
4.Hero or Not

Looking Out of the window as he pack his bag. Children are running out of the school as he also start walking towards the class room door. Now that school is over, he can go to his hidden bass. After saying goodbye to his friends, he started walking towards his home.

The bass that he found, took him quite some time as finding an abandon building and that to close to your house is hard. But look like I was lucky and find just the place I was look for, although it was smaller than I want but it was all I can find.

This bass was an old building, that was already abandoned and although the top floor of the building feels like it would fall off any movement. There was a basement that was in good condition and quite deep too. Although risky, but after I made some changes and add more support, it can handle even if the top building floor dropped.

I also closed the real entrance and created two more. One is dugged to led me in sewer lines and other located at the back of building where their is no camera and is open. This is best I could do, as for how I was able to dug as a child. Well all you need is some chemical and some teach to help you. that's all and in 4 years you can atleast do this much.

As he was walking on the road he heard a scream, but he doesn't want to get in trouble. So he didn't stop, but the yelling for help didn't stop. He stop walking and listen to voice it's a woman's voice and from the voice it looks like they want more then just robbery. Look left and right to find someone but he saw that all the people already moved far from this place. It's reasonable as the robbery or rapers can have a gun so why risk your life for a nobody.

It's just Mark can let go robbery but not rapers. He opend his bag find a cutter, a rock and salt, this was for in case he need to defend himself. These things are normal as cutter is used to cut paper, rock and salt are not some weapons. So school won't care about these things. But same can't be said about advance weapons as He is just a child can't have advance weapon with him. After thinking about something, he took out a ghost mask that he used to scare children at school. Although it's not something big but he doesn't want to show his face no matter what.

He started walking towards the dark velly and look at two people dragging a woman, he yelled acting like a innocent child.

" Bad uncle let go auntie" Said Mark

Guy 1 look at who was calling them, but look at the child about 10 years old with a mask of ghost on his face, he didn't take it seriously and said

" The fu@k get lost kid otherwise I will beat the shit out of u" Said guy 1

" This fu**ker, let me teach him a lesson " Said guy 2

As one of the guy let go of the woman and walk towards Mark said.

" Kid look next time if you hear someone yelling in dark velly run other wise, I am just beating you some my even kill you. Got that you shit" Said guy 2

Mark saw the guy 2 come at him and took the fighting stand ready to tell him not to underestimate a child, but what he did not expected was that other party will not give him a chance, the other part come close to him and suddenly slapped him so fast that he didn't even know when and Mark dropped on floor. Mark thought they would underestimate him and let him attack first. But looks like he was too wrong about, it's good thing that they don't have guns otherwise he might have been dead.

Look at the child on floor the guy 1 and 2 laughed.

" Hahaha did this fu@@ker think he can fight" Said guy 1

" Hahahah" Guy 2

As Mark stood up, he doesn't say anything but took out salt and throw all the salt at the guy 2, although it doesn't have much effect but it did made him blind for a movement. Look at the opportunity Mark made the solid attack at the most weak point of man. The guy 2 who couldn't see anything felt pain so much so that he dropped on the floor.

Without stopping Mark took out the cutter and attack at the fallen man who is holding his weakness. Mark used cutter on his hand and made small but deep cut, because of the pain in his hand he let go his hand on instinct and revealing his weakness once again. Mark finding the opportunity once again start attack with full power one, two, three, four. After four kicks, he was sure that this man will have a hard time standing for now.

As he was about to continue, guy 1 let go of the woman and start running towards Mark with knife in his hand.

Mark look at the situation also didn't stayed and start running towards outside the velly and yelled.

" Auntie get out of here"Said Mark

As if waken up by the voice, the woman start running towards outside also. The guy 1 was also distracted a little as who to stop, but at that time a stone hit him in the head, for a moment he doesn't know what happened.

But that was all the time was need for the woman to cross him. After look at the woman who also came out of the velly, Mark didn't stop and start running towards his bass, as he doesn't want to get involved anymore. Today he understand how lucky he was that they don't have a gun otherwise he would have been dead. Looks like he need to make some good thinks to keep him and his family safe.

And so the day pass
