching a building I heard a voice for help, jumping from roof to roof I made my way to the voice and the moment I saw a some man taking a woman in the car and driving away. Not want to lose track of them, I took out a tracking gun and shoot a tracker at the car. As I started to follow the car, I was surprised that the car was going slowly as if wait for me to catch up. This made me have a bad feeling, this is anything but normal. But thinking about it what can they do if I want to leave and I wouldn't jump if I this is a trap.

And so the day pass or not

Looks like someone is getting a little bit too confidence.
