
Marvel: Live Broadcasting The Spoilers! [Translation On Pause]

A dimensional live broadcast system has come to Asgard, Kamar Taj and other places. With the exposure of various spoilers such as "Avengers 3", the entire multiverse of the Marvel is in chaos! Loki: After being beaten by Hulk, killed by Thanos, and forced to join the TVA, I end up loving female Loki? Iron Man: Dark Elves? Time Travel? Multiverse? This is awesome! Deadpool: Wow! I can actually slaughter the Marvel Universe! So cool! Thor: My hammer... And damn! How did I get so fat! Scarlet Witch: I would never fall in love with a robot! Not to mention "no more mutants"! Magneto: Wanda, in a different parallel universe, you can still call me Daddy. Thanos: I snapped my fingers, but I still failed...

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110 Chs

Chapter 100. Kill Thor! Frog Thor! Loki's Fate of Failure!

[The video continued.]

[Looking at the purple clouds in the sky getting closer and closer, young Loki flatly said...]

["We're done talking. Let's go ..."]

[He looked at Loki and said, "Just do what you want, I guess."]

[Seeing the three Lokis gradually leaving, Loki, who was alone, looked around and chased after them.]

[However, after only walking for a while, Loki couldn't help but look at the oldest Loki and ask...]

["Why do you wear the horns? You let a child command you."]

[Old Loki looked back and said, "You'll do well to respect the boy. This is his kingdom."]

[Loki's face looked doubtful...]

["Right. What was your nexus event, Your Majesty?"]

[Hearing the sneer in Loki's tone, young Loki turned back with his head lead high...]

["I killed Thor."]

[Hearing that, Loki's sneer suddenly disappeared.]

In the live chat group.

[Thor: Are you kidding me? How could a child kill me? This kid must be lying!]

[Loki Odinson: Brother, calm down. You have to remember that you and I are the same age!]

[Loki Odinson: I mean, the Thor that this child killed should also be a child.]

[Thor: Even if I'm only a few years old, I won't die so easily.]

[Thor: Besides, when you were a child, you were much weaker than you are now, and you couldn't even do magic. Even if I stood there motionless, you wouldn't be able to kill me. Hahaha.]

[Loki Odinson: ...]

[Natasha Romanoff: Thor must have been powerful since childhood.]

[Thor: Oh? How did you know? That certainly is true. Haha...]

[Natasha Romanoff: No, I mean ... with a character like yours, if you weren't powerful, you would have been killed a long time ago.]

[Thor: ???]

[Peter Parker: Uh, everybody, actually, I have another question about Loki and Thor.]

[Peter Parker: According to our previous discussion, the settings the Time Variance Authority placed on everyone should always doom Loki into being a villain.]

[Peter Parker: If he wanted to be a good person and turn over a new leaf, then he would be found guilty of violating the 'settings' and pruned.]

[Peter Parker: But killing his brother, Thor, is an evil thing. Why was that child Loki pruned anyway?]

Reading Peter's message in the chat, a number of people, including Loki, were lost in thought.

[Stephen Strange: Hmm, well, that kind of interesting. Killing Thor would certainly be deemed evil. It wouldn't be something prune worthy.]

[Thor: Wait, what kind of rude things you mortals are discussing?!]

[Thor: With Loki's strength, he wouldn't be able to kill me! Why are you all questioning such a simple truth?]

[Wanda Maximoff: No, wait. Did that kid Loki get pruned because he violated the setting by doing something impossible?]

[Loki Odinson: What does this mean?! Does a Loki have to fail in everything?!]

[Thor: Brother! Failing to kill me is nothing to be ashamed of.]

[Loki Odinson: Shut up, you big oaf! If you keep talking nonsense, when I get out of here, I'm going to kill you first!]

[Thor: !!! How can you talk to me like that?!]

Loki was angry, but his heart was also extremely depressed.

'How many of my Multiverse 'self' had been pruned?'

'Is my fate so strictly 'set' that I can't go beyond it?'

Just then, Strange suddenly burst into laughter in the chat group.

[Stephen Strange: Hahaha, well said, Wanda. You actually got the point.]

[Wanda Maximoff: What? What did I say?]

[Stephen Strange: Do you remember? The female Loki ... Sylvie. What did she say to Loki when they were facing their last moments when they were almost killed by the asteroid impact on Lamentis?]

[Peter Parker: Hmm, I'm sorry, Mr Strange. She said so many things that I can't possibly remember them all.]

[Stephen Strange: It doesn't matter. I remember every word. I couldn't forget anything even if I wanted to.]

[Tony Stark: Not photographic but eidetic memory? Strange, you're making me jealous.]

[Stephen Strange: Anyway ... what Sylvie said to Loki was, 'what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we're destined to lose.'!]

[Loki Odinson: What?]

[Tony Stark: In that case, I thought of that too. In the video of Thor that was shown earlier, the Loki in it had a lot of preparations and plans, but he still failed in the end.]

[Stephen Strange: That's right, he tried to deceive Thor, to make Thor stay on Earth forever, but he failed! He tried to kill Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants, to become a hero, but he failed! He tried to destroy Jotunheim to prove he wasn't a monster like the Frost Giants, but he failed!]

[Loki Odinson: ... Heh. You have a good point, but you forgot to mention that I tried to win Father Odin's approval and, after failing, took it upon myself to jump into the vortex and kill myself!]

[Wanda Maximoff: Then ... What was the point in all that?]

[Peter Parker: He's doomed for failure?]

[Stephen Strange: Loki's fate is set up in such a way that throughout his life, he will always experience failure. He's not allowed to achieve success.]

[Stephen Strange: So, when he faced Thor, he should have lost!]

[Stephen Strange: That kid Loki not only avoided failure, but he was also able to kill Thor!]

[Stephen Strange: Such success was obviously a violation of the settings! Because of that... The Time Variance Authority sent people out to prune him.]

[Thor: Mortal! What are you babbling about? I'm the older brother. Isn't it natural that he wouldn't be able to beat me? What do you mean he couldn't beat me because of some 'setting'? Are you looking down on me?]

[Loki Odinson: ... So that's it!]

At this moment, Loki only felt the chill from his heart soak through his entire body! It almost reached his bones!

And a very strange sense of horror, comparable to the sky falling, instantly swept through Loki's body.

As far as Loki could remember, he did try many, many things.

Like trying to surpass his brother Thor or trying to gain the respect of the people of Asgard.

The end result, however, was always less than desirable.

Loki used to think that it might be because of his bad luck or bad personality.

But now, Strange's words, while completely subverting Loki's worldview, opened the door to a new world for him.

It turns out ... As Loki, the God of Mischief, he wasn't only destined for villainy, but he was also a villain doomed to failure.

Although Loki didn't have eidetic memory like Strange's, at this moment, he could clearly recall what Mobius had said in the TVA.

'It's funny...For someone born to rule... You sure do lose a lot. I could even say it's in your nature.'

'You weren't born to be King, Loki. You were born to cause pain, and suffering, and death. '

'That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. '

'All so that others... can achieve, their best versions of themselves!'

'So, failure … is the setting you gave me?'

Loki sneered. His smile was filled with rage and murderous anger.

Who in the world could endure such a thing?

At this moment, Loki had made up his mind ...

'If Time Variance Authority exists in my universe now, then I'll uproot this organisation and crush it into pieces!'

'You bastards, if you want to see me fail, I'll show you success!'

Looking at Loki, whose face muscles twitched and veins twisted in anger, the rest of the few people in the otherworldly live stream room basically chose to remain silent.

In this case, there really wasn't much more to say.

[The video continued.]

[Several Lokis came to a hillside where the old Loki used magic to open a circular iron gate in the ground.]

[It turns out there was a shelter inside.]

[At this point, the scene on-screen revealed an underground room ...]

[The accompanying footage revealed an incredible array of things for the crowd to see.]

'Is that ... Mjolnir?'

Looking at the divine hammer Mjolnir buried next to some tree root, even in the midst of extreme rage, Loki couldn't help but stare.

'How can such a treasure be buried underground?'

Soon Loki saw something else, and the pupils of his eyes shrank to the size of pinholes.

In fact, apart from Loki, everyone else was in an uproar at the same time when they saw such a thing.

"Wait, what is that? Am I seeing things?"

Peter stared at the screen in disbelief, with a ghostly pale look on his face.

At his side, Strange's mouth was also slightly opened, causing a storm in his heart.

[Next to the hammer, a frog that was wearing a similar cloak as Thor's. The frog was imprisoned in a glass jar.]

[The frog, still wearing Thor's feathered helmet on its head, was trying hard to jump around in the glass jar, but it couldn't get out no matter what.]

"A Thor frog? What the hell is this?"

Tony deeply frowned and almost reached out to rub his eyes.

But seeing the demeanour of the people beside him, as well as the shouts of astonishment that were rising from the live stream, he was sure that he wasn't mistaken.

"They turned Thor into a frog and stuffed him in a bottle."

Young Wanda gulped and couldn't help turning her head towards Loki.

"Could some other universe you do that?"

"Uh ..."

Hearing that, Loki's head was covered with black lines.

At that moment, Thor also made a scene in the chat group.

[Thor: Loki, is that one of your tricks? Hurry up and change me back.]

[Loki Odinson: Fool, what are you talking about? I don't have such powerful magic to influence other people's divine body. We've been together for so many years; when have I ever turned you into a frog?]

[Thor: When I was a child, you once turned me into a frog and said you would throw me into the river.]

[Loki Odinson: That's an illusion! My illusion just made you look like a frog. Your size and strength hadn't changed at all!]

[Thor: Illusion?! You actually fooled me for that long?]

[Stephen Strange: Was that just an illusion? That's really unbelievable.]

[Master Mordo: Hmm, the Thor on-screen just now was actually transformed into a frog by magic and then placed in a glass jar.]

[Master Mordo: What kind of magic could actually transform a divine body? Could it be a dimensional demon?]

[Stephen Strange: Dimensional demon, what's that?]

[Master Mordo: This is something too early for you to know right now.]

[Tony Stark: I don't know if it's demonic or not, but according to what Loki said earlier. This place should be the TVA's dumping ground. Anything they prune would end up here.]

[Peter Parker: So, this, the frog Thor and the Mjolnir next to him, were all pruned by the Time Variance Authority?]

[Loki Odinson: That makes it easier to understand. Something as big as turning Thor into a frog would, of course, drastically alter reality and cause a branch in time.]

[Wanda Maximoff: Ohh... if that's the case, then there should be a lot of amazing treasures hidden in this pile of trash.]

[Stephen Strange: Of course, don't you remember? Casey, the clerk from the TVA, had a drawer filled with Infinity Stones that ended up getting pruned by that female guard, B15!]

[Stephen Strange: I think that desk and all its items should have ended up here as well.]

[Wanda Maximoff: Come on, do you think everyone has an eidetic memory like you?]

[Tony Stark: Not everyone. But, I would never forget the Infinity Stones.]

[The video continued.]

[At this time, the Lokis entered the underground shelter.]

[Old Loki looked at the last Loki who entered and softly asked...]

["So, why did you want to return to the TVA so badly, anyway?"]



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