
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Gwen wearing Spider battlesuit

Green Goblin just took out the bomb, but before it was thrown, he was blown away and smashed into the ground.

It is true that the show has not started yet, and it is over.

And on the hoverboard, a slender and graceful figure landed on it, the owner of that kick.

She stood tall in the air, graceful and upright, full of heroic spirit.

Gwen looked at the kicked Green Goblin with cold eyes.

She also wanted to attack her family, which she would never allow.

see this scene.

Everyone below took a deep breath.

Before everyone could react at all, the figure appeared like lightning, kicking the guy who made everyone feel troublesome with a thunderous momentum.

Amazing strength.

Looking at the slender and graceful figure, everyone was stunned.

Who is this person?

A new superhero?

When many people saw Gwen's figure, their eyes filled with admiration.

Especially when the girls see it, their eyes are full of stars.

After all, this figure looks like a female superhero. When they see such a powerful girl, they naturally admire and feel very close.

It's just that the next scene is a bit unexpected.

The female superhero obviously couldn't control the hoverboard, and the skateboard flew out, causing the female superhero to fall into the air and fall off the skateboard.

The scene in front was very handsome, and when I got here, I instantly pulled my crotch.

Seeing superhero falling from mid-air, people who fled to the distance all gave out a terrified Roar.

They were afraid that the other party would hit the ground directly and become mashed.

But this scene did not appear.

call out!

A cobweb blasted out and instantly stuck to the building.

Gwen swayed, and instantly came to the outer wall of the building, jumped up to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and lay on top of it.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

They never thought that someone could stick to the wall without falling off.

"OMG! So cool!"

"I declare that this superheroine is the most handsome! 35

"She's so handsome, clinging to the wall and looking down!

"I declare that I am not the same, but this sister is so handsome!

"Faced with such a critical situation, sister, she is not afraid! She easily saved the danger and rushed to the wall of the building!"

Many people stood in the distance, looking at Gwen outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, all exclaimed in amazement.

Among the crowd, there was a special boy who watched all this.

Peter Parker, who has not yet become a Spider-man, looked at this scene, opened his mouth, and felt shocked.

"My God... so handsome, this man! This ability is so cool!

The fat man next to him saw this scene very much, and sighed: "I'll go, her skills are too sharp!"

Peter looked at Gwen admiringly and said, "If only I could have such power."

Peter continued: "White Spider, now I'm a Spider-Woman again, the Spider Ability has also helped, and I seem to be a Spider-man.

Fatty smiled and said: "Don't daydream, ordinary people like us have no chance to come into contact with the extraordinary.

But he also likes the white spider very much, he is too strong, so powerful.

The photos and videos came to Peter's mind.

There was also a look of admiration in his eyes, and he murmured: "I really hope I have such a day.

Only Li Xiu at home could clearly see Gwen's fuss.

He even saw Gwen's terrified face through the mask.

He also clearly saw that Gwen was in a hurry when she fell, and the reason why she was able to save her life was largely because of Spider Telepathy, which caused her to break out of subconscious operations.

After all, you could tell by looking at the panic in Gwen's little face.

Li Xiu laughed dumbly, the novice superhero attacked, and it was a little bit unlucky.

However, it can be fully understood. After all, Gwen is a rookie, and it is normal for things to go wrong.

Looking at the embarrassed little rookie, the corners of Li Xiu's mouth twitched slightly.

Definitely, even if Gwen really didn't handle it well, there would actually be no serious consequences. After all, Li Xiu was watching, and he could shoot at any time.

After all, distance is not a problem for him.

Gwen stood on top of the tall building, looking down, still having lingering fears, she murmured: "My God, fortunately I am agitated, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

If you fall so high, even if your body has the powerful regeneration ability given by Xiu, you probably won't be able to bear it..."

Below, inside the pit, a green figure stood up.

It was Green Goblin, he waved and the hoverboard flew towards him immediately.

Seeing this, Gwen moved instantly.

cobweb shoots, and she bursts forward, towards the hoverboard.

Then another hit cobweb flew out and hit the hoverboard, she pulled slightly, and the whole person shot towards the hoverboard, raising a slender and straight thigh at the same time.

Seeing this, Green Goblin knew that the other party was going to break his hoverboard.

He shouted angrily: "You are courting death!"

After he finished speaking, he manipulated the thing to turn its direction and shot towards Gwen, with protruding spikes in front of it, like a trident stabbing towards Gwen.

see this scene.

The spectators let out a horrified Roar cry.

"Get out of the way!"

"No, get stabbed to death! No!

"Please, don't let such a handsome sister die!"

"Escape! Spider-Woman!"

Facing the skateboard, Gwen did not panic at all, the speed of the other party was not that fast for her.

She raised her hand and shot a cobweb, and immediately dodged the skateboard.

At the same time, she used the cobweb on the skateboard to force the rushing skateboard wheel out of a big circle.

She let out a loud drink, the veins on her neck burst out, a strong will burst out in her eyes, and the power in her body cells burst out completely.

Swinging cobweb, the skateboard grabbed a big circle in mid-air, and then smashed to the ground.

When everyone saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief. They did not expect such a thing to happen, and did not expect such a situation to occur.

After dodging the attack of the skateboard, he also swung the skateboard around and smashed it to the ground. The action was unexpectedly cool.

It seems to be slashing towards the earth with a sky-opening axe.

Seeing this scene, Green Goblin was shocked Roar: "No!"

He hurriedly operated the skateboard, trying to escape from Gwen's grasp.

He maxed out the kinetic energy of the skateboard.

It's a pity that there is no way to get rid of Gwen's cobweb, powerful force.


In the end, the skateboard was blasted directly into the ground.


A blast!

Sparks bloom and debris scatters.

Onlookers stared at this scene.

"I'm going, it's so handsome.

"It's so handsome, it's unbelievable!

"This sister is so handsome!

"I thought she was going to be hit, but I didn't expect that the other party would directly smash this thing into pieces.

"Violent, handsome!"

Gwen, on the other hand, landed firmly on a street lamp, squatting on it and overlooking the Green Goblin ahead.

Green Goblin, who was hit, also had some shatters in the hard battle suit at the moment, and cracks appeared.

Green Goblin saw this, and Rage was extremely: "Damn it! You are courting death!

Saying that, he took out a pumpkin bomb.

Gwen shoots a cobweb, directly snatching the unactivated pumpkin bomb from the opponent's hand.

At the same time, another cobweb shot out, and she immediately shot towards Green Goblin and flew out.

Green Goblin dodged quickly.

Gwen didn't attack anyone, they all fell to the ground and rolled a few times to dissipate the impact.

Green Goblin saw the other party fall, and suddenly made a proud and hateful voice: "You are now on the ground, and that is my territory.

I will show you what power is.

Green Goblin is very confident in his own strength, and he doesn't think he will be his opponent against this slender female superhero.

As he spoke, he burst out, punching out, tearing the air.

Seeing this, Gwen sneered: "Power?"

She also burst out, clenching her slender fingers, and blasting her fist.

Gwen's fist looks very small and delicate, and looks harmless to humans and animals.



Powerful speed blesses powerful force, bursts the air directly, and emits harsh tearing air sounds.

A punch hit Green Goblin directly in the face.

Everyone barely had time to react, not even Green Goblin.


Green Goblin shot back, like a cannonball flying, hitting the ground heavily, the concrete shattered, and a ravine was plowed.


As for Green Goblin, he fainted and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

Gwen stood there, staring coldly at the villain who wanted to blow up his father.

Both Gwen and Green Goblin belong to the power of Awakening, and the power is not very amazing, but Gwen has injected the Lizardman potion, which directly raised her power to a normal Spider-man, four or five Captain America levels. .

Green Goblin's power is simply not enough.

see this scene.

Everyone was silent and sluggish.

No one thought that this super heroine had such a powerful force.

No one would have imagined that that slender and graceful body contained such an amazing explosive power.

If this punch hits an ordinary person, wouldn't it just turn into a slush?

Everyone took a deep breath.

"So handsome! Really cool!

"For the first time in New York City, I saw such a powerful superheroine, and it felt like a match for Queen Maeve in Hwaseong!

"I decided, this sister is my favorite superhero!""

"I'm not a keto, but I can't help loving this sister!"

The crowd looked at Gwen in admiration, and cheered Roar, the hero defeating the villain.

Gwen watched the joy of countless strangers. For the first time, she was admired by so many people, and there was a trace of joy and joy in her heart.

However, she did not enjoy the moment of intoxication, and she shot out the injection and left here.

She left here directly and ran towards Li Xiu's house. She wanted to share with Li Xiu the good news that she had become a superhero.

Also share that you just beat the first super criminal of your life.

Li Xiu's eyes lit up when he saw Gwen in a Spider battlesuit running towards his house.

meeting place.

Everyone was talking about Gwen.

At the same time, the title of Spider-Woman began to spread.

Many people are full of admiration for this super heroine who punishes evil and promotes good.

And a lot of people were shocked by the power of Spider-Woman.

Police tied Green Goblin and pressed him into a police car.

George and his lieutenant stood where the fight was.

Look at the broken concrete ground, look at the ravine.

Both of them took a deep breath.

This power is too inhuman, too powerful.