
Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

  This is a translation!!!!! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.  A system comes to Marvel out of nowhere. Since then, the whole world has been painted in a different light. Thor: Who released the video of me getting hammered by Hulk? Get your ass out here! Hawkeye: Are you sure you call that a hammer blast? Loki says he has something to say about that. Hulk: I haven't even pushed hard yet and you're all down. Star-Lord: My divine body is comparable to that of a mortal? That's absolutely disinformation! Iron Man: Sorry, but my mortal body is equal to a god's! Captain America: No more pretending, my identity as America's Hip is revealed! Nick Fury: This is an absolute lie! How did my S.H.I.E.L.D. become Snake Shield? !!!!Again!!!! This is a translation! It's not my work. The author is a Star catcher.

Drakienek_Tiren · Movies
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233 Chs

Chapter 164 - Who has the Code to Calm Hulk?

"I love this idea! It's a very interesting idea!"

Before Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. could make any comments, Loki was the first to stifle his admiration.

There was a glow radiating from within his eyes.

"You go undercover you, I go undercover you again, you think all my people are your people, but in fact, my people are still my people, instead, your people are my people ..."

Loki joined in the discussion as if speaking in a roundabout way, there with gusto.

"Stark, you think I haven't thought of that approach?" Nick Fury, however, shook his head a little dismally, "We're talking about, but how to take back S.H.I.E.L.D. from Hydra, this method doesn't apply, after all, we don't have that kind of time."

One of the biggest drawbacks of this method of going undercover is that the results are simply too slow and too slow.

Other than that, just to successfully infiltrate into an undercover agent requires a lot of preparation, a very detailed investigation upfront, and also the kind of netting.

After all, an undercover agent is not just about one undercover agent.

Anyone in that one undercover circle of people, you have to investigate it all to be clear, because an undercover can't show his or her face to others.

It's simply time-consuming and costly.

Even if you don't consider this, and you do manage to get an undercover agent in, how effective will it be?

Honestly, with the way Hydra has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. now, an undercover agent is not going to be very effective, unless he is in a very important position.

But those Hydra in important positions is very difficult to replace.

"Fury, you've considered the undercover approach as well?" Tony Stark, however, looked straight at Nick Fury with both eyes and said inexplicably, "And have you considered, directly replacing Pierce with an undercover agent?"

Tony Stark's words could be said to have directly stimulated Nick Fury and the others for a moment, almost making them unable to hold back their laughter.

Replacing Pierce?

How dare Stark think of that.

It's just a pity that the idea is as unlikely to come true as a pipe dream.

"I've just thought about it, since it's about planting an undercover agent, why not take one step in place and just replace Pierce with an undercover agent? Wouldn't that make a lot of things a lot easier?"

Tony Stark continued to talk eloquently as he swept a glance at everyone and spread his hands, "What's that look in your eyes, thinking I'm whimsical and impractical? Use your imagination! Have you forgotten what I can do with my T1000?"


With this statement, Tony Stark immediately made the eyes of Nick Fury and the others light up.

If it was a T1000, then Tony Stark's idea, which sounded a bit pie in the sky, had a real possibility of coming true!

"The T1000 can take on the appearance of Pierce, and can also collect Pierce's relevant data and do an accurate imitation of Pierce; in theory, he can become Pierce 100%!"

"Guys, what do you think of this undercover plan of mine now?"

Tony Stark then hugged his bladder, with a hint of smugness on his face, and said to the crowd.

How's that?

Of course, it was empowering!

Pierce was the top leader of Hydra today, and if Pierce was replaced with one of his own, then there would be very, very big room for manoeuvre.

There was a lot of potentials.

"Stark, why would you suddenly want to help us?" Nick Fury asked in a deep voice as he stared straight at Tony Stark with one eye.

All along, dealing with Hydra had been a matter for their group of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had little to do with Tony Stark.

The fact that Tony Stark was willing to develop a surveillance drone for them had already helped them a lot, and they dared not ask more of Tony Stark.

But they didn't expect that Tony Stark would even offer the T1000, or offer to do so.

"I just said not long ago that I wouldn't let Hydra go, right?" Tony Stark said in an icy voice.

Nick Fury and everyone else in the scene had a heartfelt understanding.

It seemed that this was because Tony Stark knew that Hydra had instructed the Winter Soldiers to kill the Howards, so he was planning to take action against Hydra.

[Listen to the question: The lullaby "The Sun is Going Down" can turn the Hulk Hulk back into Bruce Banner, but only if one person says it. Who is this person?]

[A. Dr Strange, Stephen Strange]

[B. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow]

[C. Thor, the god of thunder]

[D. General Ross]

[Friendship note: Those who answer the question correctly will receive the bonus skill Arcane Ballistics.

Those who answer the question incorrectly will have one of their attributes randomly deducted, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, everything, etc. ...]

The appearance of a new question interrupted the chatter of the crowd, and everyone looked up and put their eyes on the big screen.

Everyone was still a bit surprised and surprised by this one question.

There was someone who could make the Hulk turn back into Dr Banner?

This is rare.

"It's amazing that a way to make Hulk normal again still exists in this world." Tony Stark shrugged, "Does the phrase 'the sun is going down' have any special meaning?"

"Maybe if we decipher that phrase we can also master the method of making the Hulk normal again."

Said Tony Stark, sweeping a serious look at everyone in the scene.

Even though Captain America had been rewarded with the Sobriety Bracelet, the Hulk Hulk was no longer considered a huge threat that was impossible for everyone to deal with.

But who could have too many ways to get Hulk back to normal, you couldn't count on Captain America every time.

Besides, distant water couldn't quench a thirst, and in case Captain America couldn't get there in time, something bad might happen as well.

"Tin Man has a point! Right to the point!" Loki echoed heavily to the side, a gleam in his eyes as he addressed the group.

Looking at that look, it seemed like he wanted to decipher the secret of that one sentence more than anyone else.

Although the image of the Hulk's hammering him hadn't happened yet, it still left an extremely deep psychological shadow on Loki.

If there was anyone on Midgard right now that Loki didn't want to run into, Hulk could be at the top of the list.

Now that he had learned that there was a way to deal with the Hulk, Loki was naturally not going to let it go, even more eagerly than anyone else.

"Looks like Loki needs it more than any of us!" Black Widow came languidly from the side, immediately making Loki's face turn black.

I don't need it!

"Alright, let's get to the point." Captain America spoke up as a reminder, looking at the group and asking, "Can anyone think of anything regarding that statement?"

Everyone on the scene looked at me, and I looked at you, but without any relevant clues, no one had any idea what the phrase meant.

There was no clue.

"Nick Fury, isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. always watching Banner? Do you have any useful information that you could share with us at a time like this?"

Captain America asked immediately afterwards, looking at Nick Fury with a straight face to get something useful.

Unfortunately, Nick Fury shook his head in the same way, "I'm sorry Captain, I don't know any more about the Hulk than you do, and I've already told you all the relevant information about him."

If that was the case, then this was still quite a difficult question.

For one thing, people simply didn't know what the particular meaning of the phrase the sun was about to set was.

For two, everyone was equally unaware of exactly what conditions needed to be met for the Hulk to turn back into Banner.

With such ignorance, the analysis could be said to be uninformed.

"In any case, let's look at the four options first." Captain America said to the group as he returned his gaze to the big screen.

"A, Doctor Strange, if it's him, I think it's still a possibility."

Black Widow spoke up immediately, "In fact, I think the only one of the four options that have a chance is him, he's a powerful wizard!"

"If the phrase 'The sun is going down' is some incantation he recites with magical powers, then maybe it really could turn Hulk back to normal."

"I've used my writing eye to bring Hulk back to normal before, and something like mind magic would probably work too."

"And the other three, me, Thor, and General Ross? Subjectively, I don't think the three of us have it in us."

"Objectively, that means the three of us can't analyze it at all, but Dr Strange, the possibility exists!"

Many of the people in the room agreed with the Black Widow's words, and if they were given the choice, they would have made the same choice as the Black Widow.

It was magic!

What is magic?

Magic is a miracle, it is doing something that seems impossible.

Of the four "candidates" on the list, Dr Strange was the only one that everyone saw the possibility of restoring the Hulk, so it was only natural that they would choose Dr Strange.

"I've never met a wizard, but the phrase 'the sun is going down' doesn't sound much like a spell or anything." Hawkeye Barton pondered a little but raised a bit of doubt.

"Barton, although it doesn't sound like magic, some magic does just sound so 'unremarkable'" Nick Fury immediately explained to Barton on the side.

"How do you know that, sir?" Hawkeye Barton asked, looking at Nick Fury with some curiosity, "You sound pretty sure, have you been exposed to magic before, sir?"

"I've seen it." Nick Fury nodded, "Not in reality though, but the system, where Odin stripped Thor of his divine powers and put a spell on Thor's hammer, all the usual kind of 'vernacular' spells, not like some film or TV show that speaks some incomprehensible bird language. "

"If that's the case, I'll have no problem with it." Hawkeye Barton nodded and didn't say anything more.

"What about everyone else, any other disagreements?" Nick Fury glanced at everyone with one eye at this point, seeking the opinions of the crowd.

Only to see that no one offered any counterarguments.

"Fine!" nodded Nick Fury, "It seems we have agreed, everyone has chosen A, and I think so too, so which of you will answer next?"

The only ones left who hadn't answered the question yet were Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye, they looked at each other, exchanged a look and came to an immediate decision.

"I'm going to go with A, Doctor Strange!" Black Widow nonchalantly spoke her answer to the big screen.

After all, the reward for this question was Arcane Ballistics, but both Captain America and Hawkeye were people who didn't use guns, so naturally, it was more appropriate for her, Black Widow, to answer.

[Wrong answer!]

But immediately afterwards, the system prompted Black Widow that she had answered incorrectly.

[The answerer, Natasha Romanov, will be punished by having her one year of life erased, it will be executed immediately!]

With these words from the system, the Black Widow immediately felt a void in her body, as if she had lost something.

She immediately knew that her one-year's life span was gone.

But fortunately, that feeling of emptiness immediately disappeared and Black Widow returned to normal immediately afterwards, and she did not take the matter of her life span being deducted to heart.

She simply said to the group, "The answer is not A. It seems we have to choose between the other three options."

Now that was a problem for everyone.

Doctor Strange had at least opened everyone's eyes to one possibility, but the three remaining candidates, as everyone looked at them, didn't seem possible in any way.

"Could it be General Ross?" After a moment of contemplation, Nick Fury mused, "Because General Ross is probably the person who knows the Hulk best."

"The Hulk itself is a mutated product of military experimentation, and General Ross has been dedicated to hunting down the Hulk for the past few years."

"They researched the Hulk, tracked him down, and even got a sample of his blood to replicate another similar monster."

"Except that monster was eventually killed by the Hulk."

"On the point of knowing the Hulk, it's clear that General Ross is above Romanov and Thor."

"So in the future, it sounds like a reasonable thing for General Ross to work out a way to make the Hulk normal again."

"Sir, that's a bit far-fetched, isn't it?" Black Widow immediately voiced her opposition, "Just because Ross has been tracking the Hulk for a long time doesn't mean that his research on the Hulk is superior to anyone else's."

"For example ... S.H.I.E.L.D. is far better at marshalling resources than Ross, and it's possible that in the future S.H.I.E.L.D. will have assembled the world's top scientists, the top scientists that Ross simply couldn't get to!"

"So even though S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't been studying the Hulk for as long as General Ross has, it's not clear that they've analyzed a way to turn Hulk back into a human."

"If that's the case then only I'm S.H.I.E.L.D. so the answer could be me as well."

Nick Fury stretched his hands, unable to offer any counter-argument.

That was the difficulty with this question, people didn't have any clues relating to it, they could only assume and guess from thin air.
