
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

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138 Chs

Two foodies, Wanda's stealing kiss

Thinking of this, Quicksilver smiled in his heart.

When he looked at Li Xiu, he looked more and more like a brother-in-law!

The other party is really pleasing to the eye no matter how he looks at it! It was just prepared for the name of his brother-in-law!

When Wanda was eating, she was so focused, wholeheartedly, that her eyes were all on the dishes.

While eating the bowl and looking at the plate, his mouth was almost full, like a little squirrel.

Seeing the girl who was so focused on eating, Li Xiu couldn't help but laugh.

This girl, when eating, is really cute and foul.

This is very different from the Wanda he influenced and a few years later.

At that time, Wanda was already relatively mature, but at the moment Wanda was even more innocent and lovely. Whether it was on the outside or on the inside, there was still a strong sense of childishness and innocence.

Wanda didn't know that Li Xiu looked at her from time to time, otherwise, she would be shy again.

Wanda, who is all about food, at the moment completely leaves the man breed behind.

Focus on the food business for 18 years, with rich work experience.

Maybe this is the legendary career brain.

Quicksilver next to him looked at the very focused old lady and had a headache.

Without seeing your brother-in-law looking at you all the time, how could you be so focused on the meal?

A good opportunity is not seized, really!

At your age, at your time, are you eating right? How are you right? You are just too focused!

However, he was too embarrassed to remind his old sister, he could only frown and sigh in his heart, worrying about the old sister's love career.


Wanda was finally full.

The belly was slightly lifted.

She looked at her belly, touched it, and smiled happily.

too delicious!

Wanda has never eaten something so delicious.

Wanda was simply happy and had the urge to cry.


too delicious.

She touched her belly with satisfaction, then looked at Li Xiu who was still eating.

Looking at the plate beside him, the smile on his face instantly solidified, staring blankly at the plate beside Li Xiu.

Seemingly suspecting that she had read it wrong, she leaned forward slightly, her dull almond eyes blinking a few times.

After making sure there are no hallucinations.

She looked at the other party's plate, and then looked at the plate in front of her.

He swallowed suddenly.

She already had a stack of plates on her side, and she felt like she could eat it.

Although Li Xiu said that she could eat it too, she thought she could eat a little more than herself.

The result was unexpected...

Looking at the pile of plates beside the other party, a trace of panic appeared on Xiao Taotie's face.

This trace of panic, usually only others will show her appetite when they see her.

It never occurred to her that she would feel a little panic when she saw the appetite of others.

She looked at the younger brother beside her, but the younger brother also had a dull expression on his face.

Obviously, the younger brother did not expect that Li Xiu's appetite was so extraordinary.

But soon, the panic on Wanda's face disappeared, only a little excited.

The other party can eat as much as she does, and the two of them have something in common.

Thinking of this, Wanda felt a little happy.


at this time.

Quicksilver on the side spoke up, and he asked his doubts: "By the way, brother, why did you come back there to save us? And why did you save the two of us alone'?"

When Wanda heard this, she nodded slightly.

Li Xiu said with a smile: "I have the ability to predict the future, and I feel that the two of you will be useful to the world in the future.

will contribute to the peace and tranquility of the world, so I will go and save you.

I didn't just rescue you, I also rescued others, I just didn't bring them back. "

heard here.

Brother Wanda's eyes widened.

Can predict the future?

Is it so miraculous?

But when they thought of the mysterious magic of each other, the two were relieved.

Li Xiu is so powerful, he knows a little bit of prediction, so what's the problem?

It's just that the two of them didn't expect that their Weibo power could still be useful to the world.


Li Xiu ate all the food.

Looking at the pile of dinner plates, both siblings swallowed.

This amount of food is simply a metaphor for terror.

Quicksilver swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Brother... You can't actually be a dragon... Otherwise, how could your food intake be so amazing..."

Li Xiu smiled and shook his head: "Nothing, I am a normal human being. 39


Whether it was the Wanda siblings or Feifeilong, the corners of their eyes twitched when they heard this.

If Li Xiu was a normal person, there would be no normal person in the world.

Quicksilver immediately smiled and said, "I finally know why my brother is so powerful, King Kong is not broken, and after eating so much, everyone has to become an immortal.

Wanda next to him smiled charmingly: "It is a blessing to be able to eat, and a blessing to be able to eat, hehe.""

Saying that, she touched her bulging belly.

Li Xiu looked at the charming Wanda with a smile on his face: "Yes, it is a blessing to be able to eat, and a blessing to be able to eat."

Looking at Li Xiu's smiling eyes, Wanda smiled a little embarrassedly.

Li Xiu immediately said seriously: "By the way, for work, you should go to Tesla company, it is a small company I just founded, you can go to work there first.

The two nodded quickly when they heard Li Xiu's words.

Wanda said seriously, "Thank you, Hugh.

Li Xiu smiled and shook his head: "It's all trivial matters."

Saying that, he snapped his fingers.

A pen and a piece of paper flew over.

Li Xiu wrote down an address: "This is the company's address, I will call Roar when the time comes, you just need to go.

Wanda took over the address, and the chicken pecking rice nodded: "Okay.

Immediately, Wanda stood up, her voice soft and her eyes bright: "Hugh, then Pietro and I will go first, we have to go to the city hall, and then go to the bank.

Li Xiu nodded: "Okay."

He also stood up and waved his hand.

The pots and pans on the table flew into the dishwasher and washed automatically.

Brother Wanda looked at Li Xiu's ability, and both showed a trace of envy.

After all, this Ability is too convenient.

Li Xiu snapped his fingers again.

Suddenly, a small pile of money flew out and landed in Li Xiu's hands.

Li Xiu handed the money to Wanda: "You take the money first, if you can't get the money today, take the money to rent a house first.

Wanda waved his hand quickly: "No no no, you have helped us a lot, I can't take your money anymore.

Wanda's eyes showed a firmness, although Wanda looked soft, but once a decision was made, it was difficult to change.

Li Xiu grabbed Wanda's soft little hand, and his attitude was firm: "I lent you this money, so you must accept it.

When you make money, just give it back to me.

Don't accept it, or I'll be angry.

Wanda looked at Li Xiu's face, bit her lip, and finally lowered her head slightly and said in a low voice, "Thank you, you are so kind to me..."

Wanda has grown up, and it was the first time someone treated her so seriously and tenderly, which made her feel warm in her heart.

At the age of ten, her family was destroyed and she and her younger brother were displaced. She had seen a lot of human affection and malice in the world, but she had never encountered someone like Li Xiu.

When Li Xiu heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he touched Wanda's head: "Just be obedient.""

Wanda was touched like this, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

She suddenly took a breath.

Then, with a flushed face, he suddenly hugged Li Xiu: "`Thank you, Hugh!"

After speaking, he stood on tiptoe and quickly pecked Li Xiu's side face.

After doing this, Wanda turned her head and ran away, leaving Li Xiu's house as if she were running away.

Li Xiu stood there, his expression still a little stunned.

He had no idea that this shy little girl could be so bold.

good guy.

Then he saw Quicksilver wink at him, and whispered, "Brother-in-law.

Li Xiu laughed after hearing this.

He chose to pat Quicksilver on the shoulder: "Take care of your sister, after all, you are a boy.

Quicksilver raised his chest and said to himself, "Don't worry, brother-in-law. Although it was my sister who took care of me, I was always protecting my sister from childhood to adulthood.

As long as I'm here, no one can hurt her. "

Li Xiu nodded and said seriously: "Pietro, your Ability is actually very powerful, beyond your imagination, exercise and control it, you will become an extremely powerful superhero.

I can see your future, so you need to understand that you are different and powerful.

Hearing Li Xiu's words, Pietro Roar breathed suddenly: "I... can I really..."

Li Xiu smiled and said, "Yes."

Pietro nodded heavily: "I remember, brother-in-law!

Then Li Xiu snapped his fingers again and flew out a stack of money and handed it to Pietro.

Quicksilver shook his head quickly: "No, no, brother-in-law, we can't take your things anymore, you gave us so much."

Li Xiu tapped the other party's head: "Take it, even if you don't need it yourself, think about your sister. If you suddenly run out of money, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

Take it, this money is nothing to me.

Li Xiu put money into Quicksilver's hands.

Quicksilver looked at Li Xiu gratefully and said, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

Saying that, he bowed heavily.

At this moment, Quicksilver recognized his brother-in-law even more.

Li Xiu patted the other party's shoulder: "Okay, let's go, don't make your sister wait too long.

Quicksilver nodded.

Immediately, he put the money in his pocket and went after Wanda.

Li Xiu showed a small smile.

For his own people, Li Xiu has never been stingy.

He touched the spot where Wanda had just pecked and shook his head and smiled.

Just at this time.

The phone rang.

A crisp and vibrant voice sounded.


Li Xiu smiled and said, "What's the matter, gwen."

Gwen coquettishly said: "Aren't you going to be with your little grid today? I haven't seen you for almost 24 hours.

Li Xiu smiled: "Okay, I'll come to you later. I just want to buy a car, let's go together.

Hearing Li Xiu agree, Gwen's happy voice came from the other end of the phone.

She immediately said: "Okay! Gwen accompanies to see the car today!