
Marvel: Tempest to Stark

What if the Rimuru Tempest the Great Forest got wasn't the one it's supposed to get, so it got corrected and the unknown soul got sent to Marvel with its current skills. currently only updating on Monday-sometimes Friday. Ironman 1/Done Ironman 2/In Progress Avengers Ironman 3 I do not own anything from marvel or that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · Movies
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17 Chs


Through coms will be slanted.

As I flew higher I seen that Tony missed some so I shot lightning out of my fingers to disable there hover crafts.

"POWER!!!" I always wanted to do that.

("You left a mess behind you. I'm not Pepper you knows")

("Not the time.")

("There's always time.")

("they aren't going to stop coming. I'll fly down to make a perimeter.")

("Go! I'll keep who I can busy.")

I flew down and released some what I call mixed clones. I found a way to mix my clones with sorcery illusions that I can control. Together I can control them at a longer distance. They can't use any abilities but they can act independently.

There job is to save as many citizens as possible.

(They keep coming through.)

(Noticed. Let's give them a greeting.)

I flew right against the tower to go straight up to the portal.

Once above the tower I released a huge flaming tornado, taking out the incoming group.

I heard something so I look down to see the jet that Steve, Natasha, and Clint are in crashing down.

I stopped the tornado and flew towards them.

I got as close as I could, then opened a huge portal for them to go through that put them on the street, then I wrapped Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak around the jet to stop them.

I flew through and landed at the ramp of the jet.

S. "We need to get back up there!"

"No stay down here dad and I can handle the skys there's to many down here already to worry about the sky's."

{loud mechanical Growl.}

(That's big.)


(That makes the Orc Lord look small.)


I took off the try and cut it off, to meet it going down Stark Tower.

I released miniature missiles and a mixture of black lightning and dark flames.

(Am I getting anywhere?)

(You need more power. It's shell is very strong.)


I let it pass to turn around after it passed to follow.

It released a bunch of human shaped mechanical monsters.

I shot out lightning that went through most of them.

I then shot missiles to get the others.

S"Stark you seeing this?"

T"Seeing still working on believing. Where is Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"He's close by I saw him."

T"You heard her. Keep me posted."

I let Tony try to find a way through that giant worms armor, while I worked on the ones on the side of buildings.

I flew by a bank on ninth and saw a bunch of civilians trapped by the Chitauri already.

I threw my sword at the ground.

(Send three clones to help.)

(On it. Also Banner is having trouble coming in.)

(I don't want him to turn yet. Make him a path, the clones are noncombatant so push them if needed.)




("Any luck on getting through that shell?")

("Currently no. I need a soft spot and I'm not finding any.")

S" what's the story upstairs?"

Thor." The how are surrounding the cube Is inpenetrable."

T"Thors right we have to deal with these guys."

"There has to be away we just have to find it but unfortunately we can't focus on it due to the incoming Army."

N."How do we do that?"

S"As a team."

(Banner is approaching the ground team.)

(Good. It's time to group up.)

After I cleared the floor I was on, I left the building to meet up with the ground group.


As I jumped out the window.

S"Statk we got him."

T" Banner?"

S" Just like you said."

T"Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you"

As I rounded a building I see Tony bring the giant worm right at them.

Then Bruce transforms into the Hulk and punches it square in its face stopping it and its backend raises in the air.

A piece of its armor broke off, revealing its skin, and Tony sent a missile to it, blowing it up.

A bunch of debris got sent out heading right towards everyone on the ground so I made a shield and made it as big as possible sending it out straight in front of them from the sky.

The team circled up, with me and Tony deciding from the sky land on either side of Steve.

(So cool! Did you record that for later.)

(Are you serious?)

(You know I am.)


(Don't sigh at me.)

We all looked up to see more giant worms and my riders pouring out of the portal.

T" Call out. Captain."

"All right. Listen up.

until we can close that portal up there our priority is containment.

Barton, I want you on that roof. I was on everything. Pull out patterns and strays.

Stark. you got the perimeter. anything is past three blocks you turn it back or you turn it to Ash."

(New perimeter.)


Clint." Can you give me a lift?"

T"Right. butter clench up, Legolas."

S"Thor, Rimuru. We need to try to bottleneck that portal. We need to sell him down.

You got the lightning like those bastards up."

I looked at him. "Ready?"


(How much should the suit handle?)

(You designed it to be able to handle your black lightning. using the skill Thor god of thunder, I don't know how much it could handle.)

(Keep watch.)

Then I shot up and floated in mid air.

I called for my sword to use, to direct the lightning.

I called a huge amount of lightning to me until I got tools it was almost too much then I raised my sword towards the portal and released it to meet up with Thors frying all the small ones and two worms then pushing back the other worms.

(That's fun. Let's find some more.)



As I flew they formed a line behind me so flipped over to face the sky and threw my showed at them killing half, then called it back to go through the other half.

I just smiled.

I seen a worm coming towards me and had an idea.

(You need a closer look to know it's weak points correct?)



I suddenly stoppped. Then a huge purple spiral made out of mist formed in front of my hand.[Gluttony.]

(There you go analyze it.)

C" There's a squadron down on eighth street having a party."

"I love parties. my invitation must of got lost in the mail. I'll swing on by to say hi."

(I'll hear about your Analysis after I deal with this party.)

When I showed up the squad was rounding up civilians.

So I waved my hand in front of me and six mystical swords appeared in front of me. Then they went straight through the six who were holding onto civilians.

I then proceeded to cut power to my thrusters landing and I spanned my hands on the ground sending dark flames into the ground to appear under the enemy to fry them from there feet up.

I looked down the street to see three running away. I locked on and sent missiles.

(Ok. Give it to me.)

I found a big one and tried what I was suggested.

I made tiny lightning bolts surrounded with flames, with rot coding them and I flung them into its eyes.

Then it fell from the sky.

(Good job. Anything else?)





After an hour the national guard finally showed up. But they didn't help too much in putting a dent in the ever growing numbers.

I flew by Thor and threw a mystical shield to him to have it stay next to him.

"Hit it."

When he hit it it sent a line of energy at the oncoming attackers.


I came next to Tony and nodded down and we flew closer to the ground taking some that was in our way until we made it more to the center. We landed and I made two shields and Tony fired his beams at them and I amplified and redirected them to mow down the ones around us.

Then we took off in opposite directions taking some off the buildings.

I used my Sword cutting through them along the way.




A worm was coming straight at me with its mouth open to eat me. I smiled with a plan.

I gather lightning in both of my hands and hit them together to send the lightning straight into its mouth down its body.

What I wasn't expecting for it to blow up sending me to the ground.

I instantly started getting dog piles by the surrounding army, and a group of air borns covered the sky's constantly firing at me.

I slashed, fired all my weapons but they kept coming and I couldn't get away due to the shots from above pushing me down.

(You should know that there's a missile heading straight from New York, and your father plans on guiding it into the portal.)


("Sorry. I have to")

My frustration hit its peak and I broke.

I'm frustrated at the fact I can't get out of this intrapmemt.

I'm frustrated at the fact I've been to three different universes. I never got to say goodbye to anyone before I was off to the next who says that won't happen again.

I'm frustrated that Tony keeps putting himself in situations were his death is very high.

I Released my aura and a huge amount of flames.

Disintegrating everything it touched.

(That felt good.)

I looked up to see Tony scaling Stark Tower.

(All power to the thrusters.)

As I flew closer to Tony, I know it is that I'm more tired than I should be.

(Anything wrong with me?)

(You're in perfect health. It's just that your recent outburst used up a lot of out Magicules.)

(Oh! But I still have ey for now?)

(As long as you don't over do it you'll be fine.)

(Thanks for the heads up. I want more power I need speed.)

Before we left the atmosphere I canceled a lot of power and sent it to Tony to cause a short in his suit.

I didn't hit him in time and we made it through before I made him fall back to me and I wrapped thread around him to hops him while I finished the mission.

I then made a wing tunnel that guided the Missile straight straight into the mother ship.

(Systems failing.)

Then we fell right back through the hole.

As we passed through the portal started to shut and you could see the mother ship explode as it closed.

(Fix my systems.)

(Working on it.)

I looked down to see ground get closer and closer.


I grabbed Tony in a Bear hug and turned us around to where my back was facing the ground.

But it never came. What did come is a loud Hulk roar right before he grabbed us out of mid air and slowed artist sent with the building, and then threw us off of him onto the ground.