
8. Awake or not

I have to start quickly, otherwise they will distribut more drugs and I can't go for everyone one by one to find them. Controlling the spider to go close to the center and this is possible because of it's black colour, it was hard to detect it in shadows. After making sure that it was where I want it or close to the place. I pull the trigger to the sleeping bomb.

Their was no smoke or voice, but a little sweet smell started to fill the whole warehouse. This bomb is mixture of bleach, actone and to make it more powerful I also added melatonin. Because this is more powerful than the normal sleeping gas without smoke also, it's hard to gard against.

And just as I thought after 1 minute everyone started to fall down. The guard's outside also rushed in but as they checked the thugs, they also started to feel sleepy. One guard try to run outside but it was no good as sleeping bomb has already effected him.

I look at the footage, seeing everyone down knowing that the plan was a success. But I want to make sure that, their is no one awake. So I wait for another 20 minutes and after making sure that their was no moments in warehouse, I used the web shooters to go down.

Going in from the front door, as I was going in I binded the guard that ran outside. After entering inside, I didn't wasted any time and webed the thugs. Make sure that no one is awake, I was about to call the police through Lily's help, but suddenly a voice startled me.

" Who are you" leader

Slow turning back and looking at the slightly awaken leader, I was shocked that he could wake up this quickly. According to the calculations it will take at least 5 hours to wake up and it's because I nerfed the gas so it doesn't kill anyone. But looks like I underestimate the villains in this world, as they have a strong body then average.

It's good thing that, I tied him up with web, as even if he wants to he can't brake free from it. After calming down, I looked at the guy who still don't understand his situation fully. Without answering him I connected with Lily and told her to massage the police about the location and photos I took with the big spider.

Just in case, I sprayed some paralyzing toxic on the leader face. Taking all my gadgets, I walk out of the wearhouse, using the gun to reach the roof. I waited for the police to come and take them, but even after 10 minutes their was no sign of police. It was after 20 minutes that the police arrived, looking at the situation already in hands of police, I didn't stay their anymore.

Slowly make my way home, I was happy that I can caught a big gang. Even if their was no fight but still I took them down with my brain, I feel really good as I stop them from selling drugs. Although naive Way of thinking but, if you have done something good you will understand their is a kind of good feel like we made some difference.

Anyway, after reaching home and taking off the suit, I took a shower. Lying on the bed, I can now finally thinking about what happened today. I have little doubt about todays event, how I was able to discover this drug business. It's not that I regret stopping it or I don't feel good now, it just that now that I think about it. This is like too much of coincidence, today was my first day in hell Kitchen and on my first day I stopped a big crime family busines.

If my theory is correct then this must be because of my spiderman fate, although I am not spiderman right now but I still have a fate of being one. So maybe it's effect are weak now and will be strong when I become spiderman.

Without even know when I fell asleep, it's been trying day today.


( Hammerhead Family)

Sitting on a chair, a man about 5,2 ft with over weight body and large flat head with deformed face is looking at the man in front of him. He is the Head of the one of the top crime families Joseph Martello a.k.a Hammerhead.

He had come a long way from being nothing more then a little gunman in Maggia ( a group created by the most powerful crime family's ) to today being a leader of a crime family.

He is been a ruthless man changing from one crime family to other after betraying them and getting what he want. Not only that he had worked with Wade Wilson a.k.a Deadpool, although not much is known about it. It's said that no matter who you are if you are in his way then he will kill you, from government officials to reporters and spy no buddy leave alive. And today he is angry and the reason is -

" So you are saying that someone, told the police about the new hideout where we distributed the drugs and the police arrested our man without any problem " Hammerhead

" ( trembling ) Boss I don't know who told them about the place, not only that I try to delay the police so that I can inform them but, they were sleep because of sleep gas " Man

" So someone not only told police about our location but also made our man sleep so they can't run away, I will give you 1 week time find out who is behind this or I will decided if I really need useless man like you" Hammerhead

" ( shrivel )Boss I will do it, I will do it " Man

Look at the man running away, Hammerhead was still angry. It's been a long time, since someone got in his way and made him lose money.

Although this is not even a small part of his money but it was never about money, it was about someone getting in his way and if he doesn't do something about it, his reputation and fear that he built for so long will start to fade and more people will come. Standing up walking to the window, looking outside at the city with greed.

" One day I will rule this city alone" Hammerhead

And so the day pass or night
