
Marvel: Play as Naruto at the beginning

Traversing the Marvel world, Wu Chen gains the most powerful acting system, where the more accurately one emulates the original character, the stronger the powers obtained. The Fourth Hokage, the Six Paths of Pain, Uchiha Madara, the Sage of the Six Paths... Hydra: Which village is Konoha really? To hide such terrifying power! S.H.I.E.L.D.: is merely a local snake! Thanos: The Sage of the Six Paths, huh? Claiming to be a sage, I'd like to see how strong you really are! As the characters played by Wu Chen make their appearances one after another, the people of this world suddenly realize, this is the 'true reality' of the world.

JiangJuShi · Movies
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220 Chs

Chapter 95: Tony's Promise

Of course, Wu Chen's indulgence of Tony, accompanying him in conversation, cooking for him, wasn't just because Tony was his friend. It was also to find an opportunity to introduce Tsunade Senju to Tony, to treat his palladium poisoning symptoms, and thereby helping Tsunade accumulate more performance progress.


In the span of a month, Tsunade's existence had become known to S.H.I.E.L.D. The reason was simple: Wu Chen directly used shadow clones to impersonate Tsunade, then, under his own guidance, interacted with S.H.I.E.L.D., taking over the tasks originally assigned to Minato Namikaze to gain performance progress.


Initially, Tsunade's performance progress was only 10%. After a month of task completion, it had now reached 20%. Admittedly, a month for just 10% progress was a bit slow.


Reflecting on Minato Namikaze's sudden 14% performance progress at the end of the Nine-Tails' attack, Wu Chen was determined to undertake something significant. However, it wasn't the right time to stir up trouble, especially since Itachi Uchiha and Minato Namikaze's advancements were yet to be completed.


Wu Chen had positioned himself and Konoha as the "good guys," so significant events needed to be triggered by the "bad guys," after which they could intervene to restore order. And naturally, the "bad guys" were the Akatsuki organization.


Since the "bad guys" weren't ready yet, significant events couldn't be set in motion. However, today marked the final countdown for the advancement of two impersonated characters. Glancing at the countdown, there was just under 2 hours left for Minato Namikaze and just under 3 hours left for Itachi Uchiha. After that, they could officially kick-start significant events.


For now, it was crucial to collect performance progress from Tony's side. Wu Chen quickly finished cooking dinner and asked Tony to help set the table. Then, they chatted and ate dinner together.


After dinner, Wu Chen packed up some leftovers for Tony as usual. Every time Tony left, he would take some food for Pepper Potts, showing his genuine affection.


Taking the food container, Tony smacked his lips, ready to leave. Typically, Wu Chen would watch Tony leave. But this time, he stopped Tony. "Tony, maybe I can help with your illness," Wu Chen said.


As the confidant, Wu Chen naturally knew about Tony's condition. However, when Tony told Wu Chen about it, he omitted some details, like "for certain undisclosed reasons, I'm poisoned by heavy metals."


Hearing Wu Chen's words, Tony paused, turning to him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Konoha can help?" Tony asked.


Tony had long known about Wu Chen's apprenticeship with Minato Namikaze and his connection to the secretive organization, Konoha.


Wu Chen nodded and explained, "There are various systems of ninjutsu that use chakra, including one called 'medical ninjutsu.'"


"Medical ninjutsu?" Tony hesitated. "You know I'm not keen on surgery."


Wu Chen shook his head. "Don't worry. Medical ninjutsu is different from modern medicine. Let me put it this way: Someone proficient in medical ninjutsu can cure you with ease."


Tony was overjoyed. He knew Wu Chen wouldn't lie about this, so he eagerly asked, "Who can do this? Is it you?"


Wu Chen replied, "Not me. I'm too busy training! But there's someone you should know, someone quite active lately."


"Someone I know?" Tony pondered.


Someone I know, related to Konoha, a ninja!


He quickly concluded, "Second Hokage Tobirama Senju?"


"Correct!" Wu Chen applauded. "The founder of medical ninjutsu is our First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Tobirama Senju is his younger brother, so he's also quite skilled in medical ninjutsu."


"He happens to be free today, so I'll ask him to come over and help you."


"By the way, remember to be a bit formal when you ask him. It'll increase the likelihood of Tobirama agreeing."


"I see..." Tony muttered, then looked at Wu Chen. "Why are you helping me like this?"


Wu Chen waved his hand. "Aren't we friends? Despite your sarcastic remarks and food mooching, I can't just watch you die! If I can help, I'll naturally lend a hand."


"Touche," Tony replied, touched. "Wu..."


Wu Chen interrupted with a raised hand and a chuckle. "Don't get too emotional! I'm not into men."


"It's not me. I'm busy practicing! How could I have time to learn medical ninjutsu? It's someone you should know, and he's been quite active lately."


"I know?" Tony thought for a moment.


Someone I know, related to Konoha, a ninja!


He quickly came to a conclusion, "Second Hokage Tobirama Senju?"


"Correct!" Wu Chen clapped his hands. "The founder of medical ninjutsu is our First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Tobirama Senju is his younger brother, so he's also quite skilled in medical ninjutsu."


"He happens to be free today, so I'll ask him to come over and help you."


"Oh, you should remember to be a bit more formal when you ask him. It'll increase the likelihood of Tobirama agreeing."


"I see..." Tony muttered, then looked at Wu Chen. "Why are you helping me like this?"


Wu Chen waved his hand. "Aren't we friends? Despite your sarcastic remarks and mooching for food, I can't just watch you die! If I can help, I'll naturally lend a hand."


"Fair enough," Tony replied, touched. "Wu..."


Wu Chen cut him off with a chuckle and a raised hand. "Don't get too emotional! I'm not into men."


Tony grinned. "Got it. Thanks, Wu! And you wait, I'll give you a surprise later!"


Wu Chen shook his head. "Don't scare me! I always feel like your 'surprises' aren't really surprises."