
Marvel: My Talent Can Be Infinitely Enhanced

A wonderful genius grows all the time of the plot and overcomes the limits in the Marvel universe. And we are watching this. https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73965

RanobeMen · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Learn to use, strive to teach your brother

The next day, at eight in the morning. Kamar-Taj.

Many students started their studies earlier.

Neat shouts came from them.

Theodore also supervised the training of the students, a group of whom were sweating like in the rain.

Some of the students had already mastered the magic light, a kind of preliminary mastery of magic, but they had a long way to go before they could master the magic shield.

Theodore watched this scene with pleasure.

Although these students were not as good as Wang Yang, their talent was already considered good.

If they could absorb cosmic energy and transform it into runes, then they could be considered a symbol of official magic training.

In the past, Theodore would have been very happy.

Although he taught from the bottom of his heart, he got a little distracted.

"I wonder what Wang Yang learned from Kamidar!"

After a while, an old man came up.

After seeing this old man, many disciples couldn't help but stop and look at him.

All of them could tell that there was something unusual about this old man, even he was dressed more like a magician than Theodore.

Theodore saw the old man and hurried to greet him.

"Master Kamidar, what brings you here?" Theodore said respectfully, approaching him.

"I came to..."

Kamidar looked at the students this semester and also saw a more talented Bella.

But Wang Yang was nowhere to be seen.

"Hasn't Wang Yang come yet?"

Kamidar thought that Wang Yang had already come, but what he didn't expect was that Wang Yang didn't seem to have come yet.

"Eh, I thought Wang Yang had already gone to you, Master!"

Theodore frowned and continued, "What a lack of diligence, yesterday I thought this disciple was one of the most diligent students, I didn't expect it to be just one day...".

Theodore was disappointed, although he also knew that Wang Yang had good talent, but even if he had good talent, he still had to work hard, otherwise it would just be a waste of talent.

Yesterday Bella thought she couldn't compete with Wang Yang, but she didn't expect Wang Yang to stop working hard today, so she could relax as she thought she had a good talent.

Then she had a chance to use her efforts to tell her opponent: "You are talented, but if you don't work hard, only I will surpass you."

Kamidar felt relieved: with a talent like Wang Yang, it's better to relax, if Wang Yang works so hard again, then probably few people will be able to compare with him.

Perhaps he wouldn't even know what to teach him in the future.

It was nice to relax a little.

"Master Kamidar, I'll bring him here!"

Theodore thought that Master Kamidar had come this time to hurry Wang Yang, so he frowned and said.

Kamidar waved his hand, indicating that everything was in order.

Theodore hated the lazy: Wang Yang had such a good opportunity, but he did not take advantage of it, but only forced the master of the Camidar to come and find him.

Bella was more confident, she was serious and still a talented student.

"Master Theodore, Wang Yang is here!"

At that moment, Bella looked towards the dorm and saw Wang Yang walking there.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that Wang Yang was still yawning at this moment, he looked like he hadn't slept all night.

Many apprentices were waiting for Wang Yang's joke.

After all, making the master wait and be late for school was no better than being an apprentice.

Theodore also frowned and said: "Wang Yang, what's wrong with you, are you late for your morning lesson? Do you still want to learn magic properly?".

Although Kamidar thought it was normal that Wang Yang came late, he also wondered why Wang Yang came so late.

"Sorry, Master Theodore, I was studying the runic infrastructure last night, so..."

Runic infrastructure?

Theodore was stunned, then shocked, everyone else was still working on light magic, and you were already working on the infrastructure of magic runes?

Hearing this, Kamidar's mind froze, no wonder he was so late, a magic student with a good talent, and the worst thing was that he was so diligent.

"Nonsense, you've only been practicing for a few days, Runic Infrastructure, how can this be something you can master!"

Theodore said, frowning in disbelief.

Although Wang Yang's magic shield really surpassed his imagination, it couldn't be that much bigger than that of the same group of disciples, even magic disciples who had trained for a year couldn't begin to practice the basic structure of magic runes.

Not to mention the students who have just started developing.

"I didn't expect that after just one day, our student is already talking about a lot!".

Bella said with a smile.

The crowd couldn't help but laugh.


Theodore frowned and the crowd's laughter abruptly stopped, then Theodore looked at Wang Yang.

"Since you said that you are connecting the basic structure of magic runes, then demonstrate it!".

Just a demonstration would tell the truth.

If Wang Yang managed to master it overnight, then it couldn't be said that Wang Yang worked tirelessly.

"Yes, big Master Theodore!" said Wang Yang respectfully.

However, his face was certainly posed.

And at that moment, curiosity appeared on the faces of all the students.

There were also a lot of people who watched this with amusement, simply not believing that Wang Yang had already started practicing basic structure magic.

However, Wang Yang didn't care.

Stretching out his hand, he unfolded it in front of him.


As if the air had ignited, countless sparks appeared in the air, and at the same time, these golden sparks began to change by themselves according to his control.

A golden magic shield appeared in front of the crowd.

There were countless runes on it, and adding these runes also made the shield stronger and thicker.

There were also a lot of changes on the shield.

At this moment, Theodore couldn't help but stare at this scene with wide eyes and some disbelief.

"The combination of the magic shield and the infrastructure of the magic rune has changed the structure of the magic shield, reshaped and changed... is it really just a student?".

To say that Wang Yang was a magician who had studied magic for many years is to believe it.

So much for Theodore, not to mention those who were the magician's apprentice.

The most they could learn right now was light magic, not to mention something as profound as this.

"Learn how to use it and use it on a magic shield in just one night!"

Kamidar couldn't help but feel in his heart that this is a genius, this is a demon, and the main thing is that this demon worked so hard and stayed up all night to train.

Kamidar didn't know what to say anymore.

"Master Theodore, I'm really sorry, I'm redesigning the magic shield according to the structure of the magic rune, if something doesn't work out for me, you have to point it out to me!"

Wang Yang said very modestly.

After all, he didn't know much about magic, and naturally, he couldn't be arrogant in front of two masters.

And hearing Wang Yang's words, the corners of Theodore's eyes twitched, he didn't even change shape....

A translator who is just trying to survive and bring a drop of joy into your life Subscribe to my channel https://boosty.to/ranobemeneng

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