
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

I'll marry you when I go to college, the simulation starts

Inside the living room.

Gwen, with wet hair in only her pajamas, stood, her eyes shining, the necklace in her hand.

She asked, ", has it been done?"

Li Xiu smiled and nodded: "Definitely, you can give it a try."

Gwen nodded excitedly.

Immediately, she activated the Nano Necklace.

next moment.

The classic Spider-Woman battle suit covers Gwen's entire body.

Under the tight battle suit, Gwen's advantage is more prominent.

Gwen ran to the mirror and looked at it: "God, how did you know my battle suit was like this?

But it's amazing, it really turned into a battle suit! It's so convenient!"

She took a few shots in front of the mirror and jumped in front of Li Xiu: "By the way, why is your battle suit exactly the same as the one I made?

Li Xiu said with a smile: "Definitely because I have the ability to predict the future."

Gwen shouted and shook the other's arm: "Speak quickly, speak quickly."

Li Xiu said with a smile: "The shape of this battle suit can be changed, when I saw your battle suit, I entered its shape into this battle suit.

Then it became like this.

Gwen's eyes were bright and full of admiration: ", you are a genius.

As she said that, she jumped up, like a koala hanging on Li Xiu's body, hugging Li Xiu's neck tightly.

Li Xiu chuckled and touched Gwen's head.

This little girl is like a child many times, sweet and greasy.

Definitely, Li Xiu found it too.

Gwen is only like this at the moment. Usually, this little girl is relatively cold.

It was completely different from before him.

Gwen was tired in Li Xiu's arms for a while before she jumped off.

"I'll go get a knife," she said.

Saying that, he ran towards the kitchen like Sa Huan.

Li Xiu smiled and said, "Why are you holding a knife?"

Gwen giggled as he ran: "Kill the world's heartbreakers."

The corners of Li Xiu's mouth twitched slightly.

Gwen came back with a knife, wrinkled Xiaoqiong's nose, and rushed to Li Xiu: "Kill the heartbreaker!

In the end, Gwen stood in front of Li Xiu, the kitchen knife was only one centimeter away from Li Xiu, she said coldly: "Have you seen my crush? He is nearby."

Li Xiu smiled in his heart, this little girl is too middle school one day.

Both dishes and performances.

Li Xiu puzzled: "Did you see him?"

Gwen shook his head blankly: "I didn't, but my treasured knife sent a beeping signal, it told me that the person I wanted was coming.

Li Xiu pondered for a moment: "Is there a possibility, I mean maybe, your crush is me. Definitely, this is just my guess, and it's not necessarily right.

Gwen smiled: "Congratulations, you got it right."

She jumped up and slapped Li Xiu's mouth.

She said: "Okay, let me try your armor, your skills are not enough.

After finishing speaking, she picked up the knife and cut it on the battle suit, not a single white mark could be left.

Gwen's eyes lit up: "The knife really can't cut it!"

After speaking, she used some strength and slashed towards the battle suit.

As a result, it could not be split at all, and not even a trace was left.

Gwen was very happy: "The quality is so good, I don't have to worry about the battle suit breaking easily in the future.

After speaking, Gwen put down the knife, jumped up, and easily jumped to the ceiling and lay on his back.

She crawls on the ceiling a few times before jumping off.

She said happily: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with this dress, and it is very comfortable to wear.

After speaking, she closed the battle suit.

Immediately, the battle suit was like an ebb tide, and quickly retreated into the necklace.

Gwen picked up the necklace and smiled: "This chain is really nice, beautiful and powerful.

Seeing Gwen's bright smile, Li Xiu was also very happy.

He looked at Gwen dotingly and said, "Do you like it?"

Gwen grinned: "Like it!"

Gwen punched into the air: "With my husband's battle suit, I am even more powerful! Roar Roar Roar!

She punched and dubbed.

"When I meet a super criminal in the future, I will punch one at a time and bring them all down!"

Li Xiu stared, "What did you just call me?"

Gwen blinked his smart eyes: "Fool?

Li Xiu feigned anger: "Looks like I have to teach you a lesson!"

Hearing this, Gwen hurried into the bedroom, locked the door, and giggled triumphantly inside: "You can't come in, hehe."


The door to the master bedroom bathroom opened.

Li Xiu stood there, grinning.

Gwen froze.

She took a few steps back and stammered, "How did you get into the bathroom?

Li Xiu said with a smile: "In the bathroom of the master bedroom, there is a door leading to the living room.

Gwen is stupid.

Li Xiu closed the door.

With a snap of his fingers, Gwen's battle suit covered him.

Seeing this, Gwen said in astonishment: "This...and...what's going on?"

Li Xiu said with a smile: "Hey, as an inventor, it is natural to leave a little back door."

After saying that, he jumped up.

Inside the living room.

Li Xiu watched TV with Gwen in his arms.

The two watched TV intently.

Meanwhile, Gwen was eating with a bag of chips in his hand.

After she fed herself a tablet, she would take out a tablet and feed it to Li Xiu.

The scene was extraordinarily harmonious and natural.

Under the strong appetite of the two, the bag of potato chips was quickly eaten up.

Gwen watched the TV, reached into the bag, touched it a few times, and then looked down, it was empty.

She smacked her mouth.

Immediately, she looked out the window, it was getting late, and there was a trace of reluctance on her face: "Hugh, I'm going back.

She muttered, "This time flies by so fast."

Li Xiu said with a smile: "I remember that today is not the weekend. Someone should be studying, but he skipped class and ran to my house again."

Gwen blushed slightly, and then raised her chin: "I have completed most of the high school knowledge, and even taught myself some subjects in the university.

It doesn't matter for a day or two. Besides, I wasn't going to escape today.

I just came to share the happiness with you, and the result..."

Gwen snorted.

Li Xiu said with a smile: "Xing Xing Xing, rely on me.

Li Xiu patted Gwen on the waist: "Let's go, princess, the knight will take you home.

Gwen's ears were slightly red, and she nodded: "I can force you to send it."

After speaking, Gwen stood up, ran to the bedroom, and put on a suit.

No way, she couldn't go out with Li Xiu in a battle suit.

The clothes are from Li Xiu.


Gwen appeared in front of Li Xiu.

Wearing a large white T-shirt and a pair of black shorts, it looks very simple and loose.

Ordinary clothes, worn on Gwen, are very good-looking and eye-catching.

It looks with a kind of lazy and casual beauty.

Gwen turned around in front of Li Xiu: "How is it? Does it look good?"

Li Xiu smiled and pinched Gwen's little face: "I quite like smug.

Gwen wrinkled Joan's nose and snorted.

She jumped in front of Li Xiu: "Come on, don't you look good?

Li Xiu laughed dumbly.

He nodded: "It's good-looking, and my wife is beautiful no matter what.

Gwen smiled sweetly when Li Xiu said it was good looking.

But when Li Xiu called Roar, a rosy glow rose on her cheeks.

She Tsundere her face away, her ears hot: "Don't... don't talk nonsense!"

Immediately, she looked at Li Xiu again, blushing slightly, and said, "I can only marry you after I go to... university..."

Li Xiu looked at the cute little girl and hugged her: "I said yes.

When Xiao Nizi heard this, her shy and flushed face was full of happy smiles.

She replied in a humming voice, "Yeah.

Li Xiu said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Gwen smiled and nodded.


Li Xiu sent Gwen home.

Gwen didn't go straight back through the gate.

Instead, he secretly went back, changed his clothes, and took the schoolbag on the roof, and then walked in through the main gate.

Seeing his daughter come back, George walked up, with his hands on his back, with a smile on his face.

Seeing his father like this, Gwen knew something was wrong with him.

She smiled and said, "What's the matter, Dad?"

Father smiled: "Guess what I bought for you."

Hearing this, Gwen rolled his eyes, and then his eyes lit up: "Pink big bear doll?!

Who knows from the outside world, the heroic Spider-Woman thought that was full of style, but she actually likes pink dolls, or a big bear.

George shook his head with a smile: "No, no.

Look at the mysterious appearance of his father.

Gwen wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, looked at his father, touched his chin and analyzed: "Looking at your appearance, the gift must be worth more than the big pink bear doll.

What else do I like in particular...and even more valuable..."

Suddenly Gwen's eyes lit up.

George smiled and nodded.

Gwen surprised Roar and said, "You bought me a real panda?!"

George's expression stiffened.

Gwen smiled like a fox: "I'm joking, hehe.

George pinched Gwen's nose angrily: "You little girl, learn to tease your dad now, right?

You still want giant pandas, and you can't afford to sell your dad.

There was a hint of curiosity in Gwen's eyes: "An astronomical telescope? A brand new set of chemical experimental equipment? 35

George snapped out a key and put it in front of Gwen: "The battery car you've always wanted! You can take it for coastal rides.

When you go to college, Dad will buy you a car. "

Gwen has always wanted a small battery car, because she especially likes the feeling of riding a battery on the beach and blowing the sea breeze.

But George has been so busy that he doesn't have time to buy a car for Gwen.

Gwen did not expect that her father bought the car back today.

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise for a second or two.

Immediately screamed, jumped up and hugged Dad: "Dad! I love you!"

She jumped down, took the key, and smiled.

At that time, she can take Hugh to ride on the beach and blow the sea breeze.

George touched Gwen's head.

time flies.

The simulation cooldown is back.

Li Xiu sat on the bed and looked at the simulated text in front of him.

[Simulation cooldown is over! Do you want to start a new simulation?]

Li Xiu showed a small smile.


[Simulation starts! Please choose your simulation ability!]