

That had hurt.

"Hey wanna come by my house for a couple of drinks?" I don't know what it was that gave me such familiarity with the Hulk but I didn't ponder on it but instead welcomed it.

The Hulk looked at me and turned around for a while, seemingly trying to come to a decision before stomping on what remained of the ground, screaming at me and started walking away. 

"I guess it's a no then. A rain check?" He grunted in what I think was affirmation before lifting himself off the ground and flying away. I could see him ascending and descending in the distance until he was too small off away to notice. 

"Now then, why don't you come on out, Odinson." My eyes blazed red as I looked around, fully aware of his presence. 

"… That was quite the show to watch." He materialized out if thin air but the energy around him confirmed what was I had suspected. 

He was astral projecting. A very advanced form of astral projection than what I could do. 

"What is it you want, Loki? If it's just a drink then I wouldn't mind having one with you. Would have to invite Bruce for it to be fair though." We sized each other up. 

"I think you have poor taste in humor, mortal. Though I wouldn't find it all that surprising given the standards you adhere to." Right, the contempt was always real. 

"What is it you want, Loki?" The temperature around the area we were in increased, reflecting my seriousness. 

He chuckled at the display, not at all affected. "Well I would tell you, but a magician does not reveal his tricks until after it is performed… or so I've learned." He didn't take me serious, that much was clear. The blatant disregard was due to the fact that he was so sure I couldn't hurt him. 

"And I don't think leaving me alone is an option?" Not like he would give me another choice. 

He didn't have enough time before I projected myself at him and sent him careening through the astral plane. 

"I'll ask again, Odinson. What do you want with me?" He was still shocked that I could astral project so he backed off. 

"I see. You are quite advanced in the arts of magic. I must applaud you for that feat. However…"

I hate Loki. 

That statement might have seen like an understatement when other characters said it but it was when I faced him personally did I know how much he was under sold in the MCU and some comics. 

The astral plane we were in cracked in a pattern I was very familiar with. 

Why would he use the mirror dimension when he was astral pro… ject... ting? 

I hate Loki. 

The entire dimension shone a green hue I was very familiar with which made me realize that maybe, just maybe, Loki would be harder to deal with than Thor. 

He was very known for hiding his strength in the comics after all. 

"I wonder. How would you fare against a god in magic?" His voice reverberated. 

Now I was seriously wondering what angle was Loki playing. He was never one to put himself out there like this, so I couldn't help but wonder what it was that he was gunning for. 

But before all that… 

I was not as strong as I normally was in astral form meaning the God of Mischief and Trickery just pull me into a domain of illusions. Yeah, maybe it wasn't such a smart idea to fight him using astral projection. 

While I was sure I could kick his illusory behind until Asgard's paramedics arrived in his physical form, fighting in a space where he had full control of was… exciting. 

If this were the real world, then Loki would have been bending reality, but thankfully it was just a mirror dimension where he had most of the control. Keyword being most. 

The dimension coiled around me before transforming into a huge serpent that tried to gobble me up. 

Since the dimension could easily be influenced by our wills, everything around me caught on red flames that ate at everything it touched till it was reduced to its last atom. 

The serpent screeched as it caught on fire only for the ground under me to break into parts. 

I looked around where I was as the entire dimension reconstructed itself only for me to find myself in the palms of a gigantic Loki… 

That was the moment that whatever excitement I had in me bled out. 

An illusion. 

That was what this was and the way the serpent had been quick to die out gave me the clue. 

The smirk on giant Loki's face was annoying. Almost the same that a megalomaniac would have when looking at their struggling victim. 

I didn't say anything anymore as it got annoying the more I thought about it and just launched myself as the now smirk-frozen face of Loki. 

I landed on his forehead and before he could say anything, red lightning surged around me which made him panic but I was done with his bullshit. 

The lightning penetrated the head of the illusory Loki and made him scream in pain. 

I had been quite excited to see how it would have been to fight a magical being like Loki in his own domain, only to have him use palor tricks. I knew he was stronger than that but his deceptive attitude would never allow him to show anyone his full might. 

The space crumbled leaving only the fizzling visage of Loki's astral body trying to go back to Asgard but I held it back and returned to my own body. I was about cast a seal on him when I felt a pull on his astral body that forced me to relinquish the control I had on it. 

All I saw a phantom figure of a hand holding Loki's astral body and dragging him to the clouds before completely disappearing.. Ain't that just ominous. 

"Too bad Yelena couldn't get a shot at him."

[Odin Borson, The Allfather POV]

Why am I not even that surprised? 

Loki had found a way to hide his astral projection from the eyes of Heimdall. For all his faults, his genius couldn't be denied. 

But this time, he had bitten more than he could chew. 

When would he learn? 

Of course I knew what it was he wanted to do but… 


I could never let Loki rule Asgard. Partly because of his heritage and his ambitions. Loki drew to power like plants to sunlight. 

"Father, what happened to Loki?!" I was afraid how Loki could control Thor without him even trying. His influence over Thor's actions were to the point that even with any machinations from him, Thor would still play a part in his plans. 

A true God of Mischief he was. 

"Nothing happened. His soul sustained a little damage from a fight." And… 

"WHO DARES!!" That…. 

The sky of Asgard rumbled with Thor's rage. And yet people wonder why I look down by the day. Even Zeus commented on it. 

But, I can work with this. 

"He fought someone on Midgard… Someone strong."

"Midgard? Why would Loki venture to Midgard? He hates that realm. Well he hates most things but still, Midgard?" For a few seconds that made me proud of him, Thor thought. "Father, permit me to go to Midgard and bring back justice for my brother." But it was short-lived. 

"A wise king doesn't settle conflict with violence. It would be imperative for you to learn that, Thor." I advised him. 

"A king might not, but a brother will." He spoke with the same resolve and charisma he was famous for. 

"If you say so. You may take your friends with you." This might be a perfect chance to hide him from then, the both of them. "Wait till Loki wakes up."

"Of course I will, father." He walked out of the room, heading for his brother's. 

"Allfathers, give me strength."

[Loki Odinson POV]

How dare he?! 

He struck me, a God, down. 

Such impudence was something you would only expect from a mortal. My plan had been going smoothly, I had even factored in that he might be accomplished in magic but that fire and lightning, what even was that? 

It had scarred my soul, though it was but a mere scratch that would heal soon, the fact still remained that he had scarred my soul. 

I would make sure he paid for that. 

Though, even with this setback my plans still continued forward. I'm sure that by now, information of my injury would have gotten to the brute's ears and he would have stormed his way to Odin's throne room in righteous anger. 

And father being the old and weary brute he was would permit Thor to go to Midgard because even with all of the idiot's pride, I'm sure the old man sees a bit of himself in Thor. 

Now me going back to Midgard with Thor would make getting my revenge easier but why end it there? 

Thor might be a brash youth of pride, but what he was going to fight was a beast of rage. From what he showed against the other green monster, Thor should be a match for him, and if he takes the others with him, they should be able to win this battle. 

But that too wouldn't be much of a climax to the sequel, now would it? 

So to liven things up, what if we made the red beast so angry that he loses all form of reason and, I don't know, fell Thor in battle, or reduce him to a state that his life hung by a single thread? 

What if then I cry to the Allfather, the Mighty Odin, to save my brother's life and punish me accordingly to my folly? 

What if the damage to Thor was so severe that it affected his soul too? Both mind and body reduced to a inch from death. What then would the Allfather do? 


Like the hypocrite and biased fool he was, he would used his very essence to heal Thor, drawing near the time for his Odinsleep. 

But who was I to complain when Asgard's Allfather was unresponsive and that this Odinsleep was different from the rest because his old age prevented him from waking up early? 

I was but a loyal son who would then shoulder the weight of Asgard on my inexperienced shoulders. With the Allfather and the boisterous Thor gone, I would have no one else to rely on but myself and bring Asgard to greater heights that it would eclipse the other pantheons. 

Truly unfortunate what would befall this prince. 

Poor mother, leaving in a castle surrounded by a brutish husband, a brutish son and his peers and the stupid maids who would do anything to get under said son's raiment. Only being able to rely on her only graceful family left, her poor boy who was too young to rule. 

A great tale that would be told to the future generations. 

Tis a wonderful plan if I must say but first on my list would be getting the beast sufficiently angry and what type of prankster would I be if I didn't know my victims in and out. 

Oh, whatever would happen to poor, sweet, little Yelena and her sister? I hope no tragedy befall them that would make the beast spiral out of control. 

Truly, this life isn't fair. 

Gracing mortals with misfortune as they strive to live their petty lives, all for them to crumble under the unforgiving master known as reality. 

Oh how I am looking forward to the tale that would play soon. 

But first of all, I am starving. 

I can't believe I'm saying something Thor would, but I require a banquet. All this planning must run on something, it's a universal law after all. 


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