
Marvel: The Legend System

Alan Pierce, a low-level gangster, faced the ominous consequences of stealing from his boss. In the depth of a secluded woodland, he believed his demise was inevitable. To his surprise, time passed, and Alan found himself awakening, unclothed, in the heart of an enigmatic forest. Overcoming the initial surge of emotions, Alan aspired to carve out a peaceful existence. Yet, destiny had a different narrative prepared for him. In an unexpected twist, Alan encountered the 'Legend System,' an entity that wove its threads into the fabric of his life. This system presented Alan with missions and rewards, indifferent to matters of morality. The aftermath of his inaugural mission marked a profound transformation, turning Alan into a relentless force, a monster of his own making. The rewards offered by the Legend System weren't limited to material gains. It bestowed upon Alan champions from the League of Legends game, a realm reminiscent of his past, along with an array of items. As Alan ventured through each mission, the summoning of champions became a recurring theme, each new addition contributing to his eventual conquest of the world. --------- AU fanfic there will be a lot of different things than the MCU, English is not my main language if there are any misspelling, wrong use of words please comment on that paragraph so that I won't repeat my mistake. This book is just an Fanfiction of a created masterpieces. I just own my MC Alan Pierce, all other credits goes to their respectable creators.

Humo_Sofi · Movies
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Power Addiction

The moment I punched the Sett right at his arms which was trying to protect his chest, Sett sent flying away once more. But this time where he flew was empty area. There was nothing that could stop Sett from sliding on the ground until he stopped himself. He gets up again but he can't even stand still, his arms bleeding, his face is covered in blood. Not caring any of that Sett once again wanted to fight against me which amused me again.

The power inside me was addictive. I wanted to use it to full extent but I was afraid that it could to kill Sett. But then system said to me that if the champion dies or yields the injuries sustained during the subjugation will be restored even if they die. After getting confirmation of that I put all the strength I had to my legs and rushed forward towards the Sett who wasn't even able to notice my speed. In the blink of an eye, I was right in front of him. Then this time I put all the strength I had in to my punch aimed right at his face. I wasn't expecting much but the moment I swinged my punch, the air in front of me hardened. I could feel the pressure but I was stronger than that pressure and my punch penetrated the air blocking me.

When I landed my punch first second there was nothing happening, then I put more strength in my punch as I pushed my hand which was already on the face of Sett. The next second, shockwaves created by my punch split the clouds at the sky and broke apart the ground underneath Sett. After that the ground shook fiercely as I jumped off the ground to the sky. The place where Sett was standing now had a big hole swallowing the farm house which was already destroyed. Sett was nowhere to seen but I was sure that he died the moment my punch hit his face.


Across the world in the Afghanistan, few US military humvees were driving. Inside one of those humvees was the famous playboy and the famous arms dealer, Tony Stark.

He was currently drinking a whiskey while chatting with the soldiers inside the humvee. He cracked few jokes to the female soldier which made everyone inside the laugh.

The soldiers sitting right next to Tony Stark wanted a picture with and after getting his approval, the soldier gave his camera to the man sitting on the front passenger seat.

"Please no gang signs." Tony said as the soldier made peace sign with his hand. Hearing him the soldier lowered his hand.

"No throw it up I'm kiddin." Later Tony said and the soldier made the sign again. This time Tony made a joke about peace while the soldier next to him was urging the guy in front seat to take a picture quickly but at that moment the humvee in front of them blow up.

The driver quickly hit the breaks. "CONTACT LEFT!" the driver whow as also the only female soldier in the car said as she got out of the humvee but the moment she stepped outside, she was killed. The soldier sitting at the front passenger seat called out her name as he left the car as well. He walked to the right side of the hood and took cover while returning fire but he was also quickly killed. There was only Tony and the soldier who wanted a photo was left inside the humvee. Later that soldier also left the car as he was cursing. Getting out of the car he turned to Tony and said "STAY HERE!" Then turned around to join his friends against the enemies attacking them.

Next moment something exploded and sent shrapnels killing the soldier while penetrating the humvee. Luckily Tony wasn't hurt. Seeing no other choice, Tony left the car and rushed towards to the side of road and took cover behind a rock. Pulling out his phone he started typing before getting interrupted by a bomb which fell right next to him and the 'Stark Industries' was what written on it.

Tony seeing the bomb, wanted to get up and run but it was too late. The moment he got up the bomb exploded and sent him flying away. After falling to the ground Tony felt the dizziness then the sharp pain on his chest. Ripping his shirt, he saw that some of the shrapnels penetrated his bulletproof vest. The wound on his chest started bleeding as Tony lost his consciousness.


Alan right now was looking at the hole he created accidentally. Then he looked at his hands. This was a power he could obtain if he work hard enough. He was now addicted to power inside him and wanted to enjoy it to utmost but the time was up. The moment he landed back on the ground, system notified him that the subjugation task is completed and the Sett's assimilation is also compeleted.

Then the Sett who was missing suddenly appeared in front of him. "So, that's losin', huh? Not my favorite thing." He said while stretching and swinging his arms. Alan flinched for a second before remembering what the system said. Now that the assimilation is completed, Sett was completely loyal to him and won't attack him no matter what happens.

Right now Alan needs a ride to get back to his city. But the only vehicle available was now inside that big hole. Alan looked at Sett with dissatisfaction in his eyes then shaked his head.

They walked as they followed the only path they had. Later on that path connected to highway which they tried hitchhiking but who would take two meter guy in their car.

After an hour of walking on the highway, they were finally able to hitchhike car.

"You guys need a ride?" A voice came behind them as they were walking. Turning around they saw a man out of the truck.

"Yes, we could use a ride it's not ideal to walk all the way to the New York." Alan said as he looked towards the way they were walking.

"I'm also going to New York hop on." The man said before getting inside his car. Alan and Sett followed him and got inside the truck.

Along the way the driver kept talking non-stop and Alan was getting quite irritated by this behavior but he had to tolerate as to not walk all the way to the New York.


The United States of America was boiling with the news of Tony Stark's kidnapping. So many people thought that he got what he deserved but some people were sad that something like that happened to him. After all there are always people idolizing someone.

Tony at that moment was waking up and had the conversation with Dr. Yinsen. Dr. Yinsen explained him that the thing on his chest was the only thing keeping him alive. Later on the terrorists got inside and ordered Tony to build a missile for them. Tony opposed it but Yinsen pursued and Tony agreed on but he had different plans.

He was going to build an armor with the resources provided to him for manufacturing missile. After the terrorists left Tony explained his plan on building the armor. Dr. Yinsen at first opposed that plan and said it was risky and he should just let them have the missiles.

But Tony made his choice and the choice was what we all know.