
Marvel: Play as Naruto at the beginning

Traversing the Marvel world, Wu Chen gains the most powerful acting system, where the more accurately one emulates the original character, the stronger the powers obtained. The Fourth Hokage, the Six Paths of Pain, Uchiha Madara, the Sage of the Six Paths... Hydra: Which village is Konoha really? To hide such terrifying power! S.H.I.E.L.D.: is merely a local snake! Thanos: The Sage of the Six Paths, huh? Claiming to be a sage, I'd like to see how strong you really are! As the characters played by Wu Chen make their appearances one after another, the people of this world suddenly realize, this is the 'true reality' of the world.

JiangJuShi · Movies
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220 Chs

Chapter 31: Kinb's Course of Action

Inexplicably, a wild idea crossed Wu Chen's mind. He gently shook his head, hoping to dispel it, but the notion refused to fade away; instead, it rooted itself deeply within him. Even Kinb, whose strength had reached the limits of an ordinary person, was rendered powerless under the genjutsu cast by the Mangekyo Sharingan. What about the members of Hydra? Surely, they would fall under the sway of genjutsu too! With this thought, the idea didn't seem so wild but rather entirely feasible! Taking control of Hydra seemed like quite the coup! The only thing to consider was, while masquerading as Uchiha Madara, how many individuals could he ensnare with that mind-controlling genjutsu? This required experimentation, so he decided to postpone it for now and test it later.


However, Wu Chen also realized that genjutsu was ridiculously powerful in the Marvel universe. The only thing that could compare was the mind control ability of the Mind Scepter, embedded with the Mind Stone. Therefore, Wu Chen immediately decided that, aside from controlling those he wished to control, he wouldn't casually reveal his genjutsu. This was not just to avoid becoming a thorn in everyone's side but also because perhaps, in some critical moment, genjutsu could be used as a trump card.


While his mind raced with myriad thoughts, only a second or two passed in reality. Wu Chen turned to see the four supervillains climbing back inside, their expressions dumbfounded. After a moment of consideration, he lifted his foot from Kinb's head and said, "Get up!" Kinb was quite useful, and Wu Chen wasn't one to derive pleasure from mocking or humiliating others, so he was willing to give Kinb some respect. Even though that respect had been trampled on a few times.


Upon hearing Wu Chen's command, Kinb immediately stood up and then moved lightly to the side of the masked man Wu Chen was portraying, standing there like a servant. The movement was slow and carried a hint of deference. Kinb had often seen similar gestures from his own underlings, which represented their respect for him. Mimicking them, Kinb found the action smooth and natural.


This left Bullseye even more astonished! It was surprising enough that Kinb, the big boss, had been defeated and subdued by someone, but it was clear that it wasn't just defeat; it was submission!


"What on earth is going on here?!" Bullseye's confusion wasn't just his own; it was shared by all four supervillains.


Then, the mystery was solved. Kinb humbly bowed his head beside the masked man. After receiving a nod from the masked man, Kinb took a step forward and solemnly said, "This is my master. Everything that just happened was simply my master testing my strength. No need to worry."


"Master?!" The jaws of the four supervillains dropped in astonishment. They had heard this title before, but only in reference to Kinb by others. Now, Kinb was referring to a masked man as 'master'?!


Watching the expressions of these four individuals, Wu Chen knew that his earlier display wasn't enough to make them submit. He saw surprise, shock, fear, and disbelief on their faces, but not the submissive expression that Kinb had shown.


Unruly subordinates wouldn't do! So, without further ado, he prepared to deal with these four supervillains. He had no intention of using genjutsu to control them. After all, Wu Chen didn't yet know how many people he could control with genjutsu, and if the number was small, wouldn't it be a waste on these scoundrels? As for Kinb, using genjutsu on him wouldn't be a waste; his role was quite significant.


However, before Wu Chen could make a move, Kinb understood his intentions. He took a step forward and knelt in front of him, "Master, there's no need for you to personally deal with these disobedient lackeys. I failed to discipline them properly, so let me make up for it!"


Wu Chen looked at Kinb with slight surprise. He remembered the description he had read about Kinb, 'While reaching the limits of human strength, Kinb's mind is sharp, with intelligence far beyond the ordinary.' Now, seeing Kinb in action, it was indeed true.


With an underling willing to lend a hand, Wu Chen was happy to let him handle it. He took a step back, leaving space for Kinb and the four supervillains.


Kinb's fierce gaze made Bullseye and the others tremble involuntarily. Their fear of Kinb had become instinctual.


"Leslie, come here," Kinb spoke slowly, his deep voice seemingly suppressing something.


Bullseye was stunned, subconsciously stepping forward.


Snap! Kinb grabbed Bullseye's head, pinning him to the ground. "Boss…" Bullseye's limbs flailed wildly, trying to escape from Kinb's grasp, but to no avail.


Kinb crouched down, his voice and gaze still fierce. "You attacked my master just now, so I'll forgive you after two punches from me."


Bullseye was dumbfounded, his expression vacant.


Others witnessed this scene, all feeling terrified. Kinb truly regarded this masked man as his master! And amidst their fear, they also realized: this Kinb before them was still the terrifying Kinb!