
Marvel: The First Mutant

Jack, who found himself transported to the Marvel world, emerged as the sole Mutant, awakening the mightiest Mutant system. On the inaugural day, Jack inked a deal with the Red Devil's Ability, gaining a staggering hundredfold enhancement. Nonchalantly, he lifted the earth with a single hand, teleporting himself and thousands of cubic meters of land to an altitude of 10,000 meters. Ten days in, Jack secured the Black Emperor's Ability, unlocking a thousandfold amplification. With newfound prowess, he teleported to the sun's core, absorbing the energy from billions of tons of nuclear fusion equivalent. On an undisclosed day, Jack activated Phoenix's Phoenix force, experiencing a billionfold empowerment. Even the Otherworldly Abstract Entities were ready to cater to his every whim. . . . . . . DONT OWN ANYTHING, CREDIT GOES TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR. HERES A LINK https://mtlnation.com/novel/american-comics-only-mutant-gwen-came-to-my-house-late-at-night

T_J_E · Movies
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32 Chs

Billion-Dollar Bargain

At the crack of dawn, Jack gathered his entourage and ushered them out of the house. Following that, I reached out to Alfred, the head caretaker of Paradise Building, to give the entire house a thorough cleaning.

Being a wealthy scion, Jack had a penchant for resolving matters with his ample fortune, and that included forging connections. His circle of associates primarily gravitated towards him due to his affluence, with most friendships rooted in the currency of wealth.

Without a doubt, Jack maintained relationships with other affluent individuals, much like the one before you now. "Come on, Harry, what's on your mind?" Jack quipped, opening the refrigerator and retrieving two cans of beer. Tossing one to Harry, seated on the sofa, the can cracked open with a hiss.

Taking a couple of swigs, Harry placed the can down and began, "Jack, I need a favor." Jack settled into his seat, inquiring, "What's keeping you so worked up?"

Harry wore a complex expression as he spoke about his father's recent demise. The relationship between Harry and Norman Osborn, ostensibly father and son, remained enigmatic, characterized by years of estrangement before Norman's passing. The intricacies of their dynamics eluded outsiders.

However, Harry's concerns transcended his father's demise; they pertained to the Osborn Group. A major player in the U.S. biotechnology sector, the company boasted a market value surpassing 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars. Despite this, the Osborn family only held a 7.5% stake.

Norman Osborn, the company's founder, wielded less influence within the organization than commonly perceived. Complexities such as equity crossovers and military pressures shrouded the inner workings of the company and kept hidden from outsiders. Harry, as the sole legal heir, inherited the 7.5% shares, becoming the largest shareholder.

Upon Harry's recent visits to the company, he sensed a deliberate marginalization by other shareholders. Fearful of losing control and his father's legacy, Harry sought Jack's counsel. Despite being the heir, Harry lacked the business acumen to navigate the intricate landscape of managing a colossal corporate entity.

Thus, he turned to his sole confidant, Jack, for assistance. In this particular narrative, Harry had no connection to Spider-Man Peter Parker; their paths never crossed. In reality, Peter Parker, at fifteen, was much younger than the twenty-three-year-old Harry and Jack. The eight-year age gap ensured their lives remained largely separate.

"How do you want me to assist you?" inquired Jack.

Upon hearing Harry's narrative, Jack was candid about his uncertainty in helping Harry. Given the prevailing circumstances, the collective force of Osborn's shareholders seemed resolute in sidelining the Osborn family. This situation posed a formidable challenge that couldn't be easily reversed.

Even if Harry endeavored to sway some shareholders, it appeared futile. The prevailing sentiment was against the Osborns, and Jack doubted Harry's ability to change that perception. The crux of the matter was the insufficient incentive; what could Harry offer these shareholders in return for their allegiance?

The rallying point for these shareholders was Harry's 7.5% stake, so any promise from him to combat other major shareholders and share the spoils seemed improbable. Convincing them of Harry's capability, especially given his lack of experience in managing a conglomerate, appeared insurmountable.

In essence, Harry found it challenging to gather supporters for his cause. Frustrated, he blurted out, "I want you to eliminate those shareholders," revealing a malevolent expression. He had grown weary of the machinations of the older shareholders and harbored a desire for retribution.

However, Harry acknowledged his own incapacity for such actions. Unlike him, his lone confidant, Jack, possessed the skills of a seasoned assassin. Jack, as Harry knew him, had shared tales of his exploits as a working killer.

Rich second-generation individuals like Harry and Jack often sought thrills, considering careers in professions like assassination for the excitement they provided. Harry, despite his initial interest, discovered that his marksmanship skills were woefully inadequate. He couldn't hit the target at a distance of ten meters, and even after more than a month of practice, his accuracy was inconsistent when shooting at a stationary target beyond ten meters.

Frequent misses became the norm, leading Harry to abandon the notion of pursuing a thrill-filled career as an assassin. Instead, he decided to stick to his own adrenaline-pumping extreme sports.

Nevertheless, Jack excelled in his role as a killer, earning the moniker "The Harvester" in his field. Frustrated by the lack of alternatives, driven by anger, Harry turned to Jack with the proposition of eliminating the troublesome shareholders.

"If you're certain," Jack responded cautiously to Harry's request. The idea of dispatching major Osborn Group shareholders was no trivial matter. Jack, once hesitant to claim he could undertake such a task, now possessed teleportation abilities, making the job significantly more feasible.

However, Jack sought confirmation, wanting to ensure Harry's commitment to the plan and discern whether it was a momentary impulse or a genuine resolve.

"I'm sure!"

"I want you to take them out! Kill all of them!" Harry's eyes seemed to turn red as he growled with hysteria. 

"Help me!" He urgently gripped Jack's hand. "Jack, you've got to assist me! You're my only hope!"

Observing Harry's visibly distressed state, Jack couldn't really understand what he had been through in recent days, even after hearing bits of it. Merely a few days ago at Norman Osborn's funeral, Harry seemed fine, albeit a bit downcast. However, within this short span, Harry underwent a drastic transformation.

"Alright, I'll help you." Jack reached out, patting Harry's shoulder to calm him down. "Don't worry, I understand the stakes." Harry took a deep breath and declared, "I'll pay you upfront $50 million, and after it's done, I'll hand over 0.5% of Osborn Group shares!"

Considering Osborn Group's staggering $1.5 trillion market value, 0.5% translated to a colossal $7.5 billion!

Without a doubt, news of the demise of major Osborn Group shareholders would send shockwaves through the stock market, potentially causing a 20% drop. Nevertheless, even with this downturn, there'd be a remaining $6 billion.

Jack, a second-generation affluent individual, had inherited considerable wealth. Yet, most of it was tied up in a fund, along with a dozen properties, cars, artworks, etc. Liquid cash amounted to just over $100 million. Additionally, he received an annual $80 million in dividends from the fund, a steady income until his demise.

However, Jack's lavish lifestyle, encompassing property taxes, high-end purchases, and indulgent habits, meant the $80 million annual dividend barely covered his expenses.

In reality, his foray into the world of assassination wasn't purely for excitement; there was a desire to earn some extra pocket money. Endowed with rapid self-healing abilities and superior physical fitness that this body has long possessed, being a killer posed no significant threat to Jack's life as long as he was smart about it, it should be even less risky now.

"I can't really refuse such an offer." Jack hadn't anticipated such generosity from Harry. Offering 0.5% of shares, amounting to billions, demonstrated Harry's earnestness. Even though Jack would only secure 2% to 3% of the shares after eliminating several major shareholders, Harry willingly parted with 0.5% upfront.

As for the $50 million deposit? In the context of 0.5% of the shares, it paled in comparison.

"Okay, when do you want them gone?" Jack nodded, refraining from further negotiations. After all, Harry's offer was more than generous; there was little room for haggling. As for the Osborn Group shareholders? They were as good as gone!

"The sooner, the better!" Harry asserted. "I can't stand their disgusting faces any longer. By the way, do you need information on them?"

"Absolutely." Jack agreed that, despite his teleportation abilities, information on their whereabouts was crucial.

Upon receiving confirmation, Harry promptly handed Jack a stack of paper documents. He had prepared meticulously for this task, fully aware of Jack's capabilities and occasional financial constraints.

Was it the right decision? Would Jack accept?

Harry understood Jack's financial situation, realizing he might occasionally fall short. Facing a lucrative offer of billions, Harry knew Jack couldn't resist.

Why didn't Harry opt for the conventional assassin platforms and rewards?

Trust. Harry couldn't put his faith in unknown killers. Rather than risking betrayal, he preferred paying more to engage someone familiar.

The billion-dollar investment?

A bargain for Harry, considering his net worth surpassed $100 billion. Moreover, after the demise of the major shareholders, he could capitalize on the situation, not just avoiding losses but also making substantial gains.

Why not?

Harry recognized the dangers of the task at hand. Assassinating affluent individuals in the United States wasn't a walk in the park. Contrary to cinematic portrayals, the wealthy prioritized their safety, particularly in a country where firearms were commonplace.

Harry had no illusions about the perilous nature of the mission. The risks weren't just financial; there was a genuine threat to his life. Hence, he sought Jack's assistance, acknowledging the danger by offering an exceptionally high price, even in the billions. Though in the form of shares, cashing out 0.5% was a straightforward endeavor.

The intricacies of the wealthy's safety measures, combined with the potential betrayal of unknown killers, necessitated Harry's reliance on Jack for this perilous endeavor.

"Jack, if it's too risky, you can back out. Your safety is the top priority."

Before Harry departed, he emphasized these words to Jack, driven by a sense of remorse for involving his friend in such a perilous undertaking. The thought of jeopardizing a friendship by asking Jack to carry out this dangerous mission weighed heavily on Harry's conscience.

"All good, mate. Just a bunch of old folks, nothing to worry about!"

Jack remained unfazed. In the past, there might have been genuine concern for his safety, but today, it was a walk in the park for him to earn those billions. He even felt a twinge of embarrassment at the simplicity of the task.

"Alright, just stay sharp!"

Observing Jack's nonchalant demeanor, Harry refrained from further comments. After offering a final piece of advice, he turned and entered the elevator.

Back in the living room, Jack sifted through the files Harry had brought along.

As per the intel, Osborn Group had five major shareholders, collectively holding over 10% of the shares. Despite their existing wealth, these individuals still sought more, a common affliction among the affluent, a sentiment Jack could relate to.

"So much money, and they still want to accumulate more," Jack mused, whistling as he casually tossed the information onto the coffee table. The decision was made; he planned to execute the mission later that night.