
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

AbyssFC · Movies
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61 Chs

Improved Serum

"Doctor, what's the matter?" Ray asked sternly.

"Remember the advice you gave me before, you went to Europe?" The doctor looked at Ray and asked.

"You mean to improve the super soldier serum to increase the success rate of enhancement?" Ray remembered that in the beginning, whether it was the original serum before the improvement or the enhanced serum he and Steve were injected with, it was not completely successful in animal experiments.

Although the bodies of the test animals were successfully strengthened, without exception, during the experiment, they all seemed to be in great pain because of which they lost consciousness, fell into a coma, and eventually died.

Examinations after the trial found that their brains had been stimulated too strongly beyond what they could withstand, resulting in brain death.

They analyzed that this was because the strengthening process remodeled the body too violently, which brought severe pain. Later experiments also proved this.

Therefore, the existing fortified serum requires extremely high willpower of the person receiving the reinforcement.

Once the pain of the reinforcement cannot be tolerated, he/she will fall into a coma and eventually become brain dead just like the animals in the experiment.

Therefore, Ray suggested that the doctor improve the serum to make the strengthening process gentler and reduce the pain in the transformation, reduce the need for willpower, and improve the success rate of strengthening.

Now it seems that the doctor succeeded.

"That's right, I conducted research in the direction you said, and found that there is indeed a possibility of improvement. According to some theories you put forward, I conducted research and experiments again, and finally successfully developed an improved serum."

The Doctor smiled proudly.

"The animal experiment was a perfect success. Although there was a violent struggle during the reinforcement process, it did not fall into a coma. After the experiment, everything was normal."

Ray looked at the doctor and asked affirmatively, "So you conducted human experiments with yourself?"

"That's right, I succeeded, didn't I?" The doctor smiled casually.

Ray shook his head helplessly. The normal procedure is to use death row prisoners or volunteers to conduct experiments first. After all, experiments have certain risks. Scientists use them to conduct experiments. If they fail, the entire project will end.

However, the doctor is too kind. If it wasn't for the order of the superior, and the successful change of Red Skull, the doctor would not have let Steve take part in the experiment.

"Doctor! I hope this kind of thing won't happen again!" Ray said with a serious face.

"You are the core of the entire super soldier program and the most important member of our S.H.I.E.L.D. Once an accident occurs, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The Doctor did not get angry because of Ray's attitude, but smiled gently, "Yes Commander!"

At this moment, Howard came up suddenly with glowing eyes.

"Doctor, can I also receive reinforcement?"

Howard said, his saliva was about to flow out. Thinking of Ray's strong physical fitness, Howard wished to strengthen himself now, and return all the bullying he suffered from Ray!

"Yes, but I forgot to mention that the improved serum has improved the strengthening process, so the strengthening effect is much weaker than the original version,

The physical fitness after strengthening is about three times that of normal people. The advantage is that It doesn't need to be irradiated with Vita Rays, as long as sufficient nutrition is supplemented, the strengthening can be completed by direct injection of serum."

Howard was discouraged when he heard the words.

Feeling Ray's playful gaze, Howard wanted to cry without tears.

At this time, the doctor suddenly said again, "Also, I have also researched the issues of lifespan and body freezing that you mentioned to me."

"In the serum-fortified body, Cells are extremely active, and the body's metabolism tends to stagnate after freezing, but after thawing, cells can quickly regain activity, and during this period, life is almost static! "

"In other words, your idea of freezing the body to stop aging is feasible!"

"In addition, I did ignore the issue of lifespan before. While strengthening the body, the serum also enhanced the vitality of cells, and the aging speed of cells greatly slowed down."

"You and Steve were the only ones who successfully received the booster. So, It can't be used as a reference.

But after the improved serum was successful, I deliberately conducted animal experiments and found that the lifespan of the serum-fortified animals has indeed greatly extended!"

"The changes in me also prove it!"

When Howard heard the words, he instantly regained his energy.

"Then what are we waiting for? Doctor, strengthen me now!"


The strengthening process of the improved serum was very smooth. Although Howard, who was in pain in the middle, screamed, he completed the strengthening.

Getting off the experimental chair, Howard carefully felt the changes in his body.

The body that had lacked exercise seemed to be full of inexhaustible strength, and he casually threw a punch.

Howard was so excited that he jumped on the spot again, and jumped up to a height of two meters. He was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground when he fell.

With a beaming face, Howard couldn't wait to run to the mirror, wanting to see if he had become tall and strong like Ray and Steve.

The results disappointed him a little. Although the improved serum is equally effective, it can only reach three times the physical fitness of ordinary people after strengthening.

But maybe because it didn't break through the limits of the human body, the changes in the body weren't too big. From the outside, he was just a little taller and stronger than before, and he didn't have a huge change like Steve.

Seeing that Howard was somewhat disappointed, Dr. Erskine smiled slightly, stepped forward, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Did you find it?"

Howard was somewhat unresponsive.


The doctor pointed to his head.

Howard felt it, and surprise bloomed in his eyes.

"My God! My brain!"

"Thinking speed is too fast! And my memory!"

"God! This feels great!"

Looking at Howard who was shouting excitedly, Ray couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Dr. Erskine just smiled when he saw this. He had just strengthened himself. After feeling the huge improvement in brain thinking, analysis, memory, etc., his reaction was not much better than Howard's.

"We should all thank you." The doctor said to Ray with a serious look.

Seeing Ray open his mouth to speak, the doctor interrupted him with a wave.

"In my opinion, the value of the improved serum is infinite, and it allows us, ordinary people, to receive reinforcement."

"In addition to the enhancement of physical fitness and the prolongation of lifespan, the most important thing is that it strengthens the brain, which has brought great help to our scientific research.

During this time, many problems that have troubled me for a long time have been solved one by one, all experiments and research have become handy."

"You know what this means for a scientist, and what it means for the world."


100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch

200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch

Chapter Length: 1200 words

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