
Running away - 273


2 was troubled by the question. After all, there was not much they could do. One simply didn't just solve the sun. Yet he also understood that Steve Rogers was likely to be difficult if he was to turn him down.


And while securing him wasn't a top priority, he was still a rare enhanced person and someone that could be of use to the Foundation. "How about this: we get on the jet and make our way back, and while flying, we can relay all the information we have that should save many lives?"


Steve's eyes narrowed as he considered 2's proposal. He was torn between his desire to stay and help directly, and the understanding that there was little he could do against a force as overwhelming as the sun itself turning deadly. Peggy, sensing his hesitation, gently squeezed his arm again, trying to offer him some reassurance.


"We can't stay here, Steve," Peggy said softly. "But maybe he's right. If we leave now, we can still make sure people get the information they need. We can help in our own way—by warning them."


Steve's jaw clenched, but after a few moments, he nodded slowly. "Alright," he said. "We'll leave. But I'm holding you to that promise, 2. We get on that jet, and we make sure everyone knows what's happening. If we can save lives, we have to."


2 gave a quick nod, relieved that Steve was agreeing to the plan, but still cautious. "Understood, Rogers. We'll be in contact with command the moment we're in the air."


The commotion had woken up Bucky from the next room over, and he had come in to see what was happening. He had so far just been silent, but now he stepped forward and placed a hand on Steve's shoulder. "You're making the right call, Steve. There's nothing we can do here except die, and that won't help anyone."


With the three of them finally ready to leave, 2 gave them a few minutes to pack their things and then, after making sure everyone was completely covered and no parts of their bodies were exposed to the moonlight, which involved wrapping the three of them in multiple sheets off their beds they finally headed out.


Even though it had been less than an hour since the sun turned against them, there were already plenty of people, even here in the camp, that was affected by the light reflecting off the moon. All the people out patrolling during the night had since turned.


So as they made their way through the camp toward the extraction point, the sight of twisted, wax-like figures scattered across the ground was unavoidable. Those who had once been people, survivors trying to just survive in this war-torn world, were now unrecognizable, grotesque amalgamations of flesh and wax—silent, unmoving, but horrifyingly alive in some way.


Steve, Peggy, and Bucky kept their heads down, their expressions a mix of horror and sadness. They couldn't afford to focus on what had been lost; they needed to get out before the moonlight claimed them too. The Captain led the way with the practiced efficiency of someone who had been through countless battles, but even he knew this fight was different.


2 kept a steady pace, his weapon at the ready, though he doubted it would be much use if the creatures rose to attack. The priority now was getting everyone to safety, not engaging with these unfortunate victims of the light.


As they reached the jet, 2 motioned for the others to board quickly. The engines were already humming, prepped for a swift departure. Inside, Banner and Lena were already strapped in, their faces pale and tense. Bruce looked up at Steve, a mixture of guilt and helplessness in his eyes, as if he was silently apologizing for a world neither of them could save.


Once everyone was seated, 2 closed the hatch, sealing them away from the dangers outside. The pilot wasted no time; within seconds, the jet was lifting off, the camp and the nightmare unfolding below shrinking beneath them.


In the cockpit, 2 immediately activated the secure communications system, establishing a direct link to the Foundation's command center.


"Alpha-1, en route to extraction point," 2 reported, his voice firm but urgent. "Requestion further information."


There was a brief silence on the other end before command acknowledged his message. "Alpha-1, this is Command. Understood. Not much is known about the XK-class event. The sun is the cause, the effect is deadly, and there is no way to avoid it. Other than just avoiding sun and moonlight."


Steve listened to the brief exchange between 2 and Command, his expression grim. He glanced over at Peggy, Bucky, and Bruce, their faces reflecting the weight of the situation. They were safe, for now, but the knowledge that an entire world was facing this unstoppable threat gnawed at him.


Peggy, noticing the tension in Steve's body, leaned closer. "We did what we could, Steve. This was out of our hands."


Steve nodded but didn't respond immediately. He was still processing everything. The soldier in him couldn't reconcile leaving so many people behind to face a fate they couldn't comprehend. The weight of being unable to help in a tangible way felt heavier than any physical battle he'd ever faced.


In the cockpit, 2 turned his attention back to the communications. "Command, what's the current status of other Foundation personnel in SCP-7995? Any other evacuation efforts underway?"


There was another brief pause before the reply came through. "Several teams are still in the extraction process. Most are following the same protocol as your team. We've lost contact with some, likely due to moonlight exposure. Your priority is to return to base and debrief immediately."


2 nodded, even though the voice on the other end couldn't see him. "Understood. Alpha-1 out."


"What about the Captain? And the other one?" Steve asked 2, having not seen either the captain or 3 anywhere on the small jet.


"They are in the other jet, following a similar extraction protocol. The Captain and 3 are making sure that the last assets are secured before heading out. They'll rendezvous with us once we reach the Foundation's safe zone." 2 responded firmly, though there was an underlying tension in his voice, hinting that even he wasn't fully confident in that outcome.


Steve frowned but accepted the answer for now. "Alright, can we contact Magneto? Or maybe Logan? They need to know what is going on."


2 had said he would allow it, and while it might not fully be according to protocol but he also didn't think there was anything wrong with warning the people of this world, and as a member of Alpha-1 he was allowed to bend the rules. "Fine, feel free to call them; there is no need to worry about radio signals anymore."


Steve nodded, already reaching for his communication device. And then he froze; he didn't know how to contact anyone on the ground and looked at Peggy for help.


Peggy quickly realized Steve's hesitation and gently took the device from his hand. "I'll handle it," she said, giving him a reassuring look. She had been trained to use the Foundation's communication systems, and within moments, she was tuning into the encrypted frequencies that would likely reach either Magneto or Logan.


"Calling Magneto, Logan, or any X-Men personnel. This is Peggy Carter, relaying critical information from Captain Rogers. Is anyone listening?" She asked, not sure if anyone was awake at this time of the night.


After a few seconds of crackling, Logan's gravelly voice cut through. "Peggy, it's Logan. What's the matter?"


Peggy was suddenly not sure what to say. Even she who had worked for the Foundation for a while now could hardly believe what she had been told. The idea that the sun had gone rogue and that sunlight was not deadly was hard to believe; how could she explain that to someone else?


Peggy took a deep breath, steadying herself as she prepared to explain. She knew the gravity of what she was about to say and how impossible it sounded, even to her. "Logan, I need you to listen carefully. Something's happened with the sun. It's gone rogue. The sunlight—and even moonlight—is now deadly. It's causing people to... melt, turning them into some kind of wax-like monsters."


There was a long silence on the other end of the line. Peggy could almost feel Logan trying to process what she had just told him.


"You're tellin' me that the sun's killin' people? Logan's voice was incredulous, but Peggy knew the disbelief was layered with concern.


"That's exactly what I'm saying. You and the rest of the X-Men need to stay out of the light. The Foundation hasn't found any way to stop it yet. The only way to survive is to avoid sunlight and moonlight completely."


There was another pause. "This is hard to believe. I hope you understand that… but I will check to see if it's true or not. But what are you and your people doing?"


Peggy sighed, bracing herself for Logan's skepticism. "I understand, Logan. Believe me, it's hard for all of us to accept. But it's real. We're already extracting personnel. The Foundation is trying to figure out what's happening and how to stop it, but right now, we're focusing on survival. We're heading to a safe zone, somewhere we can gather our resources and regroup."


Logan was quiet for a few more moments. "Safe zone, huh? That sounds like running."


"Something, something that's all you can do. But the Foundation knows what they are doing, they might be able to find a solution, but for now, just avoid the light, and the monsters it makes." She said, breaking off the connection.




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