
Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Guys a good Marvel fan fic, it's a TL, and for entertainment only. Real author: Mr.Mo Real Synopsis: Clark an 8 year old created a shoddy Hydra organisation with his friend in a toilet. "Gabri, it's your turn." A little boy with a strong build and a serious face handed a knife in his hand to a fat boy named Gabri. Gabri hesitated and reached out to take the knife, nervous even with the fat on his face. The flesh is trembling "Clark, do you really want to do this? Can't we just give a high five or shake hands or something?" Gabri slowly moved around his left hand with the knife, gesticulating around it, but in the end he couldn't muster up the courage to cut his finger. Many years later. The vast universe, the end of the starry sky. A desolate aura suddenly spread out, causing ripples in the space, and then he saw a door opening in the dark universe. On the other side of the door, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the edge of the door. The big blue hands had blue veins popping out on the surface. Just a hand stretched out from the door, and the terrifying aura it brought caused the entire universe to tremble, as if the entire universe was afraid of the existence on the other side of the door. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the universe "What's this?" Clark looked at the door in front of him and the big blue hand that appeared from the other side of the door, and tilted his head in confusion. The terrifying aura on the other hand's hand shocked even him. After a while later. He stepped into the door. Appearing again, people have arrived at an extremely towering tree. Behind him was a towering tree of unknown height, and where he came from was just an ordinary fruit on this towering tree. Through this fruit, Clark can even see some scenes happening inside the Marvel world "This is where I came from?!" Clark exclaimed. Then he turned around and looked at another door in the distance. Then he flew towards that direction resolutely!

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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51 Chs

Chapter 16-20

Chapter 16

"Sir, are there really people in this world who cannot be killed?"

Colson looked at the scene in the distance and couldn't help turning his head to ask Fury next to him.

"Newcomers, you have to remember that there is never anyone in this world who cannot be killed. The reason why you think he cannot be killed is just because you haven't found the right method yet. Fury glanced at Coulson beside him and said in a warning tone.

Coulson nodded and secretly wrote down these words.

In fact, Fury was no less shocked than Coulson. How much.

It's just that he is used to not showing his inner thoughts on his face, so he can't see it.

But as he said himself, there is no one in this world who cannot be killed, even if the place in the distance is called the night The devil can still be fierce under so many bullets.

But Fury always firmly believes that the opponent is by no means unkillable.

The bullets can't kill him, they still have bombs!

Even if the bombs still can't kill him, Fury Don't you believe it? If you throw him into the magma, he will not die?

Moreover, apart from being difficult to kill, this night demon is not much stronger than ordinary people in other aspects. Whether it is speed or strength, there is no amazing performance.

And that kind of fighting skills makes Agent Fury, who has experienced many battles, see many flaws.

To sum up, Fury is almost sure that the opponent is just an ordinary person who suddenly gained special abilities. As for why he did such a thing What's going on?

Judging from what the other party has done since he first appeared until now, he should have some personal grudges with these gangs.

After drawing these conclusions in his mind, Fury breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was still This night demon is actually an enhanced person trained by a certain organization. If that is the case, things will become complicated and tricky. The current result is actually the best.

Even SHIELD might be able to recruit this person. Night Demon.

After all, the opponent's talent is there. After a little training, he will be better than those agents who have been trained for more than ten years.

But these things are not for Fury, a mere third-level agent, to consider.

His current The mission is just to capture the opponent.

As for whether the follow-up is to recruit people or something else, that is none of his business....

In the club, people kept pouring out.

It feels like poking a hornet's nest.

Some of these people are from the Hell Motorcycle Gang, but most are from other gangs. They have all received instructions from Falco's cabinet to set up this ambush tonight to kill this night demon.

It's just that the Night Demon is far more difficult than they previously expected.

Seeing people falling down in front of them, and the night demon who obviously had no idea how many bullets he had shot in his body, was still killing fiercely, which made many people a little scared.

"Come on! Give them all to me!"

"The other party is alone, so scared!"

The gang leaders behind yelled loudly.

It was of some use at first, but gradually, these subordinates stopped listening to them. No matter how much they scolded them, they just wouldn't move forward.

"MD, get out of my way and let me come!"

A bald man with a beard grabbed the AK from his subordinate's hand, and fired a burst of fire at Clark, who was rushing over. The bullets hit Clark's body, making him retreat repeatedly.

But when the shuttle was finished sweeping, he heard a burst of fire. With the sound of"ding, ding, clang", all the bullets that hit Clark were squeezed out by his muscles. The flattened bullets fell to the ground one after another, making a crisp sound.

Clark stabilized his body at this time, and was covered in blood. raised his head, stared at the other person, and showed a cruel smile

"Farke! You monster! Go to hell!!!"

The bald bearded man was obviously pale with fright, but he still cursed angrily, took out his pistol, and shot Clark repeatedly. Clark dodged left and right, avoiding some bullets.

When he got closer, he waved his knife and killed him directly. The bald bearded man raised one of his arms to resist.

Just as the bald bearded man screamed, Clark stabbed him again.

The screams suddenly stopped.

When the other people who were still alive saw it, they were already frightened. , no longer caring about giving orders, they all turned around and ran away, one by one running faster than the other.

Clark did not pursue him.

He stood there and took a few deep breaths.

At this moment, there was a neat burst of Footsteps came from all directions, and along with the sound of bullets being loaded, small green dots appeared on Clark's body.

"I know bullets can't kill you, but trust me, these are not the punks you usually deal with."

A voice came from over there.

Clark turned to look over.

In the darkness, a black man in a black suit came out of the crowd, followed by a white man with a meticulous expression.

Nick Fury! Phil Coulson!

Seeing the two of them, Clark couldn't help but read their names in his heart.

Chapter 17

"Our immortal gentleman, could you please put down the weapon in your hand first?"

Fury pointed to the knife in Clark's hand.

"Are you still afraid of this?"Clark picked up the knife and shook it

"Oh oh oh~! Calm down Mr. Immortal, otherwise I can't guarantee whether your handsome face will have dozens of bullet holes in the next second. Fury said loudly with an exaggerated expression, while taking a small step back,"Yes, this is the distance between us. It is good for you and me to keep this distance.""

"Are you so afraid of death?"Clark laughed, and then dropped the knife in his hand on the ground.

"I believe it must be difficult for you to understand the degree of awe ordinary people like us have towards such weapons. Fury said with a smile,"Then, could you please kick it farther away?" Yes, kick gently, don't force it."

Clark casually kicked over and kicked aside the knife that was thrown on the ground.

Immediately, someone came forward, put the knife away, and put it into a container.

"It was just an ordinary knife." Clark said after seeing this,"Furthermore, this black man...Mr. African American, you are wrong about one thing. I can understand the awe of you ordinary people towards weapons. I am not born with this ability."

"Wow~! That's good news. Fury said with a smile, but deep down in his heart, he was already thinking about another question.

It is not an innate ability.

In other words, it is most likely a product of the laboratory?

So, who created him?

Fury felt that things suddenly became a lot more difficult.

He would rather the other party told him that this ability is innate and you should not try to copy it.

That would be better

"Well, it seems that this place is not suitable for our conversation. How about we change places?"

"Like an interrogation room? Clark said with a smile.

"Single suites are also available."Fury said,"Believe me, they will always satisfy you."

"What if I don't want to?"Clark looked at him and said.

Fury looked around and pointed at the heavily armed special forces members.

"It seems I have no choice. Clark sneered and said

"It depends on what you think. You can regard it as your own initiative to cooperate with us."

Fury is still smiling. To be honest, his expression is quite worthy of a beating."

"Unfortunately, I plan to choose another path."Clark whispered.

"What?"Fury didn't hear clearly.

At this time, Clark suddenly put a hand into his pocket and pressed a certain button.

The next moment...

A violent explosion sounded.

The surrounding area, including the club in front, was instantly engulfed by the flames of the explosion.

Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. was directly thrown away by the shock wave generated by the explosion. For a moment, everyone was so dizzy that it was difficult to even stand up.

Clark was the only one present who could still stand.

He patted the dust on his clothes and walked step by step to Nick Fury who was lying on the ground.

"Agent Fury, we'll see you next time. He knelt down and whispered in Nick Fury's ear:"Long live Hydra!""

On the ground, Fury struggled and reached out to grab Clark's ankle.

"You, you are...Hydra?!"

"Didn't Agent Fury hear that? Clark's face was filled with a warm smile,"Cut off one head and two will grow!" See you next time, Agent Fury."

After that, Clark turned and left, his figure gradually disappearing in the explosion of fire....

[Destroy Falcone's ambush plan and seriously undermine the underground rules he established, and get +200 destruction points!]

[Slightly destroy the Hydra organization's latent plan, damage points +1000!]

[Severely damaged the S.H.I.E.L.D. special forces team, killed three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and gained +200 destruction points!]

[In front of Nick Fury, he said"Long live Hydra" and then walked away, causing long-term and indelible trauma to his spirit. Damage points +5000!]

[Slightly injuring Phil Coulson and leaving an indelible bad impression in his mind, damage points +800! ]

Clark, who had just returned home, suddenly received several prompts from the system in his mind.

"Good guy! The future director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed the one who earns the most points!"

Clark, who had just laid down, sat up directly without resting. He directly called up the character panel and prepared to strengthen it.

Destruction points: 7253

[Already have template: Kryptonian Template 0.03%+]

Once, twice, three times...

After a full seven clicks, the plus sign behind the Kryptonian template disappeared.

Let's look at the enhanced Kryptonian template data again

[Already have template: Kryptonian Template 0.1%]

"There is finally only one digit after the decimal point."

Clark laughed happily.

Chapter 18

[Name: Clark Zhou Kent]

[Sex: Male]

[Age 9/400 (Wolverine's self-healing ability is improved plus the Kryptonian template is improved)]

[Already have template: Kryptonian Template 0.1%]

[Already possessed abilities: Biological force field (active) (from Kryptonian template) Stellar energy (passive) (from Kryptonian template) Super speed self-healing (passive) (Wolverine version) Transformation (active) (Mystique version)]

[Destruction points: 253 points]

Kryptonian template upgraded to 0.1%, adding a biological force field ability.

Many people may not understand this ability.

In fact, the reason why Superman can fly and can lift huge heavy objects instead of passing them directly when lifting heavy objects relies on this biological force field.

Clark tested it.

His current biological force field is still very weak. Let alone letting himself fly, it is difficult to even wrap a table.

But as long as Clark absorbs more and more stellar energy, his biological force field will continue to grow stronger, and sooner or later it will reach a level that allows him to fly....

In the hospital.

When Fury woke up, the scenes before he fell into coma were still playing in his mind.

Including the man's whisper in his ear, he clearly remembered the tone of every word and sentence.

"Hydra? Could it be that those damn guys are really resurrected?"

Fury sat up and thought about this problem.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

Cutting-edge technology like that can transform the human body to that inhuman level. Only energy weapons were developed during World War II. The Hydra was able to do it

"Is this world going to be in chaos again?"

Hydra's comeback made Fury realize something.

Just when he was thinking about what purpose Hydra had this time, the door to his ward was suddenly pushed open. Then a middle-aged white man wearing a suit and glasses walked in.

"Fury, glad to see you're okay."

Kohler pushed the door in and saw that Fury was awake, with a smile on his face.

He pulled up a chair and sat down, and the smile on his face faded.

"Tell me, what happened? Kohler said solemnly,"We sacrificed three outstanding agents this time. We can't just let it go.""

"How's that new guy doing?"Hearing this, Fury subconsciously asked

"Coulson? He was fine, just suffered some superficial injuries. Fury breathed a sigh of relief, then his expression became serious, and he said:"Sir, do you believe that Hydra still exists?""

"Agent Fury, do you know what you're talking about? Kohler's expression was unprecedentedly solemn and he said:"Hydra has been eliminated. Under the leadership of Captain America, their leader Red Skull has long ceased to exist. You should know this.""

"Yes, I originally thought I knew it very well."Fury said,"But that person last night, he personally shouted the slogan of Hydra in my ear. Moreover, can such high-end human transformation technology really be achieved by an unknown organization? Kohler fell silent.

After a while, he said:"I will report this matter to the senior management, but remember!" I won't allow you to talk to anyone about this matter until the higher-ups come to a conclusion, do you understand?"

Fury nodded. He also knew the seriousness of this matter.

If Hydra really still exists in a corner of the world, it would not just be a matter of their SHIELD.

God knows what these people like to do. The scheming guy is planning something behind the scenes.

"Okay, you have a good rest. I have approved three days of leave for you. During these three days, you don't have to think about anything and can just relax and take good care of your body."Kohler patted Fury on the shoulder, stood up and said,"I'm leaving first. You've given me a problem this time."

"This is what I should do."Fu Rui laughed and said, feeling a lot more relaxed.

He turned around and walked out of the ward.

Kohler looked back again, and a strange look flashed deep in his eyes under the lenses....

In the yard, Clark was basking in the sun.

The Kryptonian template that has been upgraded to 0.1% is different from before. Clark can almost clearly feel that he is getting stronger little by little. This feeling is like when you kill monsters in the game, you can clearly see every time you kill them. It's just the same amount of experience points that will be added

"This kind of weather is perfect for lying around lazily and not moving."

He reached out and picked up the ice-cold Coke on the side.

He took a sip of the Coke and burped.

Life is so perfect!

"Clark, aren't you hot?"

Abigail, who was wearing a little sunhat, came over with two water guns.

"Do you want to play together?"

She handed Clark a water gun

"OK."Clark reached out and took it.

As a result, he was sprayed with water in the next second.

"Ha ha~!"

Abigail smiled happily and ran away.

After wiping his face, Clark stood up pretending to be fierce and chased after him.

"Abigail, don't run!"

Chapter 19

A week later, Falcone Estate.

In the study, the atmosphere was depressing.

A fat man weighing more than 300 pounds was kneeling on the ground, with cold sweat pouring out of his forehead.

"Under the French and Falco cabinet..."The fat man wiped the sweat on his face with a handkerchief and said shakily:"That's what happened. That thing was left behind when the night demon left." At this time, on the desk.

A torn piece of white shirt fabric with a few words crookedly written in blood.

[Tomorrow night at midnight, I will kill you.]

There was no expression on Falco's cabinet's face at this time.

It was like the calm before the storm. Fatty was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his head and take a look, for fear that he would be killed by the angry Falco cabinet in the next second.

Time passes minute by minute.

The fat man was so frightened that he almost collapsed.

Finally, Falco's cabinet minister, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up.

"Our Falcone family has been based in this city for hundreds of years. Many people have tried to shake the family's position, but without exception, they have failed."

His Majesty Falco stood up and walked to the fat man.

"If he comes, let him come"

"I'll wait for him here"

"And you..."

Under Falco's cabinet, he tapped the fat man's heart with his cane.

"You have to give me a good welcome to this guest tonight!"

The fat man nodded hurriedly.

He didn't dare to have any strange thoughts....

Before evening, a thunderstorm suddenly visited the city.

Heavy rainfall was accompanied by thunder.

It seems that God wants to wash away the filth of this city and usher in new life for it.

Outside Falcone Manor, at the end of the road.

The light of the street lamp seemed a little dim under the heavy rain. In the hazy moment, the gang members guarding the periphery of the manor seemed to see a vague figure slowly walking from the other side of the road.

"Notice! somebody is coming."

The gang members on the periphery were very alert.

Their eyes were fixed on the blurry figure in the darkness.


He disappeared!

"Where did he go?"

"Damn it! Be careful around you!"

"Night Demon, I've seen you!"

The gang members panicked, and many of them had trembling legs.

Over the past few days, they have heard too many legends about night demons, some unkillable monsters that are three meters tall and can be eaten alive. Living people, etc.

Normally, they could laugh at these terrible rumors, and even laugh at those who were frightened by them.

But now, none of them can laugh.

"Has anyone found him?"

"Do you see where he is?"

"Damn it! Jerry? Where did Jerry go?"

There seemed to be a terrifying monster hidden in the darkness.

The heavy rain blurred their vision, and the thunder made them unable to even hear the shouts of their companions around them.

An atmosphere of panic enveloped them all.

And in the darkness, a pair of His eyes were staring at these people.

He was elusive, and every time he made a move, he would take away a gang member.

These gang members did not even see him, but gradually realized that there were fewer and fewer companions around him. They were clearly there just a moment ago. The companions next to him suddenly disappeared the next moment.

Some people were frightened.

They started shouting and shooting into the empty darkness, as if this was the only way to be brave.

The heavy rain and thunder became Clark's best cover at this time.

In the past week, his physical fitness has reached more than four times that of an ordinary adult, and the improvement has been even more amazing than in the past two years. His physical fitness is four times higher than that of an ordinary person in all aspects, allowing Clark to transform into a Like a ghost, he easily disintegrated the defensive force on the perimeter of Falcone Manor.

After wringing the neck of the last peripheral gang member, Clark glanced at the corpses lying around, turned around and continued Heading deeper into the manor.


Lightning briefly illuminated the dark night sky.

A rush of footsteps came from far and near, and soon the study door was opened.

"Under the Falco Cabinet, the Night Demon has arrived"

"Is it finally here? Falco, who reached out and took off his reading glasses, smiled calmly and said:"Let's get started, let them entertain our Mr. Night Demon well.""

"Yes, under the Falco cabinet."

The men followed the order and went down.

In the study, Mr. Falco once again put on his reading glasses and continued reading the book in his hand.

"Do you know why the old fisherman releases all the fish he catches?"

Suddenly, Mr. Falco asked the air in the study.

After a while, there was no response.

He raised his head and looked at the corner of the study.

The tall figure was sitting quietly on the chair, motionless.

"He was just enjoying fishing. Falco's minister said with a faint smile,"Mr. Winter Soldier, will you enjoy the process of hunting prey?""

The tall man sitting on that chair said nothing, as if he didn't hear what Falco's cabinet said at all.

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Marvel: Starting with the creation of Hydra

Chapter 20

On the lawn of Falcone Manor, there were many corpses lying strewn about.

Behind the fence in the distance were four Maxim machine guns.

Bullets covered a large area of ​​lawn like a barrage of metal.

If Clark was still in the same physical condition as he was a week ago, he would probably be directly suppressed and unable to move even an inch, and even his body, which could be called immortal, would be beaten into a puddle of mud.

But now, Clark, whose physical fitness has improved greatly, can avoid machine gun fire by running quickly.

Although there will still be a few scattered bullets hitting him.

But that doesn't slow him down.

When Clark rushed behind the fence, he punched one at a time and neatly eliminated the four machine gunners. boom!

There was a loud gunshot.

The bullet struck the ground at Clark's feet.

That's a sniper in the distance.

The heavy rain seriously affected the sniper's accuracy. Coupled with Clark's increasingly sharp senses, he could even sense the arrival of danger in advance and avoid it in advance.


His figure disappeared under the rain curtain.

The sniper in the distant attic also lost his target, and an ominous premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Report! Lost track of target! Repeat, lose track of target!"

There is more than just one sniper ambushing the Falcone Manor.

But at this time, many snipers have lost track of their targets.

"This damn rainstorm!"

A sniper punched the ground angrily.

He didn't realize that a dark figure was already standing behind him.


The sound of bones being crushed.

Like a ghost, Clark found these snipers one by one. The position of his hands crushed their necks one by one.

When the last sniper was eliminated, the only sounds left in the entire Falcone Manor were the sound of heavy rain beating on the ground and bursts of thunder....


The door to the study room was slammed open.

A fat figure rolled in

"Unexpectedly, members of the Falco cabinet would be interested in raising a pig for fun in front of their house."

Clark came in from the door with the smell of blood all over his body.

"Have I ever offended you? Falcone looked calm as he looked at Clark who walked in the door.

"As far as I know, no." Clark shook his head and said

"So, is it just me who is unlucky? Falcone laughed and said

"You can think so."

Clark nodded, his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the figure sitting in the corner of the study, and his expression changed slightly.

"It looks like you even hired help." Clark said

"There's no way, it's still a bit difficult for ordinary people to deal with an enhanced person like you." Falco's cabinet smiled and said

"So, you are also a Hydra?" Clark asked him

"No, no, no, I'm just a businessman, just trading. Falco's cabinet shook his head and said,"Mr. Winter Soldier, your mission goal has arrived, and now it's time for you to start hunting.""

Over there, the Winter Soldier, who had been silent from beginning to end, stood up.

He picked up the rifle at hand and fired a bunch of bullets at Clark without hesitation.

Bang bang bang...

The bullets swept across a line, and several of them flew past Clark's face, tearing his facial muscles, but they healed quickly in the blink of an eye.

After sweeping the shuttle, the Winter Soldier replaced it with a grenade without hesitation.

Aimed at Clark and pulled the trigger.


The grenade opened a large hole in the study wall.

Clark was buried in the rubble.

He tore open the tattered clothes on his chest, revealing the black Superman suit underneath.

It was precisely because of the protection of the Superman suit that he was not blown a big hole in his chest by the grenade just now.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."Clark said secretly.

Before coming tonight, he specially put on the Superman suit in order to avoid being attacked by some powerful weapons of destruction. The defensive ability of the Superman suit is still very strong, and it can resist head-on. The shells will not be damaged at all.

However, the shock wave generated by the explosion will still hurt Clark's internal body.

Fortunately, he has Uncle Wolf's super-speed self-healing ability.

This internal injury can be repaired in just a few breaths.

From the ruins Climbing out, Clark looked up and found that Falcone and the Winter Soldier were gone.


Almost the moment this idea came to his mind, he caught a glimpse of a tall figure rushing over from the side out of the corner of his eye.


The metal fist hit Clark's resisting arm hard.

The huge force directly hit him. Clark took a few steps back, and then steadied his body.

The Winter Soldier with disheveled hair, like a hungry wolf from Siberia that saw delicious food, ferociously attacked Clark.

That one Even Clark, who had more than four times the physical strength of an ordinary person, felt a burst of pain when touched by the metal arm.

The two fought several times in a short period of time.

Clark was completely at a disadvantage.

Guys i have decided to release 2 chaps a day, at 9 am and 12 pm.

And Additional chapter will be released for every 20 collection, now 9 collection short.

be calm.

Thangam_Robertcreators' thoughts