
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Movies
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135 Chs

The New God

I went through countless trails— each from a specific event of my past life.

Some of them involved correcting past mistakes while the rest involved making new ones. 

But the Void was entertained.

Surprisingly, other than the Emilia event— he kept whispering in all other tests.

"Congratulations." He said. "You passed."

It was a pain completing those— but they made me realise one thing.

"What was the reason behind those tests?"

He laughed at my question. "Entertainment, obviously."

No… that was only one of the reasons.

And it was not for me to face my fears either.

"It was to make me realise." I smiled. "Wasn't it."

He cackled. "Probably yes, probably not."

Realisation. The realisation that this world was very much real while the previous one wasn't. 

For the longest of time— despite immersing myself in this world. Despite considering the people around me my family and despite getting attached to them.

Everything felt surreal to me… it felt like a dream, an imagination. 

I made my moves carefully, but even after that… there was a doubt that this could all be a very well thought out prank, a dream— a simulation.

Science had advanced and there were countless crazy researchers that would put a person in an endless simulation— and that suspicion remained with me.

But after facing all those trails, I realised that this was all real.

Before the trails, I was ninety percent certain. But now… after facing the trails of my past life— the shitty life on earth, I knew for certain that this is real.

Every. Single. Bit.

I took a deep breath and asked—

"Now what?"

He laughed at my question. 

"Now, I see if you are worthy enough of my power." He answered, confusing me.

"And… how do I prove it?"

He laughed once again before raising his index finger.

"One hit. You have to land a single hit on me… and I promise. All my powers are yours."

One hit. Was it doable?

Absolutely not.

Was there any other option?

Definitely not.

"I will only dodge, if that's what you are concerned about." He said. "I promise."

I do not trust him but I have no other choice. 

"I accept."





"The test is simple. You land one hit on me and you win. I am not allowed to fight back but you can use any and every underhand method in the book. Just make it interesting." Void said, chuckling at me. "You can come whenever you want."

I would have rushed in without wasting time… if it was anyone other than Void.

But against Void, that was stupid.

"Are you not going to attack?" He asked. "I am waiting you know."

He won't break his promise but even if he does… there is nothing that I can do about it.

I bolted towards him with my claws which didn't even graze him. He appeared right behind me and chuckled.

"You are pathetically slow. If you want to land a hit, you need to increase your speed— not strength.

Void was terrifying as no matter what I did, no matter which form of martial arts I used… he dodged all of them.

In front of him, claws were no better than toy knives. 

I was getting tired. Everything about this place felt real— the pain, the fatigue and the fear.

To defeat him, I had to think of something— fast.

Nothing that I had could match his powers. 

"Entertain me, Marcellus. This is boring."

Void mocked, but I had to remain calm.

Was there anything that I could use to defeat him?

Void dashed and appeared right in front of me.

"Are you going to land a hit anytime soon?" His mocking continued but as I tried to land a kick, he dashed back. "Maybe not."

There was one way to get him… but I am not sure if it would work.

'Infinity.' I called. 'If I am truly your Champion, help me unlock my powers.'




No replies… and I should have expected. I kept throwing punches and kicks— with every single one of them missing to hit Void.

"Hey hey, this is getting really boring now."

This… bastard.

I was losing my calm and that was definitely not a good thing.

But as I kept fighting, something that I would not have expected— happened.

'Calm yourself.'

I heard a voice. A very familiar voice.

'Calm your mind and feel the surroundings.' Infinity said and I did exactly that.

Closing my eyes, I let my senses figure out the place. It was massive and seemingly endless.

'Let your body relax and adjust it to the dimension.' She kept instructing and I kept following.

'Now focus on him alongside the surroundings.' 

I felt ripples around me. I felt like a man watching a water surface.

Each time Void made a slight movement— I could sense it.

'I helped you to channel the power a little or you would not have been able to do this so easily.' She explained.

'Thank you.'

As Void moved towards me, I felt… sensed the movements that he was making. The direction he was going to take. 

He didn't have a physical body like me. It was merely an avatar that existed in another realm. But despite that, whenever he made a move— I could sense the ripples in space.

'Using the same principle, you can use the powers on yourself or your enemies.' She explained. 'Match the wavelength and frequency of the surroundings with your body.'

I did so and what I felt was unimaginable…

I felt like I was one with the space. It was a completely new feeling. I felt as if I saw everything that was happening in this place.

'With time you will be able to sense everything and control the space of entire universes, but for now— you can only control the space of a limited area.'

That was enough… for now.

"If you don't land a hit, I might have to change the rules and make this an actual fight." Void warned, but now I was ready.

'Go my Champion. Victory awaits you.' She paused for a while. 'The others, Death is watching you but because of our link— She cannot do anything. Now go and become strong.'

With that, her voice vanished.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." I said. "Now… let's end this."

Saying that, I rushed towards him— but this time he was surprised as I was able to nearly reach his face.

"That was good… and unexpected." Void said.

As he tried to slip away, I managed to sneak up on him. And surprisingly, he was still able to dodge.

But I knew perfectly where he was going to appear next.

And just like that— in an instant— with a single move.

The match was over.

He appeared to my right, but the spatial sense and improved reflexes has made me land a solid hit on him. He didn't even flinch despite me using every bit of strength that I possessed.

But he was impressed.

"Spatial magic…" He frowned. "I forgot about that."

"A deal is a deal Void."

He laughed at my words. "It is. But tell me something, Marcellus. What do you intend to do with my strength?"

"You know the answer."

He grinned at my response. "I do?"

I responded with a grin of my own. "Rise to the top."

It had been over ten hours since Marcellus was injected with the Serum. And within that time— Essex, Lennon and the assistants remained within the room. Without daring to leave.

"Is he fine?" One of the assistants asked as they stared at the vitals screen. "The vitals seem fine but he is not making a single movement."

Lennon didn't reply and Essex sighed.

"Patience." He said. "It shouldn't take very long now."

They sat there for two more hours but the assistants were growing impatient and so was Lennon.

Essex on the other hand was laser-focused— monitoring everything that was happening with Marcellus.

But as they reached the twelve hour mark— something happened.

The temperature of the room increased and the room began to vibrate.

Books and equipments started to fall from the shelves as the researchers panicked.

But Essex had a calm smile on his face. He knew exactly what was happening. He knew what was about to happen.

"Lennon." He called the panicking man.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Essex?" Lennon was panicking but he had to maintain his calm.

"Congratulations." Essex said. "You have succeeded."

Lennon was confused at first but that confusion vanished instantly as he looked at Marcellus.

His body was glowing yellow and purple— with the items around him melting.

"I would suggest that all of you leave the room." Essex said with a calm smile. "If you want to live… that is."

Lennon grew pale as he understood what was happening.

He roared. "Leave the lab everyone! Get as far away as you can!"

The lab was engulfed in light and panic. But Lennon made sure that his assistants were safe. 

"Everyone, Out! Now!"

Everyone rushed out of the room as fast as possible while Lennon looked at the calmly sitting Essex.

"We should leave as well, Mr. Essex." He said but Essex was looking at Marcellus with amusement.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I shall be fine." He looked at Lennon and laughed. "But you won't unless you leave. I want the front row seat of this rebirth."

"B-But…" Lennon began but was stopped by Essex. 

"Lennon. Leave. That's an order." 

Essex's order made Lennon frown, but he ended up nodding reluctantly.

He rushed out of the room when he realised that his skin was scorching.

"Don't die, Mr. Essex." Saying that, Lennon went out of the room.

Essex sat on the chair but while he was not affected by the heat— the chair was. It started melting so he had to get off it.

"This is the birth of a scientific miracle." Essex laughed. "Don't let me down, Marcellus."

Everything in the room turned to liquid but thanks to Essex's biological manipulation— he remained unharmed.

Marcellus glowed yellow and purple but soon the light turned black— engulfing the room in darkness.

The floor began to crack and the shelves fell on the ground. 

"This is it!" Essex roared. "This is it!" 

The room was filled with blinding light and Essex's eyes began to bleed— but he refused to squint or look away. He was witnessing a scientific miracle and he had no intention of missing even a single detail.

Despite his genetic modifications, he body was taking massive damage. His skin was burning and his blood was boiling— but he continued to watch.

Marcellus' hair grew longer and his muscle mass increased. He was already decently tall, standing a little over six feet— but the transformation made him grow a few inches taller. His long hair that was once brown turned black and his body began to shake.

Slowly, his eyelids opened as a strong shockwave pushed Essex from his position.

The bed below Marcellus burnt to a crisp and his body began to float. Soon he stood before Essex— with midnight black eyes.

Even his eye colour had changed and Essex was mesmerised by the power that Marcellus was radiating.

"You have succeeded." Essex laughed. "You have become a God!"

Marcellus looked at his arm and smiled. "I… have succeeded."

He had achieved what no man had achieved— becoming a god with science alone.

"I have become a god."


[[A/N: Checkout my Pat reon for Advanced Chapters: Pat reon.com/ToothlessS

Yep. MC is finally Sentry. And not just the normal Sentry… but Merged Sentry/ All New Sentry/ Red Sentry/ Crimson God Sentry… or however you refer him as. 

He now has access to Spatial Manipulation. It's currently weak but has the potential of Beyond Omega.

Now, Imma list all the powers that MC has

1.Mind Reading (og mutant ability enhanced by the Sentry serum)

3.Invisibility (og mutant ability enchanted by the Sentry serum)

4. Superhuman senses (Wolverine Serum + Sentry Serum)

5 .Expert Martial Arts (Fu Manchu training) 

6. Anti-Metal Skeletal with Claws/Nails (Savage Lands)

•Infinity's Champion— Spatial Powers (Beyond Omega Level Potential)

•All of Sentry's powers + Void's power (Far stronger than OG Sentry) [Basically powers of 'Merged Sentry']—

-Molecular Manipulation (Beyond/Omega Level) 

-Superhuman strength, durability, stamina, speed, agility, reflexes, dexterity, intelligence 

-Superhuman senses: hearing,sight, and smell

-Travel at a speed exceeding speed of light

-Regeneration (Dude only needs a cell to revive.)

-Immortality (Pretty much the only way to kill him is with Reality Manipulation. Killing his past self is not possible as he is Infinity's champion and as such if someone tries time travel to kill him— he will be informed by Infinity.)

-Complete invulnerability (From physical attacks)

-Resurrection {This guy just cannot die (the one that Knull killed was base Sentry with 0 control over Void, not the Merged Sentry. And even then Knull stole Void from Sentry— which made him able to able to kill Sentry.)}

-Flight (Can fly even in Space)

-Electromagnetic spectrum vision

-Microscopic vision

-Telescopic vision

-Infrared vision

-X-Ray vision

-Matter manipulation (Omega Level)

-Energy manipulation, absorption, creation, and projection (Omega Level)

-Photokinesis— Solar energy manipulation, absorption, creation, and projection (Omega Level)


-Telekinesis (Omega Level)

-Telepathy (Omega Level)

-Mind control (Beyond/Omega Level)

-Mind control resistance

-Empathy/emotion manipulation (Omega Level)

-Aura detection

-Astral projection




-Illusion casting (Omega Level)

-Force-field projection

-Light Projection

-Generation of hard-constructs

-Time manipulation (Alpha/Omega Level)

-Reality manipulation (Low Omega Level)

-Power bestowal

-The power of one million exploding suns

-Umbrakinesis (Omega Level) {Void ability to control and shape darkness/Shadow}

-Death touch

-Atmokinesis (Omega Level) 

-Chemically enhanced physiology Omega-level threat


-Self-sustenance (Doesn't need to eat, sleep or shit to survive)

-Psionic abilities (Omega Level) {Stopped Thor's hammer without touching… yeah.}

-Biokinesis (Omega Level) {Ability to manipulate his biology as well as the biology of others. Allows him to create life as well.}

-And he can create tentacles from his shadows.

M too tired too think of facts today.]]