
Marvel: My Luck Is A Hundred Million Points Better!

Traveling to the Marvel world, Luo Bai found that his luck had improved. With no place to live, Tony offered him a villa. Although he had no abilities, the Ancient One stated that he was more gifted than Doctor Strange and could become the Sorcerer Supreme. Without any magical weapons, he simply picked up an infinite stone while walking. When Thanos came to steal the stones, he didn’t manage to grab any; instead, all the other gems were "gifted" to Luo Bai. They say that magic must be borrowed and repaid? In the end, he became invincible... Disclaimer: This is Translation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can visit my Patreon page: Patreon.com/PhoeniXcel I upload 2 chapters daily on Patreon! There are 10+ advanced chapters available for you to read. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Phoeni_Xcel · Movies
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45 Chs

Chapter 034 Is This The Strength Of A Mage?!

Luo Bai studied from morning until night, finally stepping out of the study early the next morning.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he heard Natasha Romanoff's exasperated voice: "Seventeen hours have passed since I last saw you... What on earth were you doing in the study all this time?"

Luo Bai didn't answer immediately but asked, "You didn't leave? Have you been taking care of Lorna?"

"Of course!" Natasha replied. "I'm waiting for you to go have coffee with me. But I feel more like a nanny right now."

She pointed to Lorna, who was already asleep on the sofa, clearly indicating that she had been looking after the child all day.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Luo Bai quickly said, "I was practicing magic and lost track of time. I'm sorry."

This was the downside of learning magic: when he focused intensely, he often lost all sense of time.

In truth, Luo Bai had completely mastered the control of the Time Stone's energy before, but the allure of time magic kept him engrossed. He hadn't thought about Polaris until just now and was surprised to find Natasha still there.

After all, she was quite busy as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and often had missions to complete.

"Don't you have any tasks today? You've stayed at my house all day," he asked curiously.

"My mission today is to drink coffee with you," Natasha answered half-jokingly.

Despite being kept waiting all day, Natasha remained in good spirits, showing no signs of anger. Luo Bai understood that she might have been sent by Nick Fury to persuade him to join the Avengers, but he felt relieved that he had at least agreed to her coffee invitation. "I'm not sure if there's any coffee left at this hour."

"The coffee might be gone, but you haven't eaten anything all day. How about we grab something to eat together?" Natasha suggested.

"Okay, but you'll have to wait for me," Luo Bai replied.

"Should we wait another day?" Natasha asked half-jokingly.

Although her tone seemed lighthearted, there was genuine concern behind her words; waiting for Luo Bai wasn't easy.

"That won't take long," Luo Bai said with a smile.

He then raised his hand and cast time acceleration magic on Polaris. A small green magic circle lit up in his palm.

As he rotated his palm, Polaris, who had been lying on the sofa as a child, rapidly grew until she returned to her original form. Luo Bai stopped casting spells.

Natasha, witnessing this transformation, was left in awe, her expression shifting from shock to astonishment.

"Okay, you can go," Luo Bai said calmly.

His words snapped Natasha back to reality. The next second, her voice echoed through the living room: "OMG! Did you just turn a little girl into Lorna?!"

Luo Bai shook his head and corrected her, "No, she was always Lorna."

"Then why did Lorna look like a child?!" Natasha pressed on.

"She broke into the study while I was practicing magic this morning, and I didn't notice... then she ended up like this," Luo Bai explained.

Morning?! Natasha was taken aback as she recalled. No wonder Lorna hadn't come down after she went up, but instead a little girl had appeared.

"What magic is this?! It's incredible!" Natasha exclaimed, her surprise evident.

Although she had seen Luo Bai's abilities before, this was beyond her comprehension. How could anyone not be amazed by such magic?!

Perhaps overwhelmed by her astonishment, she continued without waiting for Luo Bai to respond: "Did you just use magic to control time? So, you mages can manipulate time at will? What else can mages do?"

Natasha fired off several questions in rapid succession. Normally composed and emotionally stable as an agent, she was now unable to maintain her usual calm demeanor.

Her excitement was so loud it woke up Polaris.

As Polaris opened her eyes, she was momentarily confused to find Luo Bai and Natasha standing before her. She quickly sat up from the sofa and asked, "Why did I fall asleep?!"

Luo Bai replied, "You'll have to ask Natasha about that. She took care of you all day."

"She took care of me for a day?!" Polaris was stunned, her confusion deepening.

"I feel like there are suddenly a lot of memories in my mind... It seems I came to this place when I was ten years old... and I was taken care of by Natasha Romanoff for a whole day," Polaris murmured.

The time acceleration hadn't altered Polaris' original memories, so she still remembered everything she experienced. However, since she had just woken up, her recollections were not yet clear.

Luo Bai reminded her, "That memory isn't from when you were ten years old. To put it simply, you accidentally broke into the study this morning while I was practicing magic. I didn't pay attention, and that's why you were transformed back to your ten-year-old self."

With this reminder, Polaris recalled everything clearly.

"Yes! That's right!!!" she exclaimed. "Natasha Romanoff came to find you, saying she had to see you. That's why I went to the study! I didn't mean to go to the second floor!"

Polaris felt a bit panicked, remembering Luo Bai's earlier warning not to go to the second floor unless there were special circumstances. She hurried to clarify her intentions.

But looking at Luo Bai, she sensed he already understood everything.

"I understand. But next time, please don't open the door to the study without permission. Of course, this is also my fault; I'll remember to lock the door," Luo Bai said.

"I just heard noise in the room and didn't see anyone open the door, so I got a bit worried. I won't be so reckless next time," Polaris quickly apologized.

God, who would dare to open a mage's door?

Fortunately, this time she had only reverted to her childhood. What if she turned into a frog next time?!

Curiosity piqued, Polaris couldn't help but ask cautiously, "So, can mages really turn people into frogs, like in the shows?"

Luo Bai was exasperated by her line of thinking. Did people really think mages turned others into frogs?

He didn't answer her but said helplessly, "I'm going out with Natasha now. Please clean up the room."

After saying this, he turned to the still-stunned Natasha Romanoff and added, "Okay, you can go now."

Natasha finally came to her senses. The two of them walked out together.


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