
5. Secret bass

Look left and right making sure no one is near, Mark made his way towards the basement. Because it's an open area, so he made the first entrance look like a drainage.

After getting in, he walk in darkness hardly seeing anything. it's only because he comes here often, so making his way to the second entrance without light is easy for him. The moment he stood in front of the door, a screen lights up. Mark put his hand on it, after the scaning his hand and putting the password. The door open and slowly all the lights were on. This door system was created so if the hand is not put on the screan in 10s it will lock itself and send me a single on my computer and phone. If I don't send a stop reply after seeing the massage in 1 minute, all things in their will be destroyed.

After walking inside, Mark did look at anything and dropped down on a mattress. He was exhausted from all the running, although he feels good about saving someone, but that was really careless of him. Closing his eyes trying to forget the fearful feel and thinking about what he had done was good.

After repeating it sometimes, he started feeling ok. This is one of the things he remember from his past like, although it's not a good habit but forgetting about the bad things and distracting yourself can come handy in some cases. After he calm down , he look at the computer and thought loudly.

" I should delete the ccv recording of me coming this way, as I don't want other to find this place"

Delete the ccv recording is not hard for him, he is doing this for so many years. After he was done with this small work, he looks at the computer and said.

" Hello! Lily" Said Mark

* Hello! Sir, what can I help you with today *said Lily

Yes he is trying to build A.I and although its only slightly stronger than chatgpt. It can do lot more than chatgpt, it could have been even more powerful, but that's because he is cautious of it going wrong. So he doesn't made it more stronger, He is building it slowly and fixing his mistake along the way as he find out. But maybe he will be able to give it a few upgrade now that his intelligence is Peter Parker level and with boost it will be really going to be a big upgrade.

" Ok Lily, tell me about the stocks that I invested some days ago " Said Mark

* Sir, all the stocks are doing good right know, the stocks from bla bla₹₹₹₹ and lastly Osborn industry is the least grown in this time frame * said Lily

" That's good, Now that money is coming we can started with my new project. Ok Lily place a oder for some Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. It can be used for the gliding function, I am going to add " Said Mark

Although it is a good material for bulletproof clothes and suit, but it doesn't have high heat resistance. As for why I don't use nylon same thing, less fire resist and also absorb water from environment. Anyway he has research some good materials, although expensive but they work way more effective in all kind of situations.

After order some chemical as well, he started to work on his web bombs. Although he made a loot of progress in making the web fluat but it was not until, he was close to Peter level that he finally found his mistake and quickly fixed it.

After all make a fluat that can turn so strong that, even when their is tons of pressure it won't break. Their is also about how many hours should it stay and making sure it's not turn into acid, sticky enough to not let go, being able to conducted electricity. Although he also want to go for medic web but he doesn't want to spend more time on it right now so he stopped here for now.

After making web bombs, he look at the time it was already late so he closed everything and return home. Ordering food from outside, he walked towards his room. he was feeling dirty from all this running and working. After taking a shower and changing into more comfortable clothes. He walk down the stairs and open the door, getting the food he sat on the sofa watching TV while eating.

Finished eating, Mark started to search about book that are about Mechanical engineering. He wants to make a suit for himself, but he knows that he can't spend money like Tony and although he has Peter Parker level intelligence. He also known their is a big difference between Tony Stark and Peter Parker, this kind of difference in intelligence can't be described by IQ.

The suit will take him atleast 1 month or 2 to make, their is no hurry about it. He can also start working on that healing serum, with his improved intelligence it should not take much time as he already has some research done on it. After he look at the time, calling his parents telling them that he is safe at home and ia about to go to sleep. Hanging up the phone he smile at his worry mother about him playing game for too late at night.

He didn't do anything tonight as he was exhausted. After he lay down on the bed he fall a sleep in no time. Although he has experience of past life but even then, his body is still of a child. Even with exercises it can't change the fact that he is a child.

And so the day pass or night


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