
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

New spidersuit

The deputy said: "My God, this masked woman is too terrifying, this power is too amazing.

George nodded: "Indeed, it's amazing! Who would have thought that such a terrifying power would erupt from such a small body."

The deputy touched his chin: "Who is this guy? Never seen it before.

George looked solemn: "Indeed, a brand new superhero.

The deputy said: "But thanks to the other party, otherwise, we would not be able to catch this guy at all."

George also nodded: "Yes, if it wasn't for her, don't say I couldn't catch this guy, we both probably lay down just now."

The deputy nodded, and a cold sweat broke out on his back when he was almost hit by the criminal's bomb.

There was a look of envy in the deputy's eyes: "These superhero have such powerful power, which makes me, an ordinary person, really envious.

With such a powerful force, in this dangerous world, it is even more secure.

Otherwise, even those of us who are police officers would not be able to withstand these extraordinary forces. "

Having said this, the deputy sighed.

George also sighed.

They were originally in charge of social security, they belonged to violent institutions and suppressed public security incidents, but in this world, their violent institutions were not violent enough, and in the face of some incidents, they could not suppress them at all.

George sighed "": "Yes, if I had Super strength, we would be able to handle the case better."

Immediately, he sighed again: "Definitely, I hope my family members have super strength more than myself, so they will have the power to resist when they encounter things."

at the same time.

Photos of Gwen also began to spread in the media.

Above the Daily Bugle.

Photos of Gwen fighting were also released.

And also got the title of Spider-Woman up.

So the name Spider-Woman spread quickly in New York City.

Many people in New York City knew about the existence of Spider-Woman, and also knew about Spider-Woman's exploits.

Spider-Woman has suddenly become the object of worship for many people.


The Daily Bugle is still the same, bashing Spider-Woman for the sake of traffic.

Indicates that these masked superhero are potential scourges and that what they do is illegal.

Justice should be carried out by official presences such as the police, not by these masked vigilantes.

The attack on Spider-Woman, like Spider-man later, is completely a tonality.

However, this wave of operations did bring a lot of traffic to the Clarion Daily. People bought and watched this eye-catching newspaper, which greatly increased the sales of the newspaper.

The black-hearted boss in the Clarion Daily looked at the sales of the newspaper and laughed.

at the same time.

Inside the police car, the police also removed Green Goblin's headgear.

They also know who Green Goblin really is.

Seeing the appearance of Green Goblin, everyone was shocked.

None of them thought that the criminal turned out to be Norman Osborn, the CEO of Osborn Company.

After all, who would have thought that the CEO of a large company would become a super criminal and carry out a series of damages.

But everyone also understands that Osborn's CEO is dead.

Green Goblin himself never imagined that he would be defeated by a woman.

He obviously already has that much power.

It can only be said that the opponent's strength is too strong.

in prison.

Green Goblin sat in the dark with hatred and unwillingness in his eyes.

"Damn Spider-Woman, why is she so strong? The power of that punch is so terrifying!

At the same time, he was also very distressed, because he had received news that he had been completely kicked out by the directors of Osborn Company.

Green Goblin gritted his teeth: "Damn!"

"Osborn, your son wants to see you.""

Gwen dashed towards Li Xiu's house.

She wanted to tell him the good news.

Gwen's speed is very fast, especially with the blessing of cobweb, the speed is even faster.

She quickly traversed between the high-rise buildings and ran towards the Binhai Building.

Shortly after.

She arrived at the Binhai Building and went directly to the door of Li Xiu's house.


Instead of entering her fingerprint directly, she rang the doorbell.

Gwen is ready to surprise each other.

"Who is it?" Li Xiu's voice came from inside.

Li Xiu saw that Gwen did not come in, but was standing outside the door wearing a battle suit, and he knew immediately that the other party wanted to do some tricks.

Therefore, Li Xiu did not dismantle the other party, but inquired.

But looking at Gwen with the Spider battlesuit outside the door, Li Xiu swallowed.

The tight-fitting Spider battlesuit perfectly showcases Gwen's figure.

Just ask, which man can resist the temptation of Spider-Woman.

He opened the door and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Gwen changed his voice and said coldly, "Killer, the one who killed you."

Li Xiu smiled in his heart, good guy, and the plot is long-winded.

Saying that, she grabbed Li Xiu's neck with one hand.

Li Xiu said coldly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, killer, and I'll get rid of you today.


He picked up Gwen directly, closed the door, and walked towards the bedroom.

Gwen exclaimed: "I'm Gwen, I'm Gwen! I just wanted to surprise you! Put me down, put me down!"

Li Xiu just smiled, did not speak, and directly pushed Gwen into the bedroom.

time flies.

Not just how long has passed.

The sleepy Gwen walked out of the bedroom, she sat on the sofa, and Roar Roar said: "You broke my battle suit, how can I be a superhero!

Li Xiu came out and sat beside Gwen, pinching Gwen's bulging cheeks.

Gwen twisted to the side.

Li Xiu smiled, took out an exquisite necklace, and put it in front of Gwen: "Look at what this is?"

Gwen's eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful necklace.

But soon, she turned her head, hugged her chest and snorted: "I won't be bought by your beautiful necklace! One thing is one thing!

Even so, Gwen's small eyes couldn't help but float on the necklace.

This necklace is really beautiful, and girls like jewelry and the like.

Li Xiu hugged Gwen's water snake waist and put his chin on each other's shoulders: "This is not an ordinary beautiful necklace, this is a powerful piece of equipment."

This is of course no ordinary necklace.

This is Li Xiu's nano battle suit for Gwen.

Before Gwen came, he made a trip into the lab and quickly built the nano battle suit.

It's just that this nano battle suit doesn't have Vibranium, nor Wakanda's energy-absorbing Vibranium technology.

In fact, Li Xiu is very much like getting a Vibranium battle suit for Gwen, because the stronger the defense, and the effect of absorbing energy and releasing it.

Can greatly increase Gwen's attack power.

Although this nano battle suit can't keep up with Wakanda's one, it is still much stronger than the ordinary fiber battle suit that Gwen made himself.

Hearing Li Xiu's words, Gwen's eyes suddenly lit up.

For his boyfriend's technology, Gwen is unconditional worship.

So when Li Xiu said it was a piece of equipment, Gwen knew that this piece of equipment must be very extraordinary.

Gwen stared at the necklace. "This... what is this..."

She seemed to feel that she was so useless, she hurriedly hugged her chest and looked aside, snorted: "One thing is one thing! I will never be accepted by your good equipment..."

Before Gwen could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xiu's words.

"This is a nano battle suit, which can be turned into a powerful battle suit, made of super fibers and some super alloys.

Very tough, indestructible, and has a strong ability to absorb kinetic energy and reduce attacks.

Li Xiu's words made Gwen's eyes completely light up.

Nano battle suit?

A necklace directly into a battle suit, this concept is too cool.

And this thing is indestructible, and the function is amazing.

With this battle suit, she doesn't have to worry about the battle suit breaking during battle.

She was about to say that she would not be bribed, but she hurriedly swallowed it back without saying anything.

She Tsundere her chin and squinted at the necklace: "For your sincerity, I forgive you for tearing up my battle suit.

I don't remember the villain, so I forgive you.

After she finished speaking, she immediately took action, moving like lightning, and reached for the necklace.

Seeing this, Li Xiu grinned.

This little girl wants to make a sneak attack.

He immediately raised his hand and moved more quickly, making Xiao Nizi flinch.

Gwen immediately stopped talking about martial arts, and used both hands to grab the necklace.

Li Xiu laughed even more.

Little Nizi, it's still a little tender to fight him.

He quickly moved the hand in front of Gwen quickly.

Let the little girl constantly flutter.

The little girl finally blushed, hugged her chest angrily again, and sat cross-legged on the spot, not saying a word, but her face was flushed, as if she was about to get hot.

Li Xiu smiled and said, "Why don't you take it?"

Xiao Nizi did not speak in a fit of anger, and sat on the spot with a red face, not even looking at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu hugged Xiao Nizi tightly and kissed her: "Alright, alright, I'll give you something, I won't tease you anymore.

This is what I have tried my best to create for you, how could I not give it to you.

Saying that, Li Xiu personally took it for Xiao Nizi and put it on the other side's delicate pink neck.

The neck of the beauty is really very beautiful, it will always make people unable to bear 0.8 and take a second look.

Watching Li Xiu slowly put the necklace on for herself, the little girl sat cross-legged on the spot even though she remained motionless.

But his eyes were all on the necklace.

Especially when she heard that Li Xiu worked so hard to create it for her, she couldn't help showing a sweet smile on her face, and that smile could sour others.

What she cares most about is not the gift originally, but Li Xiu's heart.

Hearing that her lover treats her so well, Gwen was very moved and very happy.

After Li Xiu put the necklace on, the little girl snorted sweetly: "For the sake of seeing you put so much thought into it, I forgive you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and hugged Li Xiu, a sweet smile appeared on his little face again, his eyes were full of little stars: "Thank you Hugh, for creating such a precious thing for me, mua~"

Saying that, he kissed Li Xiu's face.

Li Xiu smiled: "The necklace has not been fully opened yet, and it needs the last binding step before it can be opened freely."

Gwen rubbed against Li Xiu and said coquettishly, "Help me open.

Li Xiu squeezed Gwen's face and smiled, "Okay."

Gwen giggled.

Li Xiu continued: "But before that, take a bath first.