
Marvel: Striking a Deal with Tom Cat from Day One

Exploring the world of American comics, you start as a Level 10 outlaw working for S.H.I.E.L.D. You're stuck in prison until the end of your life. But then, something big happens! You use Gold Finger to make a deal with a clever cat named Tom. You can trade dried fish for medicine to get stronger and cheese for a cool laser gun. If Tom likes you enough, you can even call him for help. Iron Man is really mad because Tom made a perfect copy of his Mark 3 suit with just a hammer! Thor tried to split Tom into four pieces, but all four parts fought back together. Even the Hulk, accidentally stepping on Tom, ended up getting beat up because Tom trained for three days and got tougher. Everyone's amazed at how tough and sneaky Tom is, even more than a legendary monster!

sabina_ali · Movies
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61 Chs

Chapter 54 An Exciting Plan

A soul is floating in the air, with Bruce Banner on the front and Hulk on the back. At the moment, both of them have their eyes closed, and their whole bodies are wrapped in a rich Chaos force. The entire soul, as time goes by, becomes a little more positive. A point is divided into two.

Separating souls is a very troublesome process. Even Locke needs to concentrate on it without any carelessness.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a complete soul was completely split in two and turned into two relatively thin souls.

"Pa!" With a snap of his fingers, the two souls who had been forced into sleep woke up at the same time.

Bruce Banner and Hulk, the two grudges who had been entangled for several years, met head-on for the first time and looked at each other.

Bruce Banner is full of complex expressions, while Hulk is very simple and disgusting. I am too lazy to look at Bruce Banner again. two

Hulk Hulk looked at Locke and patted his chest: "You didn't treat Hulk as a monster, but you helped Hulk. Hulk will help you fight in the future!"

Locke smiled slightly: "Okay, you will meet many friends who can make you fight happily in the future."

Hulk's big face suddenly showed a naive and excited smile: "Hulk likes you!"

Locke looked at Bruce Banner again: "Although you two have successfully separated, a complete soul is now divided into two, and you will fall into a special state of soul exhaustion and weakness."

"In order to repay your love for the creation of Hulk, I will help you fill in a missing soul."

A crystal appeared out of thin air in Locke's hand. Locke squeezed it gently, and the crystal shattered into powder. With a wave of his hand, it floated into the two souls.

Suddenly, Bruce Banner's originally weak soul felt a full and full sense of comfort.

After doing this, Locke took another drop of Bruce Banner's blood, and a trace of Hulk's soul, and used Chaos force to activate it. Suddenly, the drop of blood expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a complete... body of a green giant.

"Okay, return to the physical body. From now on, the two of you will be two 760 individuals who are free from each other.'

With a wave of his hand, he slapped the two souls into their respective bodies. Hulk took the lead in taking control of his body, opened his eyes, and started moving excitedly on the spot.

"Hulk is free, Hulk likes this feeling!"

The excited Hulk releases his power inadvertently, causing devastating blows to the surrounding tables, chairs, and the ground.

Locke didn't care about this either, he just looked at this scene with a smile.

Finally, Bruce Banner also opened his eyes, stood up with support on the sofa, feeling the empty feeling in his body that he had not felt for a long time, and his expression became more and more complicated.


The Hulk on the side saw Bruce Banner, glanced at him coldly, and didn't even bother to talk to him.

Ever since he knew that he was not a 'disease', the accumulated resentment completely exploded. Hulk completely ignored Bruce Banner and did not transform even once.

And this is the most serious thing. The ultimate level of resentment is never making a big fuss, but being annoying just by looking at it.

"How will you treat Hulk in the future?" Bruce Banner couldn't help but ask, perhaps driven by guilt or some complicated emotions.

Locke just glanced at him: "Don't worry, Hulk will live a better life with me than you imagine. He will be the most powerful warrior under my command and one of the future Hellfire generals."

Bruce Banner couldn't help but frown: "You are taking advantage of Hulk!"

Before Locke could say anything, Hulk impatiently interrupted: "Shut up, you weakling, Hulk likes to fight!"

Bruce Banner's mouth suddenly twitched. He could understand how much Hulk hated him now. The corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything in the end.

People like each other, one appreciates the other, and the other just likes to fight for the other. No matter how much he talks, it seems to be of no use.

"Then can I leave now?" (bjai)

Locke waved his hand: "You can do it anytime~"

Bruce Banner nodded, looked at Hulk again, turned and left.

Just as he walked to the door, Locke's voice suddenly came.

"Now that the Hulk Hulk has left your body, it does not mean that a new Hulk will not be born."

Bruce Banner couldn't help but look back: "What does this mean?"

"That's something you should ask yourself."

Bruce Banner suddenly fell into deep thought. Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed.

He thought of a problem. In order to solve Hulk's problem, he once gave a blood sample to Dr. Lan.

Now that the problem is solved, the appearance of Dr. Blue's blood has become a problem. With Dr. Blue's wisdom, it is really possible to create another Hulk.

When he thought of this, Bruce Banner couldn't stay any longer and left in a hurry.

Looking at the other party's back as he hurriedly left, Luo Ke's mouth curled up with an inexplicable arc.


"You seem to have special arrangements for him?" A voice suddenly sounded, and with this voice, Wanda's hot body appeared beside Locke out of thin air.

Locke glanced at Wanda, stretched out one hand, and pulled Wanda directly into his arms.

Wanda struggled immediately, but the intensity of her struggle was, how should I put it, soft and weak, like a cute kitten.

Locke didn't seem to notice Wanda's struggle, and turned to look at the green fat man next to him: "Hulk, when you go out, someone will introduce you to your new home. Get used to the environment here first, and then I will introduce you to some new friends. "

The green fat man nodded obediently and curiously: "Okay."

For the first person in his life who recognized him and treated him well, the green fat man who was always considered to be irritable and crazy showed no signs of being irritable at all and was very obedient.

When the green fat man left, Locke tightened his arms around the slender waist.

"You're right, I do have plans for Bruce Banner.'

"What arrangement?"

"The foundation for Hellfire's reconstruction has been prepared and can be completed at any time, but how to rebuild is a problem [finding a few people to hold ten parties? That's not good enough."

"Our new Hellfire should announce the emergence of the new Hellfire to the whole world with an absolute gesture that will shock the world!"

"Bruce Banner is one of the important members I selected for this grand ceremony!"

Wanda's eyes were filled with brilliance. She liked the current posture of the man in front of her, he was domineering, confident and charming.

"Does it require any further preparation?"


"All it takes is Bruce Banner to show up. General Ross, who has always loved Bruce Banner deeply, will discover his traces as soon as possible. When General Ross finds Bruce Banner, the blood samples sent by Bruce Banner in advance will It is the source of disaster, which will give birth to a monster stronger than the normal Hulk!"

"Stronger than the normal Hulk!" Wanda looked surprised.

You must know that the normal Hulk has a combat power of 200. This combat power has far exceeded that of Master of Illusion, one of the four generals of Hellfire. Even Wanda, who is in charge of the Chaos force, has a basic combat power that is not much different from this number. .

Locke nodded. Abomination's combat power was much stronger than that of the normal Hulk, not only because the other party used the incomplete super soldier strengthening potion in advance, but also because the other party was a senior soldier king and had strong combat literacy.

All kinds of factors add up, and once Abomination is born, its combat power is guaranteed to reach 250 [it is even possible to reach a combat power close to 300].

"You can imagine the consequences of an out-of-control Surface First Class, and one that is not weak among the Surface First Class. Once it goes berserk, it will have consequences."


Just thinking about it, Wanda couldn't help but take a deep breath.

At that time, the Hulk went berserk and almost killed an army. If there was a stronger existence than the normal Hulk, it would definitely be a terrible disaster!

"When the rampaging monster is almost done, when everyone is shrouded in despair, what better time than this to declare Hellfire to the whole world!

"At that time, all you need to do is send out a Hellfire general at will! With an absolutely powerful attitude, he can crush and defeat the rampaging monster head-on. The first impression of any force or country towards Hellfire is that it is powerful and fearful!"

Wanda was silent for a long time. She didn't know why, but she felt inexplicably excited. This was no better than Bo Ran!

A force that is so powerful that the whole world is in awe, the first thing in this world is to announce its birth with a powerful gesture similar to saving the world.

Moreover, as a force, you don't need to be coerced by public opinion like a superhero, you will only get fear and awe, which is no more enjoyable than joining that superhero alliance!

As for whether this plan is just, is Wanda, known as Scarlet Witch, really a positive character? Wanda has always been a neutral character. The reason why she always does good things in the original book is that she joined the Avengers under the guidance of her relatives. , leaning toward superhero, so he became superhero.

You see, after Quicksilver and Vision are dead, Wanda, who has completely transformed into Scarlet Witch, looks more like a big boss than a villain.

Suddenly, Wanda frowned: "There is a question. How can we be sure that no one can defeat that monster?"

"I don't doubt that the military can't do it, but there may not be any hidden strong men in this world."

Locke smiled and nodded, then shook his head.

"There are indeed some strong ones, even the first-class strong ones on the earth. There are several on the earth. It's just that those guys are sealed, some are half disabled, and the rest are still capable of action. One is absolutely He won't go against me. The other one, that old guy can't even hide from me. He doesn't dare to show his face. "

Of course, he is talking about Mephisto, or more accurately, Mephisto's duplication. Mephisto's body is in the hell dimension, and he can only bring duplication or projection to the earth through some special means. Mephisto in this state will not be very strong, cat. He is too busy getting souls in every corner. If he dares to disrupt Locke's plan [Locke dares to take Tom to the hell dimension to talk to his body.

"As for the first-class levels on the surface, there are not many on the surface now. The most famous one is Mutant Bipolar. One of the bipolar, Professor That's all, if you really dare to take action, you can give that monster a boost in performance.

"The only problem is that maybe a lot of people will die." Wanda is Wanda after all. Even if she is a neutral character, deep down, she still has a kind and emotional side.

Definitely, she just said that she would stop Locke's plan. She had no idea and would never do that.

"Death? No, not really."

Wanda looked confused: "How can the first-class rampage and fighting on the surface not cause any casualties?"

Locke smiled lightly: "Because I will take action later."

"Unilateral coercion will only make people fearful. Only by emphasizing kindness and power can people be both awe and worshipful."

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