
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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woman heart ,neeedle on the seabed

I suddenly found that you parasitizing me is not a bad thing." Natasha looked at her new dress and said happily.

"Symbiosis! Symbiosis venom retorts.

Natasha curled her lips and said perfunctorily, "yes, symbiosis, symbiosis!"

Looking up at the sky, Natasha touched her stomach, which she had not eaten for a day and a night, and walked towards a fast food restaurant.

"I can copy other people's genes and acquire their abilities. As a top agent of aegis, you should know something, right?" venom said slowly in Natasha's ear.

Venom is a symbiont. The more hosts that have been symbiotic, the stronger it is.

And when venom was living with Johnson, he also searched the Internet. There was no iron man, mutant, and so on.

Even iron man didn't come out, let alone hawk, spider-man, magic four, and so on.

In addition, venom is not sure that this marvel movie universe pack does not contain the story of X-Men, so the only thing he can be sure of is Natasha. Now it turns out that this is really a good choice.

Half an hour later, Natasha wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, and her side was covered with hamburger packages. Now she had at least 20 or 30 hamburgers before she felt full.

Natasha was a little embarrassed when she looked at the people around her. After all, she had too much to eat.

Such a hamburger, adult men, eat about two, drink a coke, almost full.

What about her? She ate at least 20 hamburgers, nearly 30, and even drank seven or eight drinks. Although she didn't care about the money, she was afraid of getting fat!

Natasha shivered subconsciously at the thought of those who had gained four or five hundred pounds because of eating these things.

She doesn't want to be like this. What a woman, a beautiful woman, cares about most is her figure and appearance.

"I don't remember when I had such a big appetite. It was very normal before. But after you entered my body, my appetite soared to this level. It's not because of you." Natasha asked coldly, squinting.

If so, she would rather not have this kind of power, but also let the ghost out of her body.

If not, when you become a fat man of four or five hundred jin, you will be too late to repent.

"Is there a little bit of spicy factor? After all, you're consuming less energy, and you can't maintain your current life activities. And with your financial conditions, I'm afraid you don't have to worry about eating at all. " venom light explanation way.

"What do you know? Do you really think that women eat less just because of money? " Natasha said rather depressed, she did not know how to explain to this alien, why women eat less.

"Then why? "You seem to have a small appetite, so you can support yourself?" venom asks curiously.

"It's really an alien creature. As long as a girl reaches a certain age, she will eat less. It's not because of money, but because she's afraid of getting fat. Fat is a woman's biggest natural enemy. But even if you say that you alien creature can't understand it." Natasha said rather depressed, feeling that her future is worrying.

Natasha had a headache at the thought of her fat figure" Oh, you say you're afraid of getting fat. You don't have to worry about that. Don't say you just order food. If you eat ten cows a day, you won't lose shape. " venom suddenly, as a straight man for a long time, he really does not understand this point, eat less, venom thought that girls have such a big appetite.

I'm afraid of getting fat.

"Well? Do you mean, you can also prevent obesity? " Natasha said in surprise, her voice rising a little.

This attracted the attention of the people around her. Natasha got up quickly and left the fast-food restaurant after checking out.

My heart was still a little excited and said with emotion: "now I suddenly find that you are not a bad thing in my body. You can change countless clothes and prevent obesity. Even if you don't want any strength, I will leave you on me."


venom's face is muddled. She didn't want to talk about it before. How can she take the initiative to talk about it now?

A woman's heart, a seafloor needle, can't touch it!

As a single dog and straight man for a long time, venom has no idea how much she attaches importance to her body's meat and clothing.

If you gain a few pounds, you have to go on a diet to lose weight. When you go out of the door, you have to look at all kinds of clothes in the wardrobe and try them on. From time to time, you sigh that you have no clothes to wear.

Clothes full of wardrobe:???

Natasha was walking along the road when she suddenly frowned and someone was following her.

As a top-secret agent, Natasha is extremely keen on tracking and anti-tracking. After pondering for a moment, Natasha begins to walk towards the place with few people.

She wants to see who is following her, and the tracking technology is really bad. As long as she wants to get rid of her tail every minute, she doesn't want to do so. Now she needs some people to practice.

In the streets and alleys, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians around.

The people who followed her can't wait to show up.

With the sound of walking, more than a dozen big men slowly surrounded Natasha, including black people and white people.

One of them, Natasha, is a little familiar.

"Boss, this is bichi." A black man pointed at Natasha, his face full of flattery.

Natasha remembered that this guy was the one she had taught not long ago, and now she even wants to trouble her?

"High-quality goods, bitches, let's play with you. It's over. Maybe you'll like our big guy and serve us for free." The black man at the head, holding a cigarette in his mouth, joked.

Natasha's face sank, and these people's words angered her.

Originally, her control ability was pretty good, this kind of foul language can't irritate her, but this time it makes her a little angry.

This is also the subtle influence of venom, and his ambition is more than that. Since he chose Natasha, it is because venom thinks that Natasha is easier to control and wants to master him? It's impossible.

"Do you want to show the real power of our combination? Let these bastards experience some hardships and lessons. " venom timely bewitching way" Good Natasha nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, the venom did not hesitate. The black fluid quickly covered Natasha's whole body. Natasha changed from a beautiful woman to a ferocious monster.

Feeling the endless sense of power, Natasha was a little intoxicated. She felt that she could blow up a car with one blow, even though it was actually OK.