
Marvel: The Dimensional Mercenary

In a world consumed by chaos and violence, Max, a battle-hardened mercenary, meets a fiery end in a cataclysmic explosion. But death is not the end for him. Awakening in the heart of the Marvel Universe, Max finds himself reborn with extraordinary powers granted by the Doa Doa no Mi devil fruit - the ability to create doors that defy space and time. As he navigates this new reality where mutants like the X-Men exist, Max's presence becomes a game-changer. Gradually Max's powers evolve, unlocking the ability to create dimensional gateways that lead to various movie worlds. As he leaps between dimensions, what he discovers could reshape not only his own fate but the fate of countless worlds. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the Marvel Universe and beyond, as Max embraces his newfound abilities, battles formidable foes, and unlocks the secrets of the dimensional gate in a quest that transcends worlds and defies destiny itself. Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Galaxy_Wonder · Movies
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114 Chs

Still Alive

The bottle smashed accurately against the guy's head, and his face instantly erupted in a gory display.

The sudden violence shocked everyone in the vicinity.

The man who was hit grabbed at the fragments embedded in his skull, blood gushing, and began to curse angrily, "Whoever did this, show yourself!"

Before he could finish his sentence, someone restrained him. Before he could comprehend the situation, Max seized his head and slammed it into the table.

The table exploded into splinters, and the man lay lifeless on the ground.

A stunned silence filled the air.

The bottle incident might have been overlooked in a bar brawl, but the direct table-smashing was a different story.

It was clear that Max was looking for something.

The music abruptly stopped, and several burly men in black approached Max menacingly.

"Kid, do you have a death wish, causing trouble here?" one of them growled, reaching out to grab Max's shoulder and teach him a lesson. However, despite his efforts, Max remained rooted to the spot.

Max regarded the man with surprise before throwing a punch.

The impact was unmistakable; the man's nose collapsed upon contact, and his hefty frame was sent flying.

Blood sprayed into the air as he crashed onto the adjacent table, which shattered under the force of the impact.

His face appeared to be completely caved in, and there was no sign of life.


He was killed on the spot!

As the guests fled in panic, Max grinned, looking at his fist, before striding towards the other men in black.

On the stage, two men in black were dragging away the Mutant girl who was about to perform. Esme's eyes lit up as he approached them.

The two men drew their guns, but they were aimed at each other.

Bang! Bang!

Smoke wafted up as the two collapsed to the ground.

The girl stared blankly at the scene, unable to process what had just happened.

"Hey, don't just stand there. Follow me," Max called out, breaking the silence

Lorna's voice cut through the chaos as she grabbed the girl's hand and leaped off the stage. As they landed, gunshots rang out, but Lorna skillfully deflected the bullets with a wave of her hand, sending them hurtling back towards their source. The sharp sounds of impact were followed by screams as the bullets found their marks.

"Open the door!" Lorna shouted to Max, who was swiftly dispatching attackers nearby.

Glancing over his shoulder, Max delivered a powerful blow, knocking out a thug clad in black.

In the blink of an eye, a door to Max's dimensional space materialized before Lorna.

"Stand here and don't move," Lorna instructed the girl before closing the door, her gaze cold as she faced the approaching gangsters.

Moments later, the bar descended into chaos, with gang members sprawled across the floor. At the door, a well-dressed black man prepared to open it discreetly.

"He's the bar owner and gang boss," Esme whispered.

With a disdainful snort, Lorna sent a fork flying from a nearby table, piercing the man's neck. He collapsed silently, convulsing briefly before lying still.

"Let's go," Max gestured, opening a door to the dimensional space. Inside, they found the rescued girl still standing, albeit shaken.

To someone accustomed to seeing extraordinary sights, having four hands was hardly alarming.

Exiting the bar with the girl in tow, Max stopped after walking several blocks and opened a door.

"You're free to go. Just be careful not to get caught again," Max advised.

"Thank you for saving me, but... why?" the Mutant asked, perplexed.

"Because we're the same," Lorna replied solemnly.

"Thank you," the Mutant said gratefully before swiftly disappearing into the night.

There must be many individuals in situations like hers, or even worse – this is just the tip of the iceberg.

After half an hour, the three met Kitty in a hotel room.

"How did you find this place?" Kitty looked at Max and Lorna in surprise. As for Esme, they were strangers.

"I came looking for you specifically," Max smiled.

"Looking for me? Is there something? You know, as long as I can help, I won't refuse," Kitty said.

Max smiled, "Can you contact Professor X?"

"Professor? The professor is dead," Kitty said, her statement causing shock on the faces of Lorna and Esme. They initially thought Max was seeking the X-Men, not specifically Professor X.

Max smiled and pointed to his head. "Do you know why I developed the Door of the Soul? To prevent Professor X from entering my mind. Trust me, he's still alive, likely with Magneto and Wolverine."

"Really?" Kitty was ecstatic. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You didn't ask," Max replied with a smile.

Kitty inquired, "Who would have thought that you would know this news? How can you be sure that the professor is alive? But, why are you looking for the professor?"

"To save the world from doomsday," Max replied, glancing at Esme, who quickly divulged the details of the Sentry plan.

"Is this for real? The Sentinel project needs to be stopped, but... I can't contact the professor, and I don't even know if he's alive," Kitty expressed frustration.

In the future reversal, the professor had Magneto, Wolverine, and Storm with him. They found Iceman, Kitty, and Blinking Journey, and they should be looking for Storm now.

"Do you know where to find Storm?" Max asked.

Kitty pondered, "I'm not sure. The X-Men disbanded after the Devil Island incident. Everyone went their separate ways. She might be somewhere in Africa."

Finding Storm in Africa without a precise location seemed challenging. Max abandoned the idea and suggested, "Since we can't find the professor, we'll have to bring him to us. Would you mind being an X-Men again, at least temporarily?"

"Definitely don't mind!" Kitty eagerly agreed.

"Follow us back to rest first, and we'll return to Atlanta tomorrow," Max proposed.

"I'm afraid that won't work," Kitty gently declined.



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