
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

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138 Chs

Visited the houses

Hear what Wanda says.

Li Xiu asked: "If you don't have a house, you can live with me temporarily, and I'm quite big here anyway."

heard here.

Quicksilver's eyes light up: "Is it okay?"

Li Xiu said with a smile: "Definitely yes.""

At this time, Wanda glared at Quicksilver and said quickly: "you save us, we have already troubled you, we can't continue to trouble you.

I still had some money in my previous bank card, not much, but enough for the two of us to rent a cheap mobile home.

After a while, I will go to the city hall to issue an ID card, and then I will go to the bank to re-issue a bank card.

When he said this, Wanda's little face was full of seriousness.

Wanda is not a person who likes to trouble others, especially after her parents died, she took on the responsibility of her eldest sister as a mother and became more independent.

Li Xiu didn't force it, and said with a smile, "Okay. Then I'll find a job for the two of you."

When Wanda heard this, she did not refuse, but sincerely thanked Li Xiu.

Li Xiu smiled freely: "It's all small things.

Just at this time.

Wanda's stomach suddenly growled.

Seems to be hungry.

Immediately, Wanda's ears turned red, and she quickly covered her stomach, smiling embarrassedly and coquettishly.

Li Xiu snapped his fingers.

Feifeilong immediately got the signal: "Sit down for a while! I'll go get you something delicious!

After speaking, put down the gamepad and trot towards the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, the Wanda brothers and sisters were all very new.

Wanda opened her eyes and looked at Feifeilong's back: "It can even make food, it's amazing.

Quicksilver sighed: "God, brother, you are too bad. If you raise a dragon to be your own chef, I am afraid you are the only one in the world."

Li Xiu said with a smile: "What it makes is delicious, although it looks a little bloated and clumsy, but it is actually very flexible.

I'll show you around while Xiaolong goes to get some food.

After speaking, Li Xiu started to show the two of them around his house.

Looking at Li Xiu's big flat, Quicksilver constantly marveled, and his eyes almost fell out.

Wanda looked at such a beautiful house and looked at the seascape outside, her eyes were shining.

She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the seascape outside.

There is an endless blue sea with sparkling waves on it. In some places, there are fish emerging and seagulls hunting.

Above the sea, there is a clear blue sky and various seas of clouds.

At a glance, the world is open, the mind is also open, and the mood is extraordinarily happy.

Looking at the beauty, Wanda exclaimed: "Your house is so beautiful, you can see such a beautiful thing.

Her bright green eyes looked at the scenery outside, her eyes lit up more and more, and there was a hint of happiness on her face.

Wanda's happiness seems to be easy to satisfy, just looking at those beautiful scenery, it is very happy, simple and pure.

When Wanda is in view.

Li Xiu was looking at people enjoying the view.

The faint sunlight shone on Wanda's delicate and flowery face, with a hint of gold, and she looked a little pure and holy, like a saint.

Li Xiu looked at Wanda's beautiful profile and couldn't help but smile.

Wanda is really good-looking, the one belonging to the sweet girl, soft, very gentle, very quiet when not angry, definitely has an excellent figure.

Where it shouldn't be to save fabric, is not at all, although not as exaggerated as Gwen, but it is also extremely impressive.

Gwen, on the other hand, has a hot body, a somewhat royal face, and a cheerful and lively personality. Definitely, she is also very sticky when she is clingy.

The two have their own strengths and weaknesses, each with their own beauty.

When Li Xiu was admiring the beauty.

Quicksilver, who was next to him, looked at the two of them and had a panoramic view of everything, and the corners of his mouth could not help but cocked slightly.

Quicksilver smiled in his heart, he felt that his brother-in-law was having fun.

As Wanda's younger brother, he can also see that his sister has a good impression of Li Xiu.

He also has a good impression of Li Xiu, even a little worship, the invincible and handsome superhero, can that boy refuse to worship him?

So if the other party really becomes his brother-in-law, he is also very happy.

Just at this time.

A strong aroma of rice wafted out.

When asked about the scent, she immediately evoked the essence of Wanda, a foodie. She Xiao Qiong took a breath, her eyes lit up, and she suddenly turned to look at the dining table.

As a result, he saw Li Xiu's gaze.

The other party has been... looking at her?

Wanda looked into Li Xiu's eyes, and her heart suddenly thumped.

She felt her face start to heat up.

She didn't know what was going on, but when she saw Li Xiu, she suddenly felt that the other party seemed to be more beautiful than the beauty just now.

The other party seemed to be bubbly, and when she saw the other party, she felt a little excited.

Especially when I see the other party is also paying attention to me, there is an inexplicable joy in my heart.

Li Xiu looked at Wanda's little red face and showed a smile.

Seeing this, Wanda's heart beat faster, and her face felt hotter.

So she quickly avoided Li Xiu's gaze and looked at the dining table, where a lot of food had already been put on it, and said, "The dishes are here!"

As Wanda glanced over, the food above came into view.

Roasted goose, foie gras, roasted turkey, etc., are full of oil and fragrance, which makes people drool.

Wanda's eyes lit up instantly, hurriedly trotted over, and swallowed: "Okay...a lot of delicious food!"


Wanda's stomach suddenly growled again.

This sound made Wanda blushed instantly. She didn't dare to look at other people, her eyes widened and she looked at the dining table without looking sideways.

She pretended that nothing happened, but her red and hot ears betrayed her.

Seeing this, Li Xiu couldn't help shaking his head and smiling: "Let's eat first, the little dragon will come up slowly.

Quicksilver hummed Roar happily: "It's delicious!

He ran up and quickly sat down.

Li Xiu also walked up and sat down: "Eat.

The two nodded.

Wanda took a portion of foie gras and put it in his mouth.

Soon her eyes turned into crescent moons, and her little face was full of enjoyment: "Oh my God, it's so delicious! Xiaolong's cooking skills are amazing! It's something that only exists in the sky."

After finishing speaking, she transformed into a small gluttonous glutton, and began to attack the battlefield.

Looking at Wanda in the form of a gluttonous glutton, Li Xiu's smile did not disappear.

It was the first time he had seen such an edible girl.

This also greatly changed his influence on Wanda.

He had no idea that Wanda was still a real foodie.

No wonder it grows so well, it turns out to be eating well.

If you eat well, you will never starve your child and his father in the future.

Quicksilver couldn't stop eating it: "My God, it's so delicious! Brother, you are so lucky to eat these delicious foods every day!"

But what's interesting is that Quicksilver's eating speed and weight are far behind his sister's.

Wanda is really edible, and her small mouth is bulging at any time, instantly changing from an oval face to a small bun face.

But soon.

The two found a problem.

That is, the dishes on the table do not seem to decrease, but are increasing. Xiaolong serves the dishes very quickly and in large quantities.

It has far exceeded the weight of three people, and even exceeded the weight of ten.

Seeing this, Wanda thought it was Xiaolong who saw that his belly was very edible, so he was afraid that he would not be able to eat enough, so he made a lot of it.

But in Wanda's view, these have exceeded her appetite, and it has been wasted, which makes Wanda a little embarrassed.

She hurriedly stopped Xiaolong and said a little embarrassedly: "Xiaolong, although I do eat a little..."

Before Wanda could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Quicksilver's muttering: "It's not a little bit, that's what thieves can eat."

Hearing this, Wanda's ears turned red again, and she glanced at Li Xiu, only to see that the other party was also looking at her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, making her even more embarrassed.

She puffed out her cheeks, snorted, and slapped Quicksilver: "Don't interrupt me!"

She immediately looked at Xiaolong and said shyly: "Xiaolong, I do eat a lot, But you have made too much, and I can't finish it... It's too wasteful.

When Xiaolong heard this, he laughed: "It's alright, sister. You don't have to worry, my boss can handle this, your food intake is nothing compared to my boss.

At this time, Li Xiu also smiled and said, "Wanda, don't worry, eat at ease, the rest is my meal.

Wanda nodded obediently: "Oh.

Is there anyone who can eat better than her?

Countless question marks appeared in Wanda's little head.

After all, she has grown up so much, and she has never seen a few people who can eat more than her.

However, because it is too edible, Wanda is often embarrassed to eat with others for fear of being used as a rice bucket.

As a result, I didn't expect that today, I seem to have met a bigger rice bucket and met a fellow man.

And this person who has the same familiarity with her is Li Xiu.

This made Wanda inexplicably a little joyful.

I don't know that Wanda is happy because the person she likes is the same as her.

Or because I found a stronger rice bucket, and I am no longer the most able to eat.

Wanda started the foodie motor again, turned it into a small gluttonous food and started again, chasing and blocking the food army on the table, fighting the heroes, and was about to cut off all the food heroes.


Quicksilver was full, patted his stomach with satisfaction, and handed the battlefield to the remaining two.

Seeing the two men eating fiercely, sweeping through the clouds, and looking like it didn't end at all, Quicksilver clicked his tongue slightly.

Especially when I saw that Li Xiu didn't have to be slower than his sister, I was even more stunned.

It was the first time he had grown so big that he could wrestle with his sister in terms of appetite.

He shook his head slightly, how could these two people eat so much, are these two still human?

Quicksilver touched his chin again, and he felt that the two seemed to be more compatible.

Immediately, the smile on his face became more intense.