
Marvel: The New Peter Parker

A man reincarnated in the body of Peter Parker with Superman's powers. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic, that is, a work of fiction created by a fan, based on characters and situations from other original works. I have no intention of profiting from third party content, nor to violate the copyright of the original creators. This fanfic is just a way to honor and express my admiration for the works that inspired me. All credits and acknowledgments are due to the original authors.

Hisoka999 · Movies
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15 Chs


Pov Peter

Peter was flying between the clouds, watching Norman's mansion. Peter wondered what they were up to.

Suddenly, Norman got up and left the office. He put on a coat and a hat, and walked to a black car that was waiting for him at the entrance to the mansion, Emma stayed in the office.

Peter decided to follow Norman's car to see where he was going. He approached the clouds, so as not to be seen by radar or prying eyes. He kept a safe distance from the car, but didn't lose sight of it.

Norman's car followed a busy road, passing several buildings and stores. After a few minutes, Norman's car arrived at Oscorp, the company he founded and which was the source of his fortune and power. The car entered an underground parking lot, and Peter lost visual contact with it. He landed on a nearby roof and tried to use his x-ray vision to see what Norman was doing.

He saw Norman get out of the car and get into an elevator that took him to the top floor of Oscorp. Norman walks down the corridor of Oscorp, followed by two armed security guards. He arrives at the door of the laboratory where the super soldier serum is being developed. He enters the access code and opens the door.

Pov Norman

Norman - Good morning, gentlemen. I hope you're making progress.

The scientists in the laboratory are surprised to see their boss enter. They stand up and greet Norman with respect.

Scientist 1 - Good morning, Mr. Osborne. Yes, we've almost finished the final tests on the serum.

Norman - Good. I'd like to see the results myself.

Scientist 2 - Of course, Mr. Osborne. Please follow me.

Norman follows Scientist 2 to a table where there is a vial containing a bright green liquid. Scientist 2 takes the vial and shows it to Norman.

Scientist 2 - This is the super soldier serum, Mr. Osborne. It contains a combination of nanotechnology, growth hormones and healing factors that can increase a human being's physical and mental capabilities.

Norman - And what are the side effects?

Scientist 2 - Well, we don't know for sure yet, Mr. Osborne. Animal tests have shown some signs of psychological instability, aggression and body deformation.

Norman - That doesn't worry me. I want to test the serum on myself.

Scientist 2 - What? But this is very dangerous, Mr. Osborne! We don't know how the serum will react with your body!

Norman - Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I own this company and I have the right to do whatever I want with my inventions.

Norman turns to the security guards and orders:

Norman - Get everyone out of here except him.

The security guards obey and begin to expel the other scientists from the laboratory. They protest and try to reason with Norman, but he ignores them.

Norman - Now, you're going to help me inject myself with the serum.

Scientist 2 - But, Mr. Osborne...

Norman - No buts. Either you help me or I'll end your career.

Scientist 2 swallows and realizes he has no choice. He picks up a syringe and fills it with serum.

Scientist 2 - Please, Mr. Osborne, think carefully about what you're doing. This could be fatal!

Norman - Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm going to become the most powerful man in the world!

Norman extends his arm and orders:

Norman - Do it!

Scientist 2 hesitates for a moment, but then sticks the needle into Norman's vein. He squeezes and injects all the serum into Norman's blood.

Norman: Ahhh!

Norman feels a wave of heat run through his body. He starts to shake and sweat. He looks at his arm and sees his veins turn green.

Norman: What... what's happening to me?

Scientist 2: I don't know, Mr. Osborne! The serum is having an adverse effect!

Norman: No... it can't be... I should feel... stronger...

Norman falls to the ground, writhing in pain. Scientist 2 turns away from him, frightened.

Scientist 2: My God... what have I done?

Pov Peter

A few minutes earlier.

Peter was on a high building, observing through his x-ray vision and super-hearing what was happening in the Oscorp laboratory. He saw Norman, the powerful one, order all the scientists to leave and leave only one. Peter realized that today was the day the Green Goblin would be born and decided to interrupt.

Peter - Brainiac, hack into Oscorp and turn off all the security cameras.

Brainiac - Okay, Peter. You have five minutes before they notice the intrusion.

Peter - Good. Let's get this over with - said Peter, using his super speed to get to the lab.

Inside, he saw the scientist injecting a green serum into Norman's arm, who was lying on the floor in agony. Peter used his x-ray vision to see inside Norman's body and saw his blood turning green.

Peter - That's not good, Peter thought.

He used his heat vision and fired a laser beam from his eyes, which went through the glass and hit Norman's heart, killing him instantly. He then burned down the entire laboratory, destroying the evidence of the experiment.

Before fleeing, he caught a very special spider in a cage. It was a spider genetically modified by Oscorp, which had Spider-Man's powers.

Peter - This spider could be useful - said Peter, putting it in his pocket.

He left the laboratory and returned to the building where he was before, without being seen by anyone.

Brainiac - Congratulations, Peter. You've prevented the birth of the Green Goblin.

Peter - Thanks, Brainiac. Now let's go home.

Pov Gwen Stacy

George Stacy was sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading the newspaper, when he asked Gwen.

George - Hi, Gwen. How was your day? - George asked, looking at her.

Gwen: It was good. We did some science work. - Gwen replied, remembering the project she had done with Peter.

George: That's interesting. And this Peter Parker, does he know anything about science? - George asked, with a tone of curiosity.

Gwen: Oh, he knows a lot. He's very intelligent. - said Gwen, blushing a little.

George - Is that so? And you like him? - asked George, straight to the point.

Gwen - What? No, Dad. Of course not. He's just my friend. - Gwen said, turning redder.

George - Are you sure? You look a bit nervous. - insisted George.

Gwen: Yes, I am. Besides, he already has a girlfriend. Jessica, the girl you saw. - said Gwen, trying to change the subject.

George - Oh really? And you don't mind that? - George asked.

Gwen - No, Dad. Why should it bother me? I told you, he's just my friend. - said Gwen, impatiently.

George - All right, all right. There's no need to get upset. I'm just worried about you, child. You know I'm looking out for you. - said George, trying to calm the situation.

Gwen - I know, Dad. And I appreciate that. But you don't have to worry about Peter. He's a good guy. - said Gwen, smiling.

George - Well, if you say so... - said George, still suspicious.

Just then, the phone rang. George answered it and heard a voice on the other end of the line.

- Captain Stacy? This is Lieutenant Jones. We have an emergency at Oscorp. There's been a fire in the lab and sabotage is suspected. We need you to come immediately.

George - I'm on my way. - George said, hanging up the phone and getting up from the sofa.

Gwen - What is it, Dad? Is something wrong? - Gwen asked, worried.

George - Yes, child. We have a situation at Oscorp. It seems that someone has caused a fire in the research laboratory. I need to go there now. - George said, grabbing his coat and gun.

Gwen - My God! This is serious! You've got to be careful, Dad! - said Gwen, frightened.

Gwen - Don't worry, child. I'll be fine. But you have to stay here and lock all the doors and windows. Don't leave the house until I come back. Do you understand? - said George, kissing Gwen on the forehead.

Gwen - I understand, Dad. I'll do it. But please come back soon and call me when you can. I love you! - said Gwen, hugging her father.

George - I love you too, daughter! See you later! - said George, leaving the house and getting into his car.

Gwen stood in the doorway, watching her father drive off into danger. She felt a tightness in her chest and a tear ran down her cheek. She thought of her mother who had died, and whenever her father went out to work she worried. She hoped that he would be all right and that nothing bad would happen to him.