
Marvel: Random Power System

Just ordinary guy who transmigrated to the MCU world with a random power system. Well, it's my first time writing this novel so expect nothing from me XD I'm not good at English and my grammar was not that good. I just wanna try writing this novel because this idea already stuck in my mind for a while ago. I'm also warning you that this novel may have plot hole in it.

Shon_Zeck · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

(Author's note: I already wrote this chapter about 2 days ago, So I posted this chapter and took a break after that....)

[Zack's POV]

In the night, Zack successfully copied all his kid's powers. He already felt the change in his body. He noticed that his body has become much stronger than before. There was new knowledge that suddenly came into his mind, and he immediately knew that this came from enhanced Swordsmanship, fire-enhanced combat, and Supernatural Athleticism that made him feel like he had already trained for a long time. His body is already beyond what normal human beings could do as he can do the splits easily, jump even higher than normal, he also can run even faster than normal. He also wanted to test his strength so he punched the concrete wall with his full force and what happened next shocked him as he could see a hole in the wall with large cracks around it. Fortunately, he went far away from his kids cause he didn't want to wake them up in the middle of the night.

"This is insane..." Zack said as he was shocked at how strong he has become right now.

"I wonder how strong I will become in the future," Zack said.

After that, Zack tested out all his powers except Mechanical Intuition and Hacking Intuition. Because he didn't have the material and tools to make it plus it's already late at night. While he could buy the materials and tools from the Mynir shop, he felt it was just a waste of his CP because he had to save as much CP as possible so he can buy items that are way more useful.

Then he went back to his kids and saw that they were still asleep. He smiles when he sees them sleep peacefully. Afterwards, he went to lean his back on the wall as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.


In Zack's dream,

Zack was once a kid who was always cheerful and happy as he liked to spend time with others. Zack, look at this same kid like a 3rd perspective. He didn't realize that this was just a dream and looked at this kid with no emotion on his face. This kid did not notice Zack as this kid spent time with others.

"It's all just a lie..." Zack said as he was still not aware that this was just a dream.

Everything changes after that as he looks at this kid suffering from depression. Everyone in the school that this kid knew liked to bully him for no reason. This kid felt pain in his body and his heart as they punched him in that time but for him, this is just normal as this happens every time he comes to school, it's their words that hurt him the most. This kid felt pain in his heart as if everyone stabbed their knife in his body.

"I hate them..." Zack said with no emotion on his face.

After that, Zack saw this kid begin to cry alone in his room but when his mother entered his room. This kid began to fake his smile as he didn't want his mother to know about it. This kid hid all his pain inside his heart, while the pain became more and more painful as time went on.

After this kid is 12 years old, this kid can't hide his pain anymore and then he begins to cry in his class but there a girl notices him crying. She just laughed after that and told her friends about it. This kid began to wipe his tears as he didn't want to show his weak side to them.

"What did I do wrong to them?" Zack asked.

Afterwards, when this kid is already 16 years old. It's just become worse when this teacher likes to bully him too. This teacher makes fun of him in front of everyone and everyone just laughs at him. At this point, this kid thought about suicide as he thinks that everything will just end if he kills himself. There was one bully that had been bullying him for f**king 10 years.

"Just why...this happened to me," Zack asked himself.

Suddenly he sees an old man Jaxton stand in front of him. Zack saw this old man and began to speak.

"I'm sorry old man... I couldn't save you.." Zack said. He kneels while starting to cry. This old man started to smile at him while his body began to turn into dust.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Zack said. He sees countless of the dead kids that he created appear around him.

"Don't cry, dad" All of sudden his kids that are still alive appear in front of him and start to hug him. Zack looks at his kids with surprise on his face and starts to smile sadly after that.

"Thanks. " Zack said while he hugs them back.


After that, Zack wakes up from his sleep, he looks around him and notices that it is already morning.

"it's Just a dream huh..." Zack said while he began to stand up.

"Dad! come here! eat with us!" Tom said. Zack sees them sitting in a circle while eating a cheeseburger.

"Dad, do you want a cheeseburger?" Alex asked while smiling. He created another cheeseburger with his food generation and gave it to his dad.

"Thanks, Alex," Zack said while patting his head. Alex smiles when his dad pats him.

Zack began to search for something in Mynir's shop and quickly found them. After that, he buys stuff for his kids and that is clothes that are resistant to fire for Jax, a steel sword for Ian, a magic staff that boost Erick's Mystical healing by 2 times, a steel staff for Brad, a laptop that has an unlimited battery for hacking purposes for Arlo, and lastly a universal tool capable to form any tool (normal tool) that John desire that fit with his Mechanical Intuition. However, Jack, Paul, and Tom are already powerful enough that they don't need tools to boost their power, at least for now. All of that costs 9k CP leaving him with 25.89k CP and then he wants to use the rest of his CP to level up so he can get more CP every day. He said level up in his mind which an interface appears in front of him.

<Level 1 = Level 2>

<Costs 36 CP>

<Yes / No>

Zack press yes.

<Congratulation you succeed level up to level 2!>

<Your CP gain increases from 1 CP to 10 CP every day!>

He continued to level up again until he reached level 4

<Congratulation you succeed level up to level 4!>

<Your CP gain increases from 100 CP to 1k CP every day!>

All of that level up cost 11,556 CP leaving him with 14,334 CP. Zack smiles when he sees his level change from level 1 to level 4. While he wants to level up to level 5, it costs 144k CP. It might take a while for him to level up again. All of that, take 10 minutes for him to buy stuff for his kids and level up while he eats the cheeseburger. After he finished eating the cheeseburger, he quickly took out the stuff that he bought and gave it to them.

"Here kids, it's for you," Zack said while smiling as he gave the stuff to each of them except Jack, Paul, and Tom and that made the three of them feel jealous because of it.

"Thanks, dad!" All of them said thanks except Jack, Paul, and Tom.

"Don't worry, Jack, Paul, and Tom. I promise I will give you something special once I have more CP." Zack said while patting all three of them with a smile on his face.

"Promise..." Tom said as he made a pinky promise to his dad.

"I promise," Zack said as he did the same to Tom.

"Come here, let me hug all of you," Zack said while smiling.

Then all his kids hug their dad with smiles on their faces.