
Marvel: My Talent Can Be Infinitely Enhanced

A wonderful genius grows all the time of the plot and overcomes the limits in the Marvel universe. And we are watching this. https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73965

RanobeMen · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Captain America: Maybe we can rely on him


There was a strong explosion in the block.

A radiant blue aura rushed straight down like a pillar of light, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

This pillar of light covered most of the street.

Large chunks of tall buildings were destroyed, collapsed and raised dust.

However, on the other hand, Wang Yang and the others were completely unchanged, it seemed like they were blocking this terrifying explosion of destruction.

Upon seeing this scene, Kamidar and several magicians seemed to have turned into statues and stared at Wang Yang without blinking.

They could not imagine that such a terrible alien weapon could be completely blocked by a shield.

And such a powerful explosion of the main cannon, I'm afraid, was already comparable to the magic of, say, many people of the Kamar-Taj.

Even an Sorcerer Supreme would have to become lame under such an attack, right?

However, Wang Yang was able to resist such a terrifying force with the help of the Raggadorra Ring.

Although the Ring of Raggadorra was already covered with cracks, it seemed that at any moment it could completely collapse.

However, he blocked this terrifying force.

Wang Yang raised his hand, and the Raggadorra ring turned into gold dust and disappeared into the air.

Moreover, the Chitauri on this alien warship were like dumplings, from which Chitauri jumped nonstop.

They then used energy weapons to continuously attack this way.

But when Wang Yang saw this scene, he naturally didn't give these Chitauri a chance to attack.

Humming a spell under his breath, he raised his hand and threw it.

Scarlet chains, countless chains, like living beings, directly entangled many falling Chitauri, and completely crushed them under the suffocating grip.

At the same time, the chain rushed straight towards the huge alien warship in the sky.

Compared to the huge body, this red chain was nothing.

However, the moment it wrapped around the huge body, Wang Yang yanked sharply.

This red chain, like a wire, pierced through the huge battleship.


It seemed as if a huge alien battleship was lazily cut off, and then it crashed down.

Countless broken pieces were scattered in all directions.

And the Chitauri who were on earth smashed these Chitauri to death when a huge alien battleship crashed down.

The whole neighborhood calmed down.

The few mages standing over him couldn't help but stare in disbelief.

Some of them had never even participated in battles, and when they saw this scene, they couldn't help but fall straight to the ground.

Kamidar was much better, after all, he had once been on the battlefield, a combat magician, he had seen a lot of things.

As for Wang Yang, it's terrible.

On the battlefield, if you are too courageous, you can only endanger your little life.

But he absolutely could not imagine that the scarlet chains had such a use.

Moreover, it was a Chitauri warship, a warship that could fly in the universe, so one could imagine how strong it was, and it had many special alloys unthinkable for Earth technology, and it could even withstand the powerful weapons of some civilizations.

However, such a powerful and durable alloy could not actually stop the chains.

Looking at the mirror slice, Kamidar bitterly chuckled: how powerful Wang Yang really was, and for the experience of using magic, it was not something he could imagine.

Even Kamidar doubted that the Sorcerer Supreme could do it.

Destroying a battleship with such ease was too scary.

According to Kamidar, Wang Yang might not be able to compare with the Supreme Magician, but he could definitely compare with the famous magicians in the history of the Kamar-Taj.

While Kamidar was complaining that Wang Yang's talent was too strong, another alien warship was flying nearby.

And from above, the Hulk continued to strike, but still could not inflict significant damage to this alien battleship, compared to the movie, it is even more difficult to cope with these alien battleships.

The battleships not only had powerful firepower, but also countless Chitauri troops.

They serve as the vanguard of fighters and are so strong that it goes without saying.

In addition, the Chitauri are not weak, and their technology is extremely powerful.

It won't be easy for the Avengers to deal with them.

At this point, even if Thor and Hulk take on the alien warships, they still won't be able to destroy them for some time.

"Thor, it looks like you need help!"

Just at this time, the voice of Iron Man Stark rang out.

"Stark, this is no time for jokes!".

Thor was breathing heavily, discharging lightning bolts at the approaching Chitauri.

Beating off the approaching Chitauri.

But the Chitauri rushed forward again.

Thor raised his hammer, and lightning poured out of it, but they all crashed down on the huge alien warship, which crashed down.

The Chitauri were surrounded by countless others.

Fortunately, even in this case, thanks to his powerful physical body, he was able to resist it.

But even he would have been smashed to smithereens if the huge, shadow-filled alien battleship crashed down.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a strong explosion.

Dozens of small missile submarines exploded right on the alien battleship, dragging it along with them.

"No thanks, Thor!" said Stark as the Iron Battle Suit carried him away in the blink of an eye.

But by this time, the small machine guns on the alien battleship were already aimed at him.

Before Stark could fly much further, he crashed all over the ground.


Iron Man crashed right into the building, but fortunately, his Iron Battle Suit had excellent protective and shock-absorbing properties.

"Damn it, we have to destroy them somehow!"

Stark couldn't help but grumble.

The voice of Captain America also sounded over the link: "No swearing!".

"It looks like another battleship is coming from the sky!".

"There is no end to this!"

Several members of the Avengers Alliance couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

They couldn't handle several battleships anyway, and if more came, they would have big problems!

But fortunately, the Chitauri army also did not enter the Earth indefinitely.

"Thor, find a way to deal with the Hulk first!"

That was all Captain America could say.

Thor also wanted to say yes, but he was at the limit of his abilities after using his lightning powers one by one.

"I need to rest and recover first!"

Although the Avengers all wanted Thor to fight, they knew they couldn't force him.

After all, when the battle began, Thor was the main force.

He was also somewhat untenable at this level of combat.

He even relied on himself for a while to block the passage above his head.

But it also drove the Avengers to despair for a while, and if they hadn't been able to end the two ships once and for all, New York could have turned into a devastated mess.

But what were they doing now?

At this moment, they were all in despair.

But Captain America looked at Wang Yang, just now Wang Yang was able to destroy one battleship, so he should be able to handle two as well.