
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35. Date.

For the past five days, I have been in contact with Robert, discussing and refining my business plan.

I asked him to create a new identity for me in the muggle world, complete with a sad and private background.

Well, Sob story sell.

Surprisingly, I received the documents for my new identity on the third day. Going through them, along with the bank account details, I was impressed with the thoroughness.

As for Zeb Wells, Robert informed me that it would take some time to gather information on him.

Due to my lack of complete trust in them and their level of understanding, I continued to train myself and the Eight Evils separately.

Yes, that's what I've decided to call them. It has a certain ring to it, to be honest.

However, I didn't plan on teaching them everything I know, just what I felt was necessary.

Charlotte… has quickly made friends with three other girls. Her fears still exist, but they are being handled delicately by her new friends.

Surprisingly, Cissy has taken on a motherly role among the group.

As dor Cissy, I have finally settled on a date for the Date.

Cissy is different from Lily, and she desires something more than just flying through the sky.

It should be a magical and intimate experience, something close to her heart that she doesn't get to do often.

I know what she wants and what she desires, so I made plans.

With the help of Dobby and Robert, I was able to acquire everything I needed.

However, this wasn't about manipulation or coercion. It was a matter of the heart, uncertain yet filled with excitement.

I am not sure if I will be successful, but for the first time, I am willing to go with the flow and let things unfold naturally.

I want to be led by her, wherever she takes me.

And today is the day of the Date, and I hope I have dressed appropriately.

We will start in a muggle city and then proceed to my mansion. I hope Dobby has taken care of everything as I asked.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I felt satisfied. I wore a black shirt and grey pants, with my hair tied back and a few strands falling to the side. It seemed perfect for an outing in the muggle world.

I have everything ready, and now I am on my way to meet Cissy.


[Narcisssa Black]

Narcissa Black has always been expected of and expected perfection in her life. For her, every aspect had to be ordered and carried out with eloquence. Her life was defined by rules set before her birth, and everything within her seemed predestined.

She did attempt to stray from her destiny, but the consequences were too harsh for her to defy it.

Despite the fear, there were three instances in her life where she crossed the boundaries that caged her:

Swords. Ballet. Severus.

Her connection with Severus did not begin with a crush or liking for him. It started with curiosity, an enigma that he presented.

Over time, she grew to care for him in her own twisted, selfish way.

To her, he represented an escape, a choice that had not yet been crushed.

In her mind, Severus belonged to her.

She felt envious of the relationship he had with Evans and was overjoyed when they ended their friendship. Not minding the pain it caused him.

However, her feelings towards Severus at that point were not as one would hope.

It was an obsession driven by desperate hope.

She knew now that she liked him but was unsure if she could truly love anyone.

Love had been stained in her life, causing her only grief and loss.

But everything changed when he returned from the holiday. There was a hidden sadness within him, one that he concealed well and that she was unaware of.

It hurt her more than she anticipated. However, the change he had gone through brought her happiness. She was glad that he had finally found his freedom and his own choices.

Yet, it also stirred darker emotions within her.

Fear. Fear that he might leave her behind.

Fear that she would remain trapped.

But each day, as she saw him and their promise, she found a bit of courage and newfound strength. This strength empowered her to try break free from the constraints of her age.

So, she took the first step and asked him out, well technically he asked her out first.

She waited. She waited patiently, even as he seemed to grow busier each day, planning something hidden from her. Despite this, she didn't mind.

Each passing day, he became stranger, but in a better way.

More humane, brighter.

He brought new light into her life, along with new people and experiences.

Oddly enough, she loved these new things, these new perspectives. However, there were moments when darker thoughts clouded her mind and her heart turned cold. Nevertheless, she held on.

Finally, the day of their date had arrived, and she was filled with excitement and nervousness.

She glanced at herself in the mirror, her dress hugging her figure. She wore bright white jeans, a black top under a grey overcoat. Her hair, coiled in tight ringlets, bounced around her shoulders.

"What do you think?" she asked Lily, showing off her outfit.

"It looks amazing on you! You should complete the look with sunglasses. I don't understand why you didn't choose that stunning blue sundress," Lily pointed to the dress on the bed.

"I just wanted to try these on."

"Really?" Lily raised an eyebrow, skeptical of the reason.

"Well, okay, I admit it. I wanted to go for a muggle style on our date since it's taking place in the muggle world. I've found myself liking a few muggle things," she confessed frustratingly. Lily had been trying to get her to admit it for a week now.

When Lily shared a lot of information about the muggle world, Narcissa found herself surprisingly drawn to many of the things she heard.

Lily smirked and added, "See, I told you muggle stuff isn't that bad."

"Hmm," huffed, adjusting her hair. "You know, I'm going on a date with the guy you like," she teased.

"Don't rub salt in my wounds," Lily responded in a mock hurt voice. "And I'm still not sure how I feel."

"Just saying, we might do a lot of things on our date, like ki--" Narcissa started.

Interrupting her, Lily grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. "Stop! I know what happens on dates. You don't need to tell me, and if you keep saying that, I might actually steal him away from you."

Catching the pillow in mid-air, Narcissa threw it back at Lily. "Oh, Ms. Perfect has some bad traits, trying to steal someone else's boyfriend," she said in a mock shocked tone.

"Hey, I never claimed to be perfect, and he isn't your boyfriend yet," Lily lightly hit her with the pillow.

Winking mischievously, Narcissa hit her back. "Oh darling, he will be. You think he can resist me."

"You can be narcissistic sometimes," Lily remarked.

"It isn't narcissism if it's true. Tell me, don't I look good?" Narcissa blinked repeatedly, holding the pillows close to her.

Lily lets out a sigh, "Damn it, I admit you're hard to resist. Stop acting cute, it doesn't suit you."

Sticking her tongue out, Lily barely avoids the pillow thrown at her.


"What?" Narcissa gets up from the bed and adjusts her clothes.

"Do you think anyone would believe that the Ice Princess of Slytherin just tried to act cute and is having a pillow fight with a Gryffindor, especially one who is muggle-born?"

"I don't care what they think," annoyance laces Narcissa's voice.

Over the past week, a few girls have been spreading rumors and talking negatively about Narcissa because of her friendship with Lily.

While she didn't care, she despised those who back bitched.

"Alright, let's not think about them. Come here, let me do your hair," Lily changes the topic, aware that she too has faced ridicule for her friendship with Narcissa, a Slytherin.

They had bonded well over the past weeks, partly due to Charlotte and mostly due to Severus. Something in them attracted them to each other's company.

"Don't try to follow us," Narcissa warns playfully.

"I might," Lily responds.

"Then you're in for a lot of kisses and--"

"Eww, gross. Stop it," Lily interrupts, shutting her eyes and trying not to think about Narcissa kissing Severus.

During these days, Narcissa has been acting more freely.

With Lily, she doesn't have to conform to the expectations of being a proper pure-blood.

She was herself confused as to why she had bonded with this long-lost Weasley so quickly, but she found her to be an entertaining and lively company.

"Come on, let's go. I don't want to make him wait," she said, dragging Lily along with her.

As they reached the entrance of Hogwarts, they saw Severus standing at the gate.

"Good luck. I'm sure he has something special in store for you," Lily remarked.

"You know something, don't you?" Narcissa narrowed her eyes at Lily.

"I might," Lily smiled, pushing her forward. "Now go."

[Severus POV]


I mean... I mean...

Did I just say damn?

This wasn't part of my vocabulary.

But she... she looks hot.


Fuck! Who knew Cissy would be absolutely breathtaking in muggle clothes.

Whoever it is, thank you.

Control yourself, Severus. Control.

You are not some hormonal teenager. Well, I am, but be rational.

"Hey?" Cissy stood before me. The dress hugged her body, and the top brought in a colorful contrast to it.

'Damn, she looks beautiful.'

Cissy's cheeks flushed. It seems she liked my reaction.

"You look beautiful." The words left before I could think.

The hint of redness intensified, but it seems she wasn't going to melt at just one compliment.

Running her hand on my arm, she teased, "I like the way you dressed. It shows all the muscles hidden underneath that you don't normally display." She smiled, eyeing me up and down.

It was my turn to blush.

Get a grip, Severus.

"*Ahem*, may I?" I stretched my hand forward.

With a smile, she placed her hand in mine.

"Now, tell me, where are you taking me?"

Feeling bold, I placed a finger to her lips and whispered, "Secret," with a wink.

An action that caused her to blush madly. Good.

We walked out of Hogwarts, her arm linked with mine.

Around the corner, hidden from the public eye, I took her.


Before she could say anything, I apparated us.

"You better warn me next time you apparate us," she warned, catching her breath after being apparated suddenly.

"I am sorry."

"Where are we?"

She looked around. We were in an unknown alley.

"One second, please." I took out a phone and called Robert.

Robert had sent me this phone just two days before, with his number in it. He mentioned that I should give him a call once I was out of Hogwarts.

(A/n: Electronics don't work in Hogwarts.)

"Hello, Robert. I have arrived at the location. I hope you made the arrangements."

- "My men are already waiting there. They know you, and they will hand you the package."

"Thank you."

- "Oh, it's nothing. Have a good time."

Ending the call, I saw Cissy looking at me with a curious expression.

"Is that a smartphone?" Lily seems to have told her about these.

She was curious about muggle technology. It isn't easy to know about muggles and their technology if you are Black.

"Yes, it is. Who told you about it?"

"Lily told me."

"Oh, it's Lily now. What was it you called her? Ah, yes, a red-haired witch."

"She is still a red-haired witch, but the witch doesn't stand for bitch now," playfulness rolling off her words.

"Is it? I might assume you both have become friends."

"We have," said Cissy with a straight face.

I thought she was joking, but seeing that Cissy was serious, I didn't ask further.

It was amusing to see these two become friends.

As soon as we exited the alley, a man approached us.

The guy handed me the keys and went away.

What a beauty.

Stood before us was a black car, the best for fast and elegant design.

Robert really delivered what I wanted.

"Get in," I said, holding the door open for her. It was her first time, so a bit of chivalry was necessary.

She seemed curious about many things, but she didn't voice them. As she got into the car, I started the engine.

*Vroom* *Vroom*

The sound was excellent, just as I expected.

"Tell me, where are we going?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

"Someone told me that you were into cars,"

"I am, but what does it have to do with the date?"

Leaning towards her, I whispered into her ear, "Because I'm about to give you the best car ride of your life," buckling her seatbelt.

Her breath hitched, her cheeks reddened once again, and her eyes searched mine.

But not yet.

I quickly leaned back and changed the gear.

The car gradually gained speed, leaving the other cars behind. The drive itself wasn't the most important part; it was her reaction. And I wasn't disappointed.

Cissy's eyes widened, her lips stretched in excitement, and her smile grew wider with each increase in speed.

"Severus, we're about to hit that car in front of us!" she shouted in panic, gripping onto the seatbelt.

"No, we're not," I reassured her, turning the steering wheel just before our car collided with the one in front.

She closed her eyes, expecting the impact to happen. It was adorable to see her scared, considering her usual air of rigidity.

"Hahaha, I should have taken a picture of how scared you were. Did you really think that I would drive into the other car?" I teased.

Cissy slowly opened her eyes, her expression shifting from fear to excitement. "That... that was awesome!" she exclaimed, clearly enjoying the high-octane rush she had felt.

"Hey, Severus, increase the speed," she said, her enthusiasm infectious.

Amused by her excitement, I increased the speed. The car was already going above 160 km/h.

"You should teach me how to drive. I would love to drive this car,"

Well, one part of the date was successful.

"Hold tight," I warned, making a sharp left turn.

Seeing how narrowly we had missed another car, all she said was, "Wow."

Seeing her get excited filled my heart with warmth.

Each of her small gestures ignited a burning flame within me. I wanted to savor this moment for a little while longer.

Alas, We arrived at our second destination, a theatre.

Exiting the car with Cissy, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. She was still caught up in the excitement of our previous car ride.

"That was fantastic! You have to tell me who taught you how to drive. That was insane," she exclaimed, her attention solely focused on the exhilarating experience.

Good. Now, I can keep it a surprise.

Taking advantage of her distraction, I swiftly moved behind her and covered her eyes with my hands. Her body pressed against mine, and my cheeks flushed with warmth.

"What... what are you doing? Why did you cover my eyes?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. I could sense her excitement and anticipation.

"You'll know in a minute," I whispered in her ear, feeling her tremble in response.

Guiding her carefully, I led her into the theatre.

Once inside, I transfigured her clothes into a beautiful tutu, slowly removing my hands from her eyes.

She opened them to reveal a large hall with hundreds of seats and a grand stage with a piano.

Confusion washed over her face as she looked back at me, her mind screaming, 'Why did he bring me here?'

Smiling at her bewildered expression, I revealed, "You once told me that you wanted to perform ballet in a big theatre, didn't you? Well, this is one of the biggest theatres in the country."

Her eyes widened in shock. "You... you remember?"

She had shared this dream with me back when we were just in our second year, and I had never forgotten.

"Yes," I replied simply.

"But I don't have a dress—"

"Dress? Look at yourself," I interrupted, gesturing towards her transformed attire.

Confused, she glanced down at her reflection. Her clothes had been replaced by a beautiful tutu.

"But when?!" she exclaimed, still in disbelief.

"When we entered the theatre," I explained.

"But you don't have your w—"

"Wand? I don't need it to perform transfiguration,"

She was shocked, unaware that I possessed such skill.

Lowering my lips to her hand, I gently kissed it, making a request, "Will you grace me with your wonderful performance?"

Shaking off her initial shock, she looked at me, ready to ask about my wandless magic abilities. However, for now, she decided to focus on the date.

"I will, but I am in need of a musician," she added, stepping closer to me.

Her movements were different now, more deliberate and seductive. It stirred something within me, something that reminded me of the dreams I had.

My blood rushed faster as Narcissa approached me, her hips swaying with each step.

Calm down.

Exerting control over my emotions, I responded, "That will be taken care of."

For this special date, I discreetly sneaked out of Hogwarts, determined to make Cissy's childhood dream come true. I searched for the most talented piano performer in the vicinity, to borrow his memories and skills for this occasion.

The theatre we entered might have been devoid of an audience, but it held an ethereal charm that seemed to captivate her heart.

As she stepped onto the stage, a radiant smile adorned her face, and it was clear that she felt like she was on cloud nine, finally fulfilling a cherished childhood dream.

To ensure a memorable performance, I dedicated two days to assimilating the memories of the skilled piano performer. However, despite my efforts, a lingering uncertainty remained. I couldn't help but wonder if my own rendition would match the level of brilliance that he had achieved.

For in the realm of music, emotions intertwine.

As we made our way toward the heart of the stage, a profound sense of anticipation filled the air.

The piano stood before me, its ebony and ivory keys gleaming in the dim light. Cissy positioned herself in the center, a vision of elegance amidst the vast expanse of the stage.

No words were exchanged between us, for in that moment, words seemed insufficient to capture the depth of our bond. Instead, we embraced a trust—a trust born from knowing each other's darkness, from relying on one another in times of need, and from a friendship that had blossomed into something far more.

With trembling fingers, I began to caress the keys of the piano, allowing my emotions to guide my every move. The melody that emerged was not premeditated, but rather a spontaneous creation—an expression of the bond we shared. It flowed from my fingertips, a river of emotions unleashed.

It was a composition born from the depths of our connection. The notes danced and cascaded, guided by the unseen forces of our shared experiences.

Lost in the music, I became one with her. The world around us faded into insignificance, as our spirits entwined in harmonious union. Cissy's body moved with a grace that mirrored the gentle flight of a swan—limbs extending, reaching out for something beyond the confines of the stage.

Each movement, a testament to her newfound freedom, a release from the shackles that had bound her for far too long.

In this moment, we were both free—free from the burdens that had weighed us down, free from the expectations of others.

As the song unfolded, a mystical harmony emerged between us. Time ceased its relentless march, fading into insignificance as we immersed ourselves in this ethereal realm.

As the final notes resonated through the theater, the last echoes fading into silence, we stood there, breathless and exhausted.

As we snapped back to reality, our eyes met a crowd of twenty people, their applause filling the room. The workers, hidden spectators, had witnessed our performance.

A smile graced Cissy's lips as she gazed at the crowd, her eyes betraying a hint of emotion, tears welling up unseen.

Bowing graciously in acknowledgment, we quickly made our way off the stage, the weight of the moment still lingering in the air.

As we entered the backstage room, Cissy suddenly blocked my path, her hand gripping my collar, pulling me closer. In that instant, our lips met in a passionate kiss, the world around us melting away.

Is this… happening?

It feels..good.

A rush of shock initially overwhelmed me, but I soon surrendered to the embrace, kissing her back with equal fervor.

The intensity of the moment heightened as my arms tightened around her waist, drawing her closer until there was no space left between us.

She responded in kind, her hand entwined in my hair, deepening the kiss with a sense of urgency.

Lost in the embrace, we momentarily forgot everything else—the world, our troubles, and the constraints that had bound us.

As we finally pulled away, a radiant smile illuminated Cissy's face, her words filled with gratitude and joy.

"I loved the date," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for bringing me here, Severus. Performing in a theater has always been a dream of mine, but my father never encouraged me. Instead, he punished me for even mentioning it. I appreciate that you didn't take me to some fancy restaurant, but instead, gave me an unforgettable experience—a thrilling drive and this magical moment."

Her sapphire blue eyes held mine, capturing me in their enchanting gaze.

Once again, she leaned in and kissed me, her confidence taking the lead this time.

"No, I will be taking the lead now." The intensity of the moment heightened as I pinned her against the wall, our bodies pressed against each other.

Whispering in a breathless tone, I declared,

"No, my dear, the date is far from over."