
Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

  This is a translation!!!!! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.  A system comes to Marvel out of nowhere. Since then, the whole world has been painted in a different light. Thor: Who released the video of me getting hammered by Hulk? Get your ass out here! Hawkeye: Are you sure you call that a hammer blast? Loki says he has something to say about that. Hulk: I haven't even pushed hard yet and you're all down. Star-Lord: My divine body is comparable to that of a mortal? That's absolutely disinformation! Iron Man: Sorry, but my mortal body is equal to a god's! Captain America: No more pretending, my identity as America's Hip is revealed! Nick Fury: This is an absolute lie! How did my S.H.I.E.L.D. become Snake Shield? !!!!Again!!!! This is a translation! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.

Drakienek_Tiren · Movies
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233 Chs

Chapter 34 - Was it Loki who opened the portal?

The Tesseract was originally from the stars, not Earth, and it would have been risky for S.H.I.E.L.D. to keep something that came from the universe.

  If Loki had only come to Earth to "recover" the Tesseract, grab it and leave the planet, then that would have been a good thing.

  Not only would the place have lost nothing, but it would have been spared all the dangers that the Tesseract might have brought.

  But if Loki doesn't leave Earth after getting the Tesseract and wants to do something on Earth, then it will be quite troublesome.

  "We don't know Loki's purpose yet, but sir, I don't think he should leave so easily."

  Black Widow spoke with a somewhat heavy face after a few moments of contemplation.

  "Why do you think that?" Nick Fury's face was equally heavy and it could be seen that he should share the same judgement as Black Widow.

  "Loki said that he was going to bring a world to Earth without ties."

  Black Widow stated the basis of her deduction, "If his goal is just the Tesseract, doesn't it seem a bit strange to say that? He should be planning to do something about Earth."

  "Apart from that, we've all seen what Loki is capable of, he couldn't stop anyone if he wanted to leave the base, but why would he take those people with him, including Barton and Dr Sylvig?"

  "It can't be that he needs Patton to act as a driver for him, can it?"

  "And Dr Sylvig, he's a scientist but he's also an old man, and the only thing he's worth to Loki because of his knowledge "

  "Loki needs Dr Silvig's knowledge!"

  "The Tesseract!" Iron Man interjected, his voice full of gravity, "Loki needs Dr Sylvig, to continue his research on the Tesseract!"

  "So, Loki is going to be plotting something on Earth next." Nick Fury concluded heavily and incomparably.

  There was no disagreement on this point, and it could be said that there was a consensus.

  After all, it was still highly unlikely that Loki would bring Dr Sylvig back to Asgard to study the Tesseract.

  That was the legendary Asgard of the God, researching the Tesseract, and relying on the help of the Earthlings?

  To rely on the knowledge of the earthlings?

  Then this God's realm is useless, right?

  The image also shows clearly that Loki has taken control of several people, all of whom are agents, except for Dr Silviger.

  If Dr Sylvig's research on the Tesseract is of any value to Loki in bringing it back to Asgard, it's unlikely, but it's there.

  What about those agents?

  What value is there for Loki?

  It's not like he's going to take them to Asgard to fight a war, is it?

  Those agents are of no value to God's realm, and their value will only come into play on Earth.

  It was clear that Loki was planning something on Earth, and that's why he needed these extra men.

  "What Loki wants on Earth we don't know, but is it possible that it has something to do with the Zetari?"

  There was a brief moment of dull silence before Iron Man once again opened his mouth with a stony face.

  Nick Fury and Black Widow both looked at each other, and both saw a glint of solemnity on the other's face.

  Like Iron Man, they shared this concern.

  "That's exactly what I was going to say, the second crucial issue." Nick Fury nodded, echoing the words.

  With both Nick Fury and Black Widow watching, Iron Man launched into his analysis articulately.

  "First of all, the space wormhole that opened when the chitauri invaded New York is identical to the space wormhole that the Tesseract opened."

  "So we have to make the nasty and bad conclusion that the chitauri, too, used the Tesseract to open the space wormhole."

  "So here's the problem, we already know that after Loki snatched the Tesseract, it was the first time Nick Fury called the Avengers together, note, the first time."

  "This means that Loki snatched the Tesseract first and the chitauri invasion of New York second, a chronological order that is important and conveys some important information."

  "Remember one of my speculations from the last question, that it's possible that the chitauri were not very civilized, but opened the space wormhole quite inconsistently."

  "And now we learn that Loki has snatched the Tesseract and is still plotting something on Earth ... Don't you guys connect the dots?"

  "Stark, you're saying ... it was Loki, using the Tesseract, who helped the chitauri open the space wormhole!" Black Widow picked up on Iron Man's words, her eyes lighting up slightly.

  This one deduction by Iron Man was an instant connection between the previous recording and this one.

  It also made up for some of the doubts and holes in the two recordings, and it was logically tenable.

  Such inferences are often closer to the truth.

  "A very constructive deduction! We might as well dig a little deeper." Nick Fury looked slightly moved and was very much in agreement with this deduction of Iron Man.

  "If, for example, Loki has nothing to do with the chitauri invasion of Earth, then there are only two scenarios."

  "First, we snatched the Tesseract back from Loki and later the chitauri took it from us."

  "Second, the chitauri took the Tesseract directly from Loki."

  Iron Man and Black Widow both couldn't help but nod their heads each, such a scenario was indeed possible as well, and Iron Man's deduction, as plausible as it was, was just that, a deduction.

  They couldn't rule out other possibilities on that account.

  "The first scenario I think is unlikely to happen!" Iron Man quickly shook his head after a moment's thought and came to a judgement.

  "If the chitauri planned an operation to seize the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D., then it must not be a massive army, but a special warfare squad sent to secretly infiltrate Earth to fight."

  "Makes sense." Black Widow agreed, "If they sailed their main fleet to Earth to grab the Tesseract, then why would they need to grab the Tesseract again?"

  The Zetari grabbed the Tesseract to open a spatial wormhole for a large force to invade Earth through it.

  If a large force had been driven to Earth in the first place, then what was the need for the Tesseract?

  So if the other side did come to S.H.I.E.L.D. to grab the Tesseract, it would surely be like Loki, just a task force to do so.

  "But as we've seen, the chitauri are extremely limited in combat power if they leave their main fleet, they can't even deal with my Battle Armor!"

  "And after S.H.I.E.L.D. has gone through Loki's snatching of the Tesseract, the base security level is bound to be raised significantly and the Avengers will respond quickly to support."

  "Under these circumstances, I don't think the chitauri will be able to snatch the Tesseract."