
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The Next Day


October 17, 2006

-Peter's POV-

I woke up at 7 in the morning. It has been more than 12 hrs since I got the mutation and everything was pretty normal. I get out of my room and go downstairs. Just took 2 steps on the staircase and I hear something from the TV downstairs-

"... I know you are out there, you ninja-dressed menace. It is the duty of every New Yorker to report the actions of this self-righteous masked murderer, so listen up! As long as J. Jonah Jameson is the CEO of the Daily Bugle Communications, I won't rest until New York has seen the last of this masked murderer....."

And good morning to this J. Jameson loudmouth who prays for my downfall every second of the day. This middle-aged dude is probably more annoying than my internal monologues, but surprisingly, although he hates the Dark Knight, he is pure gold as a person. I mean no corruption-scandals, no hidden deals, nothing.

Hate to admit it but probably his shouting skills made the whole NYPD reorganize themselves and do their work seriously. As this 'cranky pants' was targeting the Dark Knight (me), he covered and showcased each piece of evidence that the ninja (again me) left before criticizing him (yes, it is yours truly) for the murders and everything. Thanks to him, I made it to the top 10 Most Wanted People list of the State.

If I wrote this in the Dark Knight's CV and applied for a position in any criminal organization, he might even get accepted with a good annual package and huge bonuses. Sigh, being a vigilante is too difficult.

He is a headache but the one I need to remind myself if there is any difference between me and those criminals.

Also, I have decided that I am not going to hunt criminals from now onwards. I have realized that it won't help in the long run. The best is to target those who are at the top. Exposing and removing them will bring peace for a longer duration.

Two of my current targets are the Blacksmith and the new kingpin, Wilson Fisk. Of course, if there are people who commit heinous crimes, then I won't mind sending them to the Lord of Hell. Now that I think he might even be happy with me, as I have already fed him more than 250 souls in the past 3 months.

Other criminals? If they did not commit any serious crimes, I gave them a chance by breaking their bones and politely advising them to surrender to the police, if they did not want to die.

Of course, I know some of them will not truly surrender and would just hide in the police station for the lowest punishable crime and some might not even go to the station, but this is on them. If I find them committing any sort of major crime again, they will be paralyzed at the minimum or directly killed.

After coming downstairs I reach out for a chair before sitting down comfortably. This is beautiful, I mean watching Uncle Ben make breakfast and Aunt May enjoy rap music was good. And yes, Aunt May, despite her age loves Eminem.

Looking at me Uncle Ben said, "Good morning Peter, how was the conference yesterday?"

Yesterday I was already sleeping in my room before my aunt and uncle arrived at 2 A.M. They probably had a lot of fun and although I wanted to tease them, I don't have the courage the handle Aunt May's roasts.

Sighing about the fact that I had to leave the conference early, I said, " Good Morning Uncle Ben. Yes, the conference. It was good but I had to return before it could get over. I was feeling a little dizzy, so I came back and slept. Then I woke up, ordered some burgers, ate them, and slept again."

As soon as I completed my sentence, Aunt May stood up and held me with concern, "Are you fine now Peter? You should sleep on time and please do not let all this pressure crush you. So that is why you wanted me to go with Ben alone? Are you sick?..."

Before she starts her lecture, I interrupt her, " I am fine Aunt May, a good night's sleep worked wonders. Also, I can't get sick Aunt May...okay, okay, okay Please do not start with the lecture I will take care of myself. For sure. Promise."

And like this, I have survived the morning and even got a bonus, i.e. no lecture today. Now, time to go to my school. No, like others I don't go to school to learn anything, I already know much more than the University level in every major subject. I just go there to relax I guess. Laughing with my friends, bragging about my merits, and of course, showcasing my talents.

But now I think it is time to move on. I can't remain in school for 2 more years. It will just waste my time. Although going to college too will not teach me anything new but yeah, it can speed things up. So, I have decided to graduate early and have already applied to both Oscorp (my sponsor), and my high school counselor. I am expecting a confirmation before Christmas, so I can write all of my exams together next time.

After eating and bickering with my Aunt, I take my school bag and rush outside. As always, I will cycle to school. It is a part of my regular training. But today as I had to control my strength to not break it unintentionally, I left early.

Sigh! Being a superhuman is really not easy. Sometimes I wonder if there was an elective for people related to "Basics of being a Superhuman" but then which normal school would teach that.

Taking my cycle out slowly, I start peddling it very carefully. A single peddle was enough to gain a speed equal to that of professional cyclists. And yes, my cycle could handle that much. Of course, that was to be expected as the one which I have costed me around 5000 dollars. It was the latest and most advanced leisure cycle out there.

I feel like bragging about my new 5000-dollar cycle but then I am reminded of the hours of lectures I will have to hear from my aunt. No! I cannot handle those lectures. My Uncle already knew about the cycle and even helped me in buying it. So, if even by mistake, I tell her the cost of this cycle while bragging then, Uncle Ben and I will surely be kicked out of the house for a day.