
Marvel: Reincarnation in my favorite movie saga

Synopsis: The MC is reincarnated in the marvel cinematic universe with a system like any good FF. It's the first time I write, so I'm going to have a lot of mistakes, criticism is accepted but don't insult thanks. Also English is not my first language. If you don't like it don't read it and that's it. PS: I write this because I feel like it and I do it for fun. I will update the chapters whenever I feel like it.

Masterclass007 · Movies
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22 Chs


After the mission ended, Liam returned home and accepted the rewards. The 200 stat points he did not use, he left for later. The teleportation worked as the system had said, he could teleport 2 times a day to any place he had been or seen, so he tested it and if he could indeed teleport to any location, he even looked up a picture of a place he had never been to and was able to get there the instant he used his new ability.

Liam thought that it was a great ability and that it would work for him in the future when he had to go to places outside the planet, just imagining that since he watched the movies, he thought he could teleport to the prison where Guardians of the Galaxy started. He even thought that the system gave him that ability because of that.

2 months later.

Within these two months, Liam did many missions for SHIELD, some alone and some with Steve, who had become good friends.

He also spent a lot of time with Natasha as the missions didn't last long, due to her powers she was finding the missions very easy now.

There was a time when Liam and Natasha were sleeping it was a Saturday to dawn Sunday and Natasha woke up at 2 in the morning wanting to eat chocolate cake that was not in the house, then she woke Liam and bothered him to go buy the cake, Liam told her to wait until morning, but no Natasha kept bothering him to which Liam had to go buy otherwise he would not let her sleep.

Liam went halfway across town to find a place to find a chocolate cake and he did, he came back with the chocolate cake, when he took a slice of the cake to Natasha, she ate some and grimaced and told Liam she didn't like it, she gave her back the slice of cake and went back to sleep. Looking at his wife turning over to sleep Liam rolled his eyes and inwardly told himself, calm down, it was just the pregnancy.

Natasha woke up 10 minutes later feeling like throwing up because she had the taste of cake in her mouth and gagged and so they spent the whole night with Natasha throwing up.

[a/n: this is a true story, it happened to my mom and my dad had to go all over town to look for the cake, I put it because I thought it was funny xD].

Back to the present day.

Liam and Natasha were on the couch, Liam was talking to Natasha's already swollen belly. Liam was talking to the baby because Natasha had read in a maternity book that if she talks to him, it will make the baby closer when he is born. Liam was talking to the baby while Natasha was stroking Liam's head.

"Listen Sofia one time mom and dad fought some aliens and we kicked his ass, even a god came and your dad kicked his ass too," Liam said as he stroked Natasha's belly.

[a/n: Sofia is the name of the baby Natasha and Liam chose].

Natasha hearing what Liam said smacked Liam upside the head for saying ass twice.

"Hey don't say those words," said Natasha with a dangerous look on her face.

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to tell my daughter how great her mom and dad are," Liam said as he grabbed his head where Natasha had hit.

"There are many ways to tell her that," said Natasha with a straight face.

"Yes, yes, so it's like this, your father and mother once fought against an army of aliens, then with our splendid strength, we defeated those aliens who want to invade the earth. Also, a God appeared and with my amazing skills I defeated him easily and effectively" said Liam, but he couldn't finish as Natasha hit him again.

"Now you're just teasing," said Natasha as she pouted.

As Liam grabbed his head a familiar sound appeared.


[Defeat the dark elves].


- 200 stat points

- Space Inventory (5000m3 of available space) (Upgradeable)

'So, it's time to visit Asgard' thought Liam as he looked at the mission.

Then he looked at the rewards, he didn't give much importance to the skill points and focused on the space inventory which was what he always wanted, ever since he had the system.

'At last, I have a space inventory, it's pretty big and on top of that it's upgradeable, it's the first time I get an upgradeable skill, interesting' thought Liam.

Natasha looking at Liam who was lost in thought spoke.

"Liam are you all, right?" said Natasha as she shook Liam who stopped looking at the new mission.

"Yeah, I'm fine I'm just going to have to go on a mission for a while," said Liam as he looks at a frowning Natasha.

Natasha, after getting pregnant didn't like Liam going on missions, she knew it was very hard for them to do anything to her knowing how strong Liam was, but still, the worry was always there you would never know what could happen on a battlefield.

Liam seeing Natasha who was worried said to her.

"Don't worry you know nothing is going to happen to me, I'll be back and I'll have more stories to tell the baby how her daddy kicks ass" Liam said as he caressed Natasha's cheek.

Natasha felt Liam's caresses Natasha relaxed and spoke.

"You have to come back safe and sound not only for me but for her as well," Natasha said as she caressed her belly and looked at Liam.

"I will always be there for you both" Liam said as he kissed Natasha, then bent down and kissed her belly.


The next day Liam said goodbye to Natasha and his unborn daughter and left for England where he would have to meet Jane Foster before she makes contact with the Aether/Reality Stone.


[a/n: I think I made it to 15000 words, crazy]

[Thanks for reading]

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