
Marvel: Silver Superman from Asgard

Rhodes traversed into the Marvel universe, assuming the role of a duke's son in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He envisioned a life of dominance, but his path led him to Asgard, the ethereal palace, where he found himself in service to Hela, the goddess of death. Living a life in servitude can be a bleak prospect, but a stroke of fortune granted him the Silver Superman genes. Under the nurturing rays of the sun, his strength burgeoned ceaselessly, allowing him to swiftly adapt to any challenges and acquire new abilities. The might of Silver Superman was staggering, almost beyond reason. Eventually, he ascended to become the sovereign of Asgard, reigning supreme over the universe. "Thanos? This mere individual? I could kill him with a single breath!" [T/N: This novel is not my original work, and I am just rewriting the machine translation for all of you. All rights, including those related to the characters and concepts from Marvel and other sources, belong to their respective authors and creators.]

LordAddict · Movies
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51 Chs

37: Laufey in the Dark

The sight of their formidable Lord Apocalypse grievously injured was beyond their expectations. Apocalypse, equipped with numerous superpowers, had never encountered such a setback, let alone someone who could harm him.

The scene before them was inconceivable. What sort of monstrous opponent was Rhodes?

As Apocalypse's chest regenerated, he rose and vented his frustration: "What are you all standing around for? Gather an army for me! I am going to kill that wretch who humiliated me!"

His subordinates immediately set about assembling Egyptian soldiers, including the elite troops equipped with Frost Giant Axes provided by the Frost Giants.

He then proceeded to approach the Pharaoh to await further instructions.

From the vantage point of the main hall, Apocalypse gazed into the distance, grappling with his unease.

This was his first time facing such a formidable opponent as Rhodes, who had grown exponentially in just one battle.

The strength of that body defied all explanation, far surpassing anything Apocalypse had encountered before.

"Everyone! Search the entire city! Shoot and kill anyone who obstructs you, regardless of who they are!"

Apocalypse's soldiers were elite forces under his command, manipulated by him through the spiritual realm. They would unflinchingly commit any act at his command, even if it meant slaying their own kin.

Even if Apocalypse ordered them to kill their own relatives, they would obey without hesitation.

Non-elite soldiers, however, hesitated upon learning that they might attack fellow Egyptians. After all, their own families resided here.

Apocalypse perceived their hesitation and signaled his elite forces. His puppets surged forward, brutally striking down ordinary soldiers. Thousands of elites rapidly encased tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers in ice sculptures before smashing them to fragments with their giant axes.

Rhodes, observing from a distance, shook his head. "This man spares no one, even his own."

As he sighed, Rhodes noticed the giant axes brandished by the elite soldiers. These were clearly weapons exclusive to Frost Giants.

Had Laufey forged some kind of alliance with Apocalypse?

Regardless, Laufey seemed to be present!

Summoning his Pegasus Knight troops at Egypt's border, Rhodes ordered them to constrict the encirclement and regroup in front of the palace.

Moments later, a formidable Egyptian elite army stood before Rhodes.

Brandishing giant frost axes, several Frost Giants accompanied Laufey's forces.

These Frost Giants hadn't initially been within the palace, likely having joined later.

Rhodes surmised that Laufey was biding his time, waiting for the opportune moment to deploy the ice treasure box.

For now, Rhodes had to face the approaching army.

As a light blue portal materialized, Apocalypse stood before Rhodes once more.

"Your final chance is spent. Surrender now, and I will merely grant you a painful death. Reject my final generosity, and you shall wallow in unending agony!"

Rhodes' lips curled slightly. "You overestimate yourself! I can handle this army alone!"

Ignoring Apocalypse, Rhodes soared toward the army, inhaling deeply and then exhaling forcefully.

"Buzz!" A dozen tornadoes stirred on the ground, sweeping toward the army.

Apocalypse frowned, darting toward the tornadoes. Beams of light pierced the heart of each tornado, dispelling their vortexes and diffusing the threat.

He could be swept away by a mere exhalation, leaving his army defenseless. Had these tornadoes encountered the reformed human troops he cultivated over the years, the effort expended would have been futile.

"Don't assume this is over! A moment's carelessness will not define me!" Determined, Apocalypse seized control of surrounding structures with his mind's power, hurtling them at Rhodes.

Houses descended like mountains, crashing toward Rhodes. Upon impact, each house shattered into rubble.

Rhodes met the assault head-on. Houses crashed against him, their impact akin to a light brush against his unyielding form.

His physique surpassed even the strongest matter in the universe. The houses felt like straw against his strength.

In the sky, formations of white Pegasus knights emerged from all directions.

Brandishing spears, they rained luminous artillery from the heavens, obliterating the Egyptian elite forces and sending them fleeing.

Apocalypse could hardly spare attention elsewhere, already overwhelmed by Rhodes' might.

Amidst this one-sided struggle, Laufey, concealed in darkness, observed intently.

Odin's elite Pegasus troops concentrated on the Egyptian forces, Rhodes grappled with Apocalypse—perfect circumstances for Laufey to seize control of the throne.

For now, however, he had to deal with the formidable army bearing down upon him.

Facing an imposing host, Laufey's heart quickened with anticipation.