
CH-12: A Darker Side

If you want to read up to 7+ chapters ahead go to my Patreón: Darkwolfest.


"I need a room for the night."

I stated as the old lady at the reception reluctantly lifted her head from her book, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

She slowly set her book aside and rolled her chair over to me, shooting me judgmental glances.

Her eyes fixated on the black-eyed Symbiote mask covering my own.

"Why are you wearing a mask?" she asked, her gaze filled with curiosity.

"Early Halloween." I replied with an air of nonchalance.

She blinked, taken aback by my response.

"It's June." She pointed out.

"...Very early Halloween." I shrugged, not bothered by her observation. I glanced around the hotel, assessing its condition. "Any rooms available?"

"I'll need to see some ID." She raised an eyebrow, reaching for the register.

"How about this?" I pulled out a twenty-dollar bill from my bag and slapped it on the table. "You keep that, and no ID required."

She stared at me coldly for a moment before slowly accepting the money and closing the register.

Without saying another word, she flung a key at me, which I deftly caught in my hand.

"Have a pleasant stay." She muttered under her breath as I made my way up the stairs.

I didn't bother to look back, instead continuing my ascent until I reached the second floor.

Unlocking the door to my room, I stepped inside and took a moment to survey the space.

It wasn't too shabby for twenty bucks, but I wasn't planning on sticking around for long.

Approaching the window, I gazed out at the Empire State Building, standing tall and majestic.

A reminder that I was still in New York City.

My original plan had been to flee the city as quickly as possible but as I wandered the streets earlier tonight, I realised just how foolish that idea was.

I didn't have the funds necessary to sustain myself or to travel elsewhere.

All I had was a measly $112 in pocket money, and I had already spent $20 of it.

I need to build a solid foundation of wealth if I want to train my skills and for my plans to become a reality.

And that meant it was time to take a few drug dealers off the streets.

Unzipping my bag, I retrieved Uncle Ben's old jacket that I had taken before leaving the house and donned it over Venom's suit.

It gave me a look akin to the hoodie version of Miles Morales from 'Into the Spider-Verse.'

I opened the window wide and descended onto the fire escape located beside it, preparing to make my way down into the back alley.

As I descended, I took in the surroundings of the hotel, situated at the crossroads of Hell's Kitchen and Brooklyn—close enough to the inner city, but still a distance away.

I pulled the hood of my jacket up, concealing the mask within its shade and scanned each alley I passed, hoping to spot a potential target.

[I'm getting hungry.]

Venom growled from the depths of my mind.

"Shut up." I muttered in response, trying to ignore the growing craving.

Continuing down the streets, I soon reached the inner parts of Hell's Kitchen, where I began to spot hookers and drug addicts roaming the area.

This meant the dealers couldn't be far off.

Approaching one of the hookers, I stood next to her and called out. "Hey."

"200 for a night, darling." She smiled, leaning in closer. "Wanna go?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "You know a place where I can score some coke?"

She took a step back, furrowing her brow as she looked me up and down.

"Fuck you!" She snapped and started to walk away but I didn't let her go so easily.

"Hey." I called out again, this time holding a crumpled $50 bill in my hand.

It might have been too much to waste here, but as every billionaire says 'Spend money to make money.'

Her steps faltered as she noticed the money, her shoulders betraying her internal conflict.

"You a cop?" She whispered, taking a cautious step closer.

I scoffed and tilted the hoodie back slightly, revealing my mask.

"Do I look like a cop?"

"Nah." She shook her head and snatched the $50 from my hand.

Nervously, she gestured toward a street and whispered.

"A jerk in a red beanie, goes by the name Jule."

I nodded and headed toward the street.

"Hey, tell Jule that Rosy said 'fuck you' when you see him." She added before turning away.

"Sure, I'll send him your regards." I smiled, entering the street.

It didn't take long for me to spot a guy who fit Rosy's description.

He stood beneath a streetlight between two alleys and I noticed two teenage kids walking away from him.

He eyed me warily as I casually approached.

"You Jule?" I asked.

"Who's asking, yo?" He countered.

"A guy in severe need of crack." I sarcastically commented, flashing the remaining $30 in my pocket.

"I ain't giving shit for 30, yo." He smirked, noticing the amount.

"So, you do have it." I replied, realizing I had found my target.

"Yah, yo." He smiled, revealing his yellowed, decaying teeth.

"Good, I wouldn't want to kill the wrong guy." I responded, extending my claws as I withdrew my hands from my pockets.

"Whatcha say, yo?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. But before he could react, I lunged for his neck, gripping it tightly with my claws.

I dragged him out of the shadows and hurled him into an alley.

He crashed into a trash can and fell to the slippery ground, groaning in pain.

Blood trickled from his back and he attempted to stand but found his back injured from the impact.

"Argh! What the fuck, man?!" He yelled in agony as I approached, my claws at the ready and Venom's tongue slithering out from the hoodie.

"Yo. Yo! Yo! Yo!" He cried out as I reached for his neck once more, pressing his face against the ground.

"Yo!! Are you from The Bar?!" He pleaded, struggling to breathe.

"Did Caliban send you?! Just give me two days, man, I can pay back!" He bargained, desperation creeping into his voice.

Though I wasn't from this supposed bar, my curiosity was piqued.

I slowly lifted him into the air as Venom coiled around my body, transforming into its monstrous form. My teeth elongated and I grew taller than before.

Holding him suspended, I delivered my final words.

"I ain't from no bar." I smiled as blood began to flow from his nose. "Rosy says fuck you, yo."

In one swift motion, Venom bit off his head, and I recoiled, trying to suppress the disgust rising within me.

[Don't think about it. You didn't eat him; I did.]

Venom reassured me as I quickly looted Jule's headless body and moved away.

He had a little over a thousand dollars—a decent haul for my first official criminal act.

But was the grotesque image of devouring a man's head worth it?

I suppose it could be considered a professional hazard.

Sighing, I left the street and retraced my steps, venturing deeper into the slums.

It was my first night outside the Parker residence and it was bound to be a long one.

Oh, the things we do in desperation.

If you want to read up to 7+ chapters ahead go to my Patreón: Darkwolfest.

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