
Marvel: Reincarnated as Aldrich Killian

He was reincarnated in the Marvel universe as the super villain Aldrich Killian and obtained the Supreme technology system. He then created Baymax at the beginning. Tyrant and Terminator were developed in half a year. In one year, artificial intelligence was invented and spacecraft developed the solar system. Ten years later, when Thanos began his journey to collect gems. Killian took the suitcase from the Protoss warrior on the side and opened it directly. 'Here! There is a box full of gems, you can choose any color you want!' ..... Warning: No nationalism, you heard right, no nationalism, at least it's not unreadable, whatever, this is a Chinese fanfiction, I'm just posting it, I'm not editing too much, I'm just making it not unreadable

Muzan_Zoldyck · Movies
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81 Chs

Chapter 34: Excellent Conditions

"So... I don't know how we can cooperate?" After hesitating for a long time, Maya Hansen finally spoke.

After all, this is the real purpose of her trip.

"Good question! I admire you."

"I have several options here, first, I am responsible for the investment in the project's revenue sharing.

When the project matures, my company will represent 90% of the profits generated by this project, and you will represent 10%.

During this period, it will be based on investment in development and research progress.

Awaiting several factors, I will use between 10 and 20% of the project's revenues as incentives, which is the net profit."

"And this project will be led by you throughout the process.

As for your research and development projects, the company will not have any human interference and will fully guarantee the financial support you need for the project."

"Secondly, the project's stock allocation.

If you join my company, I will give you 1% of the shares and you will be responsible for the company's biological research projects."

"Including, among others, your current final renovation project, when your current project is successful, I will also give you an additional share incentive of 1% to 3%."

"Thirdly, my company will be responsible for buying your current scientific research project for one billion dollars.

From now on, this project will have nothing to do with you."

"At the same time, you can also choose whether you want to join my company.

I can promise to grant you the status of at least a research team leader, so you can independently lead a scientific research team to take charge of the company's projects."

"If you are confident, you can form a team on your own."

After listening to what Maya Hansen said, Killian took the initiative to tell her the plan he had thought of on the way here.

Any of Killian's plans are extremely tempting for Maya Hansen now.

And if Kennedy saw the second option at that time, he might even be tempted to jump.

You know, he spent 50 billion dollars to buy 5% of the shares, and this woman, with just one technology, can first obtain 10 billion dollars in shares, and even up to 30 billion dollars in shares later.

But it was impossible for Kennedy to see them.

For Killian, talents must receive the proper respect and treatment.

Endless money can be earned, and the most important thing is to attract talents by pooling interests.

As long as Maya Hansen is in his car, Killian will have the confidence that he can generate trillions in profits relying on her talent.

What he lacked was never money.

"It seems you have a lot of confidence in me, all three options are to join your company."

After hearing Killian's conditions, Maya Hansen couldn't help but find common points between these conditions and then spoke.

"Of course, when it comes to talents, my constant goal is never to waste them."

Smiling slightly, he confidently and kindly answered Maya Hansen's question.

After hearing Killian's response, Maya Hansen couldn't help but fall silent.

To be honest, no matter what choice she makes, it far exceeded her expectations for this trip.

The third option is one billion dollars.

Even if she stops conducting scientific research projects in the future, this money will be enough for her to live her whole life.

If used properly, she could even rely on this money to grow.

As for the first, she was in charge of the project, with a constant flow of funds invested, and was the main responsible.

If the project was successful, she would even obtain 30% of the profits.

It can be said that no researcher can reject this.

She can take charge of her own project, sharing and rewarding, it's simply a heavenly choice.

The second was the same, but the conditions were so good she could hardly believe they were even real.

Nowadays, the stock price of Pioneer Technology increases every day in the market, and there are even rumors that many pharmaceutical companies and large consortia want to acquire and invest in them at very high prices.

As long as she chooses this, it's like moving directly from a migrant worker to a manager.

"I choose the first."

Then, after thinking for a while, Maya Hansen, who finally made a decision, raised her head, looked at Killian in front of her, and said.

She clearly knew what she wanted now.

The second was too much, so much that she didn't think she deserved it.

If she chose it, it would be at least several billion dollars.

And she also firmly believes that as long as Killian really values talents as much as he said, she will be able to recover all her current options with her own efforts.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is more willing to believe in her "ultimate transformation."

As long as enough money is invested, she will definitely obtain extremely high profits.

Thinking about this, Maya Hansen became more determined in her choice.

"Are you


Looking at Maya Hansen, who made an unexpected decision in front of him, Killian's eyes were filled with surprise.

You should know that any intelligent person will know what choice to make before making this decision.

Killian is not surprised even if she chooses the third option, after all, it's cash that can be obtained directly.

And the first...

After thinking about it, Killian couldn't help but laugh, it seems that she really has enough confidence in her research.

After all, if she believes in me, it will be 30% of the profits.

"Sure, boss, do you now need me to present the progress of my research?"

After nodding vigorously, Maya Hansen took the initiative to speak with Killian.

She was afraid that if she continued talking, Killian's choice would really crush her.


After motioning for her to show it, Killian leaned back easily in the chair and looked at Maya Hansen and her plants in front of him with a calm expression.

"This is the successful product of my current experiment."

"Although it still has some instability, I changed the telomerase algorithm, and within a month, it will become a mature marker of 'ultimate transformation.'"

"The next step is to start biological experiments."

After listening to what Killian said, Maya Hansen took out a document from the backpack behind her and handed it to Killian while explaining.

"So, as you also said it's a step away from maturity, can you briefly introduce its current abilities?"

After briefly looking at the document handed over by Maya Hansen, Killian turned his attention to the plant and then asked with curiosity.

If he remembered correctly, this plant had exploded and its power was no less powerful than that of a grenade.

The fact that he could still see it the next day showed its extremely terrifying regeneration ability.