
Marvel: Spectre's Chronicles

Lucas Spectre, an ordinary young man, unexpectedly finds himself isekaid to the Marvel universe. Will he become another cliché isekai protagonist, relying on serums(drugs on the rocks), magic, and other common tropes to acquire powers in the Marvel universe? Or is there something more to his arrival? Did a ROB granted him any cheats? Is he destined to be there, or just an unlucky individual caught in the whims of a powerful being? The answers to these questions will be revealed in chapters 8-10, so just read it plebs. ---------------------------------- If you want to read some advanced chapters, be sure to check on my p_treon, your monetary support will be greatly appreciated. P_treon Link: p_treon.com/Rai_jin (Just take out the underscore.) Updates will be irregular. It all depends on my sched, really.

Rai_Jin · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter #19

"Come at me...." I uttered, my voice oozing with a potent mix of exhilaration and anticipation.

My heart pounded with excitement as I prepared for the clash ahead. This was my first taste of real combat, and I relished the challenge. Despite the Lizard's formidable strength, I knew sheer power wouldn't be enough to overcome me. Skill and finesse would be my trump cards.

In my grasp, a weapon of pure awe: a luminous lightsaber. I had harnessed the very essence of eldritch energy into my mirror fashioning them into a blade using an intricate arrangement of mirrors. This short, deadly weapon was a testament to my ingenuity and power.

The blade hummed with energy, capable of slicing through thick metals like a hot knife through butter. Its searing heat added an extra layer of devastation to each strike. Gripping it in a reverse grip, I poised myself for the imminent clash.

The Lizard charged at me with a savage ferocity, claws bared and ready to rend me apart. In a swift motion, our weapons collided, but my blade met no resistance. With a graceful arc, my blade effortlessly cleaved through his defenses, severing his claws as though they were mere illusions.

Before he could comprehend the swiftness of his defeat, my leg arced toward his face, delivering a punishing roundhouse kick. The force of the impact sent him reeling, his head twisted in my direction. Seizing the opportunity, I flexed my arm and swung my blade in a lightning-fast arc, slicing a quarter of his neck. A trail of crimson dripped from the wound, the heat of my blade cauterizing it with a sizzle.

"GRRRRAA!" The Lizard bellowed in agony, staggering backward. His regenerative abilities struggled to heal the deep gash, impeded by the scorching burn inflicted upon him.

Desperate to regain the upper hand, the Lizard lunged, attempting to shove me away. But before he could execute his plan, the back of his hand was suddenly webbed, ensnaring both his hands in a sticky trap. His movements halted abruptly, his intentions thwarted in an instant.

I looked behind him and found Pete, struggling to hold the Lizard towards him. Even though it disappointed me that our 1v1 fight would end too soon, I also understood that if it weren't for Peter, the Lizard would have already pushed me across that wall which would then break some of my bones.

I'm still weak, yes. But that's not permanent. Over time I would grow stronger, and stronger until the likes of the being before me would fear not only my skills but also my strength. For now, I guess I would need to improve my skills some more.

"Who are you?" Peter's voice pierced through the chaos as he strained to separate the Lizard from us. With a mighty effort, he flung the monstrous creature against the wall, shattering it into pieces. I swiftly darted inside the room, my eyes scanning the laboratory's contents—a myriad of scientific apparatus, some containing vibrant liquids.

"Still not talking?! Maybe I should try sign language?!" Peter blurted out, swinging by my side. Annoyance welled up within me, though he couldn't perceive it behind my mask.

"Can't you not talk?" I grumbled, my voice laced with a rough edge.

"Is that a rhetorical question? Because it sounds like a rhetorical question."

I clicked my tongue in frustration. Pete's incessant chatter grated on my nerves. We were ensnared in a perilous situation, and yet he hadn't already delivered the Lizard's antidote to Dr. Connors.

"The cure," I demanded, my voice taking on a deep, menacing timbre. Hearing my words, Peter theatrically clutched his head, a look of shock spreading across his face.

"Damn it! It's in the bathroom! I dropped it there and webbed it to the wall... Wait, how did you--"

His words were suddenly stopped by the Lizard when he appeared from the storage, his neck already healed, with a smoking liquid of flask glass in his hand.

"No one will get in the way of my plans!" he roared, fury emanating from every pore.

Flexing his arms, he threw the flask directly at my face, But in a split second, I conjured a gesture with my hand, summoning a shimmering mirror to materialize between me and the hurtling projectile.

The flask passed through the mirror completely disappearing from everyone's view.

'Enough playing around,' I thought to myself as I focused my thoughts and swiftly created a mirror portal behind the Lizard's unsuspecting form. Through the portal, the flask hurtled towards him with unerring accuracy, striking him square on. An explosion erupted, shrouding the Lizard in a billowing cloud of smoke.

I looked at Peter and spoke,

"Leave him to me. Get the cure, now." With those words, I waved my hand and pointed my palm towards the groaning Lizard.

As I shifted my focus back to the groaning Lizard, my palm became a conduit for my powers. A mesmerizing construct of mirrors materialized, releasing a concentrated beam of dazzling light. The intense energy propelled the Lizard forcefully across the room, his body colliding with the unforgiving surface.

"Holy!" Pete exclaimed in shock, however, one intensed looked at him and he immediately went off to grabbed the cure.

It's me and him, once again. Though, this time, it won't end the same way as before anymore. I fought him before with my cqc, but this time, I will use everything that I've practice with my mirrors ability down to it's bits.

As the smoke dissipated, revealing the chaos-ridden room, I beheld the Lizard on the shattered floor, his body struggling to rise. His hand lay mangled and broken, evidence of his futile defense against my laser attack.

"Impossible... What are you...?" The Lizard spoke in disbelief while looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"You're asking me that now?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow in amusement. My hands ascended, palm facing downward, and in an instant, a construct of mirrors materialized above the Lizard, hovering ominously.

With a deliberate motion of my hand, I directed the mirror hand construct to descend upon the Lizard. Like an insect squashed underfoot, it delivered a resounding slap, forcing him back to the unforgiving ground.

A cloud of dust settled over the flattened space where the Lizard had been struck down. With purposeful strides, I approached the resulting cavity, anticipation coursing through me. I hoped to discover the unconscious form of Dr. Connors within, however, my hopes were quickly destroyed as I was met with a disheartening scene—a mere echo of running water and the gaping entrance to the underground sewers.


"Hey, I've got the cure now! Where's Dr. Con...nors...?" Peter's voice trailed off, his words replaced by a sinking realization.

The Lizard had escaped.


Within the confines of a damp and dimly lit sewer, a solitary figure moved with faltering steps. Clinging to the wall for support, the man's naked form was a stark contrast against the grimy surroundings.

His appearance was far from favorable, to say the least. His once-human complexion had transformed, marred by a sickly slime that coated his skin.

The hue of his flesh had taken on a haunting shade of green, accentuated by prominent veins that traced a twisted path across his body. The grotesque transformation was a testament to the dark forces that now coursed through his veins.

The man's body trembled, not from the chill of the sewer, but from an intense fury that consumed him.

"Peter PARKER! And THAT BUG!!" His voice reverberated through the underground passage as he fell to his knees, the anger pulsating within him. With a mighty punch, he struck the wall, causing some cracks to form into it.

"ALL OF THEM HINDERING MY PLANS! ALL OF THEM TRYING TO STOP ME FROM BEING THE SAVIOR OF THIS ACCURSED WORLD!" The man shouted with insanity as he pushed himself to stand up and continued on his walk across the damp sewers.

His words echoed with a twisted conviction, a twisted belief that he alone held the key to salvation, even if it meant tearing down anyone who stood in his way.

Arriving at his underground laboratory, the man's eyes glimmered with a deranged intensity as he gazed at the computer screen. Fingers flying across the keyboard, his actions mirrored the madness that consumed him.


On his computer is a confidential file that he managed to salvage from Oscorp. A file that Norman Osborn mostly cherished.


A twisted grin crept across his face, a disturbing blend of satisfaction and anticipation. Clenching his fist, he slammed the enter button, triggering a hidden mechanism beside him. In a dramatic reveal, two serums emerged, shimmering with untapped potential.

"I'LL NEVER LET ANYONE GET IN THE WAY OF MY PLANS!!!" His savage roar reverberated through the dank sewers, a declaration of his twisted sense of purpose intensified deep within him.

The purpose to create a world without weakness.


-Be sure to check on my new Fanfic! Boruto: A Tool.

-If you want to read some advanced chapters, be sure to check on my p_treon, your monetary support will be greatly appreciated.

- P*treon Link: p*treon.com/Rai_jin (Just take out the asterisk.)

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