
The Prototype

"Liege, Natasha is approaching in a jet from SHIELD," Optimus alerted.

"Deploy the Mark 5's and intercept her jet once it reaches the sea," Christopher ordered curtly. Romance was the last thing on his mind, especially with someone like Natasha!

With the command issued, Christopher returned to his task of assembling circuit boards for Optimus.

Soon, his phone began to ring.

Christopher recognized the caller as Natasha without even glancing at the screen. Pressing the answer button, he cut her off before she could speak. 

"Are you bored? I'm busy, don't disturb me," he snapped before ending the call abruptly.

The phone rang again.

"Optimus, block Natasha's calls," Christopher commanded.

"Yes, my liege," Optimus acknowledged, promptly silencing the phone.

Meanwhile, on a beach, a drenched and disgruntled Natasha held her phone aloft, facing the sea.

"Christopher..." she said in frustration.

She seethed with anger. First, she had been deceived by Christopher, and now her plane had been shot down by his robots, plunging her into the ocean. Her extraordinary resilience had saved her from drowning, but the ordeal left her fuming.

Recalling the incident, she remembered flying toward Tony's private island when robots suddenly appeared and downed her aircraft without warning. She was shaken by the encounter.

Adding insult to injury, when she attempted to contact Christopher, he had not only berated her but also cut her off before she could respond.

Furious, she tried calling Christopher again, only to be met with Optimus's curt message: "Miss Natasha, the master is occupied. Please refrain from further disturbances. Your calls are being blocked. I apologize for any inconvenience."

"Damn it!" Natasha hurled her phone onto the sand, where it was promptly swept away by a wave. Alone on the deserted beach.

How long had it been since she'd felt such profound humiliation? Never before had she encountered such disdain, even from the most notorious villains.

But Christopher was different. Initially accommodating, he had grown increasingly callous, culminating in his direct assault on her.


One day later, in the underground laboratory, Christopher stood before a machine resembling a prop from a science fiction movie. He voiced his concern, "I hope there will be no problems with this reaction device."

Worry filled him as he prepared to experiment with cold fusion, a process with tremendous energy potential. A mistake could result in a fatal explosion, even for someone transformed into a Titan.

This cold fusion reaction device was an upgrade from Tony's Ark Reactor, boasting energy levels over a thousand times greater. The potential power of the explosion was daunting.

Despite the risk, Christopher adopted the spirit of a fearless scientist. He picked up a thumb-sized black particle, an artificial element he had recently developed. Non-dangerous, with zero radiation and volatility, he ensured the experiment would be harmless.

To validate its safety, Christopher placed the artificial elements on the table, took a small hammer, and struck it with force.

His heart trembled at the possibility of impending doom. Fortunately, the man-made elements remained unharmed.

Examining the artificial element, he marveled, "Such a small piece of artificial element can be easily converted into large energy, a hundred times more powerful than plutonium for weapons."

"Liege, it can be put into the reaction device for experimentation," suggested Optimus.

Putting on protective goggles to shield his eyes from the intense light produced by the artificial elements, Christopher placed it into the metal glass cover of the reaction device and flipped the switch.

Instantly, the artificial elements emitted a brilliant green light.

"Always pay attention to the changes in the reaction device. If there is danger—shut it down immediately," Christopher instructed, emphasizing the need for caution in cold fusion experiments.

"I will keep that in mind, my liege," Optimus affirmed.

Optimus provided continuous updates as the reaction device underwent changes. "The reaction device produces a huge radiation chemical effect, changing the original atomic structure," he reminded.

"Now add Neutron," prompted Christopher.

"The radioactive energy is increasing rapidly," Optimus warned as the reaction device transformed.

"Optimus, calculate the energy in the reaction device," Christopher instructed.

"Energy calculation is in progress," responded Optimus.

"The energy is rising rapidly, and it has now reached the power of a Sidewinder missile, enough to destroy a tank," reported Optimus.

"The energy continues to rise, and it is currently enough to blow up a cruise missile or a hundred-meter-tall building," continued Optimus.

Christopher displayed a satisfied smile and inquired, "How about the stability?"

"Liege, the reaction device is very stable; don't worry," reassured Optimus.

"The energy continues to rise. Currently, missiles like Sked can blow up several areas in the city," Optimus reported.

"The energy continues to rise and can now blow up a big city," Optimus updated.

Christopher couldn't help but take a sharp intake of breath. This was the power of a nuclear bomb!

"The energy continues to rise, and it can currently blow up two big cities," Optimus further informed.

"The energy has stopped rising. It is still very stable and can be used as an energy source for Optimus Mech," Optimus concluded.

"Very well," Christopher nodded with satisfaction.

Tony's reaction device was powerful enough to blow up a building, while his own device equated to two nuclear explosions. There was no comparison at all.

Christopher switched off the reaction device, retrieved the artificial element, opened the door of the heavy truck, entered, sat in the driver's seat, and pressed a red button.

A miniature version of the reaction device slowly rose.

Placing the artificial element into the reaction device and pressing the red button again, the device descended and merged with the heavy truck.

A roar of the mighty engine sounded as power surged.

Then, Optimus's voice resonated within the car, "Liege, everything is functioning normally."

"Open the ceiling," Christopher commanded.

"It's done," Optimus replied, promptly controlling the ceiling to slowly open.

The ceiling parted, revealing the sky above.

"Optimus, transform into your mech form," Christopher ordered.

Optimus accepted the directive. The heavy truck swiftly morphed into a towering giant, standing at 28 feet tall, exuding a majestic and calm demeanor.

At that moment, Christopher was encased within the machine, able to control Optimus at will.

With a mere thought, he relayed a message to Optimus, who promptly complied, utilizing powerful jets from the Transformer's feet.


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