
Marvel: Phoenix Force.

The bad guys deserve a second chance. They were the bad guys, the worst of the worst, fate had something else in store for them. They were no longer the masters of evil, they were the Phoenix Force. A group of anti-heroes.

Travis_Larowe_6553 · Movies
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3 Chs

(Meeting Nick Fury.)

Chapter two:

And here are the masters of evil, said Ross and the guards threw water on them to wake up, but they were just children.

Let me talk to them, said the Director of Shield looking at his files. Mark Milton known as Hyperio, as the power to Rewind Time, Identify enemies weak points, can move eight times the speed of a normal human, telekinesis, and he can create a very strong force field. Very useful for evil.

The great Paladin, he said again. Paul Denning, can transform into a vampire bat, he has wing's, he has armored skin, his body can regenerate in half a hour, he's immune to acid attacks, he has legendary superhuman strength, he has herculean superhuman stamina, he has astonishing agility, he can see in the dark, and he has deadly claws. Another very useful for evil. Then we have the great Screaming Mimi. Melissa Gold Palmer. Flying, Teleportation, she can move four times faster than any other human being, strong force field, immune to electric attacks, she can generate mini tornadoes, she can make bullet's of condensed air to attack her opponents, she can generate lightning bolts from her hand's, telekinesis, and she can become invisible.

We are missing one more, the great Satana the daughter of Satan approached the cell. Satana Daily Hellstorm, Flying, Teleportation, strong force field, immune to fire attacks, she can generate hellfire, she can generate a bolt of dark energy, she can generate a bolt of light, she can manipulate shadows to engulf opponents into darkness, she can become invisible, she can turn into a shadow for a brief period of time, she can manipulate dreams, she can control minds, she can influence others, she can see in the dark, and she can generate a bolt of pure light.

Now tell us, who is the leader? Said General Ross.

We don't have one, replied Paul.

Of course they have one, someone has to lead them. Said Nick Fury as he approached the cell. Talk now. Replied Nick Fury.

I know who can tell us, General Ross approached Melissa's cell aka Screaming Mimi.

Stop it, yelled Mark.

She is the weakest. Said Ross. How much pain will she endure? General Ross said while seeing her face in horror.

You never told me that you were going to torture them. Said Nick Fury.

My land my rules, replied General Ross.

I'm going. Nick Fury said looking at them in sorrow.

Stop crying, the other three yelled at the other inmates who paid attention.

The screams began to be heard making Paul approach the fence being electrocuted.

Sleep everyone, except her. Said Ross seeing Palmer continue to scream. Will you talk? Asked General Ross.

It was Zemo, he said that we could be heroes, but instead he turned us into this. Said Palmer crying.

I knew you were smart, said General Ross as he put Palmer to sleep.

She spoke? Asked Nick Fury.

Zemo, said Ross. Now we have to go after the old Baron Zemo, General Ross mumured.

My agents will go away, said Nick Fury.

Boss, said Agent Maria Hill. What are you thinking about? She asked him.

Those people, the masters of evil, Melissa Gold said that they never wanted to be bad. Nick Fury said looking at Agent Hill.

That is earned by trusting someone. Agent Maria Hill said. What do you have in mind? She asked Nick Fury.

At the moment nothing. Send Phil Coulson to New Mexico and see what happens. Said Nick Fury.