
marvel super venom

Yang Han woke up and found that he had traveled to the Marvel world and turned into venom. He discovered that it was still an enhanced version of venom. It was able to absorb the genes of any superpower, become its own power, and live in symbiosis with humans, and he could give humans a superhuman appearance—the power of.

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Marvel Super Venom Chapter 49

Blonsky vomited blood and looked at the Hulk not far away. A trace of resentment flashed in his heart and he completely fainted. This time, he was too badly injured, and most of his bones were broken. Even with the lizard's self-healing factor, he could not recover quickly.

Hawk stretched out a hand to Betty. Betty stood up without thinking. Hawk growled at Rose and took Betty to disappear in his sight.

With a gloomy look, general Ross punched the steel plate of the armored vehicle and said in a deep voice, "take bronsky and get the team back to base!"

In the distance watching all this Natasha look strange, unstoppable hawk, was such a woman to accept?

"This... Is really a dramatic end." Natasha drew from the corner of her mouth, unable to express her feelings at the moment.

"There is an old Chinese saying that heroes are sad about beauty pass. That's it." venom is not at all surprised, because he has known for a long time that Hawk is so angry that he will not listen to anyone, but he will listen to women, one is Betty, the other is Natasha.

Of course, this is the story of the future.

Now, not even Natasha, only Betty can calm hawk down.

"But this guy ran away again, and I don't know when I will meet him again. I feel like this mission has failed again. " Natasha said helplessly.

"The military will find him. As long as he wants to eliminate the problem of gamma radiation, he will be caught by the military. Not to mention, he also has a cousin in, and involved in the dispute about gangs venom said lightly.

Natasha nodded. She was not a fool. On the contrary, she was very smart. She couldn't be in a hurry about Benner.


On the other side.

Dr. Connors is sitting in his home. He is under house arrest by the military for abusing drugs to make the lizard man.

And asked him to make the serum again.

But he just refused, and then he was put under house arrest.

"According to our investigation, this lizard man first appeared from the disabled veterans' hospital. As we all know, the disabled veterans hospital of New York City is sponsored by the Osborne group. It is not clear what role the Osborne group played in the incident. It is reported that the police have launched an investigation into the Osborne group. "

"According to the informant who refused to be named, this mutant lizard soldier may be Lieutenant Joseph recuperating in the disabled veterans' hospital. Lieutenant Joseph used to be an excellent soldier, but he retired because his spine was broken and his legs were lost when he was on duty a few days ago

"Damn capitalists, damn military!" Dr. Connors saw the news and couldn't help cursing.

He is a man of principle and will never yield to these powers.

But he can't do anything except to scold. He is just a scholar, a scholar with knowledge. If there is a fight, he may not even win a high school student.


There was a loud noise outside the room, followed by a burst of gunfire.

Dr. Connors doesn't know what happened, but he knows that he's in a bad situation.

Soon, the gunfire stopped, and the door of his room was directly destroyed by violence. A lizard man appeared in front of him, reached for Dr. Connors, and said with a grim smile, "Dr. Connors, I need your help."" no What do you want to do? " Dr. Connors tried to resist, but to no avail.

Then the military came back here, only a cave leading to the underground ditch, and a pile of slaughtered bodies, as well as huge footprints and traces of reptile claws

"Damn lizard man!" The people of the military couldn't help cursing when they saw the messy ground.

But there was no way. Who could have expected the lizard man to take Dr. Connors away?

"Hey, what are you doing?" Asked Dr. Connors, looking at the lizard man.

The lizards didn't mean to hurt him.

"I want you to study the serum for me." Said Joseph, lizard man.

"This is no problem. If I am not under house arrest, I think I will continue to study the serum until it is perfect." Said Dr. Connors, nodding.

"No! I'm not asking you to help me with this. I want you to develop an instrument that can turn New York into a lizard man. " Joseph said coldly.

"No! I'm not going to help you. Maybe I can help you find an antidote and make you recover. " Dr. Connors tried to make the terms.

"Antidote? Back to Joseph Jameson? You think too much, doctor. You will help me The lizard man grinned and went deeper and deeper into the sewer in New York.


New York, second military base, medical emergency room.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, the military doctor turned to see that it was general Ross, and stood up in a hurry to salute, "general Ross!"

"How's bronsky?" General Rose's face was solemn. Through the window of the emergency room, he looked at the naked man lying on the instrument of the large platform with the infusion tube all over his body.

"Now he is still in a severe coma, with multiple comminuted fractures in his body. It's just strange that there is a strange force in his body that constantly repairs his body, but his injury is too serious. If he doesn't have that strong desire for survival, he is dead now." The military doctor didn't hide anything and shook his head regretfully.

General Ross heard the words, silent for a moment, eyes firm voice: "give him a look at the super soldier, try again. Increase the dosage. "

"Super soldier potion?" Military doctor Leng Leng, some incredible said: "his success can be said to be lucky, if the second injection, there is a great possibility that he will never wake up."

"That's the only way." General Ross said in a deep voice: "he asked me to give him a second injection before he fought with hawk. I didn't promise him in order to seek stability. Now! This is his only chance, even if he is awake now, he will agree with my choice. "

"Well, I see. I'll get ready now! " The military doctor nodded, prepared the super soldier medicine and injected him again.

The second injection of super soldier medicine, general Ross does not think that bronsky can survive, can survive the first time, it is extremely lucky.

The second time, for him, there was no doubt that he would die.

"Good luck, soldier." General Ross straightened his cap, took a test tube blood sample from bronsky, and walked out quickly. These blood samples can make the super soldier medicine better.

At least it can make the success rate of this medicine higher.