I'll fill this out later
Peter POV
Aunt May spent most of her time looking after me...
I understood her, first my parents, then Uncle Ben...
so just the thought of losing me would make her panic, and I was all she had left, and she was all I had left too...
But I'm not a child, there's no need to watch me all the time...
then Connor...
yeah, that guy was strange, first, he punches Flash, then the two miraculously become friends, then it turns out he was pretty smart...
smarter than me...
I couldn't figure him out.
Then all of a sudden everything went haywire.
It took a spider bite boosted with I don't know what, to make me even weirder than before...
May became even more protective, and Connor started to advise me on certain things...
besides the fact that he kind of saved me a lot of trouble, I didn't know how to deal with him.
The guy had all the technological toys, he had even created some of them himself!
Very quickly I realized that my newly acquired powers were influencing my way of thinking, where I would have run away, I was fighting...
Where I would have turned a blind eye, I intervened.
I used to be just Peter the nerd...
but since I got these powers...
I feel like...
At school, I was disconnected from reality...
at home too...
everything became too much...
my grades slowly started to drop.
I knew why, why I felt that way...
within a week I understood the burden of having superpowers...
if something bad happens and I don't intervene then...
was it happening because of me?
I mean I had the ability to stop it...
but I just didn't do anything about it.
Don't do anything stupid, that's what he told me...
Yeah, to someone else!
He didn't know what it was like to have powers and know that all those people were going through what they were going through because I hadn't saved them...
Yeah, it was easy for him...
Because I couldn't stand being passive anymore...
I had to make a choice!
Keep my eyes closed or open them, but if I opened them then there was no turning back.
Looking around the edge of the building, I saw the streets of New York!
The busy life of this city, my city.
"It's just a leap, a leap of faith," I thought as I gained momentum to jump from the roof.
Looking at my web shooters made from two of Uncle Ben's old watches, I checked them one last time, then started to run!
"no turning back!" I shouted in my mind, as I dashed from the empire state building.
Screaming like a madman, I aimed with my web shooters and pulled the trigger!
The web tightened instantly, and I began my first swing!
''Hello, New York!" I shouted as passersby looked up at me.
1 week later.
{SPIDER-MAN! menace or criminal?!}
I gritted my teeth as I read the front page of the 'Daily Buggle' newspapers, I had arrested more criminals in 5 days than a policeman in a month...
I felt good, I had a sense of pride in what I was doing.
But of course, this guy came and put crazy ideas in people's heads!
Ringing the doorbell, I waited for someone to answer and it was Connor who came.
Hi," he said, a little annoyed. Hi," I replied.
He waved me in, so I followed him inside his 'lab'.
''so... Spider-man?'' he said, yeah of course he knew...
''yeah... I found that adequate.'' I replied because there was no point in lying.
"I told you so..." he began, "no!
''Look Connor, if you asked me to come for a morale lesson then... I'd better go.'' I replied with a clear and precise tone.
''yeah... come follow me,'' he told me as he went further into his lab.
Then he started talking as he walked. ''I knew you would do something stupid, but... I understand.''
''No! You don't understand! You don't understand what it's like to...'' I started to get angry.
To have power and do nothing with it?" he asked with amusement, I was speechless at the time but he continued. Or to tell you that you could save a lot of people? But you don't do anything about it... so what?! Do you think it's your fault?
Don't tell me you've...'' at the time I thought he had replicated my powers on himself, but he stopped me dead in my tracks.
No, nothing like that, you know Peter, you hear everything in your neighborhood..." he said with a hint of displeasure.
I nodded slowly.
I can hear everything on the planet,'' he said as he floated up in the air in front of me.
I was speechless!
From pleading to crying, and other stuff you don't want to know or experience.'' he stopped floating and landed gently on the ground.
''wow, wait! No, yes... okay...'' was all I could say at the time.
I understood better why he had helped me and why he advised me almost twice a day...
I'm a moron...'' I said, lowering my head in shame.
Peter, you're the second smartest guy I've ever met, you couldn't know that, and I usually keep it a secret and so should you... including from Ned.'' I raised an eyebrow.
''since when... Are you? I was curious.
''almost five months already, at first I thought it would be cool and all, I even wanted to go save as many people as possible, but I didn't, after thinking about it.''
''Wh...Why?'' I asked but I was afraid of his answer.
''Why? Because I wasn't ready and I'm still not ready, I have to think of my family first, and even if I think I'm ready I'll never be ready enough.''
I understand...'' I said with my head down...
After a little silence, he told me that it was okay.
''By the way, what can you do exactly?" I asked with great curiosity, simply because the guy had just broken the laws of gravity in front of me!
"Flying... then something else useful like going fast.''
''Cool, fast, but how fast?" immediately he appeared before my eyes as if he had teleported!
''Does that answer your question?" he asked but it was rhetorical, so I just nodded.
''Come, I have a surprise for you," he said, reminding me why I was there.
We entered a room in his laboratory.
Hi everyone!
Thanks for reading chapter 10 which I thought was really bad so to forgive me I'm putting this here...