
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

New Abilities and Upgrades- 3

11) Superhuman Jump- Peter's physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several tens of stories in a single bound. Of course, some others like the Hulk who created havoc 2 years ago, could jump even greater heights due to their strength.

12) Camouflage- Due to his previous ninjutsu training and chi, Peter developed a new ability that he did not have in the memories from the future. This was the ability to blend in with the surroundings (including his clothing). Of course, he was already trained as a ninja who usually hides and has to remain unseen most of the time, the resulting effect of this ability closely resembled that of invisibility.

13) Electric Hands and legs- Possibly due to the effect of chi on the mutation, he is now able to generate and manipulate a form of bio-electricity that his body produces, and can utilize the energy for multiple purposes. This bio-electricity can be used to shock anyone. The intensity of the shock depends on his intentions. Also, after testing, he found out that this bio-electricity needed conductors and could not in any case travel through the air. Also, the amount of bio-electricity is closely linked to his energy levels. Peter's body might be fatigue resistant to a very high degree but it does not mean that he can work at his peak without regular intakes of energy (nutrition), and rests.

--> Electric Punches and kicks- He can use this to enhance his punching and kicking speed or give them a 'shocking' effect.

--> He can even use this to charge small batteries and with this, he could possibly use many smaller gadgets without ever thinking of charging them. Of course, the energy intake of the device has to be small and he could not charge more than 4 such gadgets at this point.

--> As an offshoot of this ability, he is also more resistant to electric shocks.

14) Chi Manipulation- Parker's ability to absorb chi from the surroundings has increased. He can also manipulate it in his body easily. Despite, not reaching the level of master in chi, all his abilities are virtually further enhanced by the use of chi.

15) Web Crawling- Like a spider, he is also able to stick to virtually any surface and crawl across it. The extent to how much pressure he can stick to walls is unknown as of now, except that he can handle lifting twice his weight by sticking both hands and feet. If he is alone without any significant weight, he can walk straight on any surface. Maybe after practicing and developing, he may be able to develop some offensive capabilities from this power, but at this point, he can just stick and crawl across it.

16) Quick Processing- He already had a photographic memory and an enhanced brain, but now his learning and analyzing speed is truly superhuman. He could master entire subjects/concepts in a matter of days at his fastest and weeks if he takes it slow.

17) Superhuman Coordination- His coordination between his mind, body and reflexes is beyond even some of the superheroes.

At this point, Peter Parker was one of the strongest guys in New York and his potential was the highest. This time he was more powerful, had more skill and more knowledge.


-Peter's POV-

"Hey, old man I am definitely better than you now. Of course, as I am the magnanimous Peter Parker, I would not fight you out. Thou shalt respect thy pupil from now, hehe." I tried being cheeky with my drunk master, but he already knows I respect him a lot.

My master replied, "Don't act weird boy. There are many people in the world. You have to understand that getting cocky will only make you a di*k. Besides, we both know you can improve those new powers, so get yourself back in the training mood."

Of course, I had to get back at him, "Hey, I know you want me to learn a lesson or something but don't call me that. Also, why are you so obsessed with them old man? You have really become a pervert who talks dirty with underage kids!"


I dodge an incoming attack and took a step back. Of course, I will never intentionally beat or hurt this weird old man. He taught me all of the skills that have developed after the spider bite. He is already the one person on Earth that I trust with all my heart, after Uncle Ben and Aunt May. I also somehow know that he is proud that I am stronger than him in certain aspects now, and in a few months would be able to easily beat him. So, deciding not to tease him anymore, I ask him about my training schedule.

" Training? Sparring with me daily, until you can beat me in a minute, without damaging the surroundings. You will also have to restrict the use of your danger sense and healing factor to the bare minimum, i.e. only to survive fatal strikes. This is because I will give it my all and despite you being virtually stronger than me in most aspects, I might still be able to injure you heavily or even kill you. Plus there is a deadline. You have to defeat before the coming New Year." Master said seriously.

Flooding with confidence, I say smugly, "You seriously undermine my abilities, don't you? Challenge Accepted. Forget about New Year, I will defeat you in just one month. But why the deadline though? Is there something urgent, don't you need the most powerful student on Earth to help you in this?"

Continuing further, I teased him, "You are definitely hiding something from your student, master. But you probably forgot that I was super smart. I have figured it out. Hehehe. It's probably about a girl. I mean, why else would you want some free time after this New Year. Are you going to propose? Hey, does she know your age....."

Before I could speak more, he punched me. Then, we fought again. This time, although I was at an advantage, neither of us could even touch each other. Also, my old master did not say a word about why he gave me a deadline. Probably he will tell me only after I complete his challenge.

After an hour of sparring, I finally told him that I will go back home or Aunt May might get worried. Although she went on a date with Uncle Ben, I have already been out for more than 4 hrs and they might return very soon. Running back home, I reached my room in just 1 minute and 10 seconds after avoiding any cameras or the public.