
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

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Chapter 24: Falling and Dying

"Damn it! How could I be so dumb?"

Now firmly grasped within the Hulk's massive hand, Alex felt a surge of irritation and self-deprecation wash over him.

"Listen, I understand you're angry, and I apologize for my actions. But let's not forget that you hurt me too. Big Guy, we used to be friends!"

With a mix of determination and a desperate attempt to defuse the situation, Alex addressed the seething Hulk, his voice carrying a hint of civility.


The Hulk's response was an earth-shattering roar, reverberating through the air and drowning out Alex's words of conciliation.

Alex couldn't help but roll his eyes, his annoyance evident as he muttered to himself. "Well, I suppose that's a resounding 'no' then."

Hulk, firmly gripping Alex in his massive hand, turned his head, fixing his intense gaze on the terrified pilot trapped within the jet.

Seeing this, Alex's heart sank as he realized the impending danger, his face draining of color and his eyes wide with fear.

"No, big guy! Please, that's a big no-no!" Alex's desperate voice rang out, pleading with Hulk to reconsider.

But his words seemed to fall upon deaf ears as Hulk swung his arm forcefully, using Alex as an unwitting projectile to obliterate the jet. The sheer impact sent them hurtling through the air, their descent becoming a chaotic freefall toward the unforgiving Earth.

As the rush of wind whipped past him, Alex's initial fear gave way to an overwhelming surge of anger.

"You dumb beast!"

His voice, laced with frustration and indignation, echoed through the tumultuous atmosphere. However, Hulk's response was an emphatic roar, a bold assertion of his own intelligence and self-awareness.


His primal roar reverberated, challenging Alex's accusation and asserting his own capability. The fierce determination in Hulk's eyes mirrored his unwavering conviction in his own intellect.

As they descended to the ground together, the wind rushing past them, Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and speechlessness. He rolled his eyes as he turned to Hulk, who kept moving around in the air.

"That won't be going to help, big guy!" Alex shouted loudly, drawing a roar from the big guy.

His gaze shifted upwards, and his eyes caught sight of a small black dot descending from the sky.

'Wait, isn't that the pilot? Seems like he's out cold,' Alex thought to himself, recognizing the figure plummeting toward him.

Despite knowing that the pilot was unconscious, Alex instinctively tried to alter his body position, spreading himself out in an attempt to intercept the falling pilot.

He hoped that by doing so, he could mitigate the impact and perhaps take advantage of the pilot's parachute, knowing that most pilots would carry one for emergencies.


On the other side of the battlefield, Hawkeye swiftly moved with agility and precision, seeking cover as bullets rained down upon him from Nick Fury's unexpected attack.

His instincts kicked in, allowing him to navigate the perilous situation, his body moving in fluid motions to avoid the lethal hail of bullets.

Fury, realizing his initial assault had failed, tactically retreated, moving with calculated steps as he sought refuge behind nearby obstacles. His experienced eyes scanned the area, analyzing the rapidly evolving battlefield and plotting his next move.

The tension escalated as Loki's armed forces joined the fray, their presence filling the corridor with a relentless barrage of gunfire. Fury found himself pressed to retreat even faster, using his surroundings as shields to fend off the onslaught.

The corridor became a chaotic battleground, filled with the chaotic symphony of bullets and the urgency of survival.

Amid this chaos, Agent Coulson emerged silently, his presence unnoticed by the enemy. He unleashed a swift counterattack from the rear with precise aim and impeccable timing, picking off Loki's forces with lethal accuracy.

Coulson's actions were swift and efficient, taking down the opposition one by one and providing much-needed reinforcement during the intense firefight for his allies.

Seeing that his team was taken down, Hawkeye closed the distance between himself and Agent Coulson, his movements were swift and calculated, deftly evading incoming bullets with acrobatic agility.

Hawkeye closed the gap with each step, ready to engage in a close-quarters battle, understanding the situation at hand to be perilous for him so he need to take down Coulson faster.

The clash between Hawkeye and Agent Coulson was a flurry of precise strikes and evasive maneuvers. Their combat prowess was on full display, each fighter attempting to gain the upper hand.

Hawkeye's mastery of hand-to-hand combat allowed him to gain an advantage, gradually overwhelming Agent Coulson. With swift and calculated strikes, Hawkeye managed to bring Agent Coulson down to the ground, the weight of the battle tilting in his favor.

The tension in the air was palpable as Hawkeye reached for his arrow, aiming for the center of Agent Coulson's forehead, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

But a sudden and brutal interruption occurred just as Hawkeye was about to deliver a fatal blow.

He was ruthlessly knocked down from behind, caught off guard by an unexpected assailant. The force that struck him was none other than Black Widow, standing tall and resolute, protecting Agent Coulson from Hawkeye's lethal intent.

Agent Coulson let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Natasha's arrival.

"Thanks for that," He expressed his gratitude, acknowledging the importance of her presence. Natasha nodded in response and turned her attention to Fury, who approached them.

"They took Loki's scepter," Natasha informed Fury, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Fury's expression grew stern, his displeasure evident. Now standing up, Coulson asked about Loki's whereabouts, his concern evident in his tone.

Fury shook his head, indicating the grim reality.

"Loki is gone, and there's a slim chance he's still alive," he replied, also considering the dangerous circumstances surrounding Loki's brother, Thor, who had plunged into the fray in an attempt to rescue him.

The room fell into silence upon receiving the revelation.

During that moment, one of the few remaining soldiers, who had managed to survive the previous skirmish, seized the opportunity to sneak up on Coulson.

With a swift and brutal movement, the soldier plunged a military knife into Coulson's back, catching everyone off guard and freezing them in disbelief.

Already weakened from the earlier battle, Coulson could no longer withstand the assault as his body crumpled forward, his life force ebbing away.

"Son of a bitch!"

Fury's senses snapped back into focus as he cursed under his breath, realizing the grave danger that Coulson was in.

Swiftly delivering a powerful kick to the perpetrator, he forcefully expelled him from their presence before swiftly retrieving his pistol. Without hesitation, he aimed with deadly accuracy and pulled the trigger, putting an end to the soldier's threat for good.

Turning his attention to Natasha, who had swiftly moved to Coulson's side, Fury's voice carried a mixture of urgency and concern.

"Take him to the infirmary," he instructed, fully aware that Coulson's life hung by a thread.

As Natasha cradled Coulson's injured body, a heavy silence fell over Fury, his thoughts consumed by the weight of the situation at hand.


Read 12 chapters ahead of schedule here:
