
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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369 Chs

Chapter: 63

"That won't do!" Mark quickly said, "The function of this third invention can be better demonstrated in actual combat. And you're underestimating my Hover-cannon too much, Dad. It does have a weapons system onboard, I just made it invisible. Without the help of my third baby, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to escape!"

Mark's words infuriated Tony. It was like saying, "Without my help, you won't even have a chance to escape, he-he! When I was playing with missiles, you were still stuck in my pants and hadn't been fired out. How dare you look down on me!"

Although he was angry, when Tony heard Mark say that Hover-cannon had a weapons system onboard, he became somewhat wary. But in the end, he toughened up and said, "No need. I'll go and come back quickly. Let me show you how I turn your Transformers back into spare parts, hmph!"

After saying that, Tony directly climbed onto the armoring platform and put on his recently completed Mark IV armor.

After armoring up, Tony and Hover-Cannon arrived at the open space outside the villa. "Alright, I'll give you a chance to attack me first. Otherwise, if I make the first move, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to showcase your attack skills."

Even though he already knew that Hover-cannon had a weapons system onboard, Tony, being a weapons expert himself, thought that if he couldn't even detect it, it couldn't be anything impressive. So, he confidently gave the initiative to Mark's Hover-cannon.

"Go ahead, Hover-cannon. Since the opponent is giving you the chance, how can you disappoint my dad's kind intentions? As long as you don't hit any vital spots, feel free to attack. He has a hibernation chamber to rely on if he get injured, and any injuries can be healed."

Upon hearing Mark's instructions, Hover-cannon's two eyes glowed red, entering its combat mode. "NT operation, all-round attack units activated!"

The decorative wing-like structures on Hover-Cannon's back, which Tony had mocked as useless, suddenly dispersed, floating around Hover-cannon's massive body in mid-air. The tips of the structures began to gather energy, turning into dots of light in the darkness, all firmly aimed at Tony's position.

"Um... Can I take back what I said earlier?" When Tony saw the Hover-cannons pointing at him, he suddenly understood what Mark meant by hiding. Could this still be called hiding!? This clearly surpassed the current era's weapon configuration!

"What do you think?" Mark smiled and looked at Tony, who was tensed up by the Hovering Cannons, as if he could see Tony's bitter face beneath the mask of the armor. "Hover-cannon, fire!"


Dozens of energy cannons, following Mark's command, began their tracing attacks on Tony. No matter how Tony dodged, the Cannons around Hover-cannon could accurately lock onto Tony's position and perform precise tracing. Tony, caught in the crossfire, was left in a state of uncertainty.

"Hehe, I've incorporated the essence of the entire human targeting system into the design of these Cannons. As long as you're within range, there's no escaping!" Mark proudly declared.

"I surrender!" Indeed, after Mark finished speaking, Tony, who knew he had no chance of winning against it with the Mark IV armor, immediately gave up.

"Dad, you really keep your promise! You said to end the battle quickly, and you really did. you surrender without even making a move." Mark teased Tony mercilessly, not giving him any face.

"Hmph, with your fighting style, do I even have a chance to make a move? Stop the nonsense. Where's that thing that's supposed to help me? Show it to me, no beating around the bush." Since he had already embarrassed himself in front of Mark countless times, if he wanted to pick up his dignity as a father, he would need a broom to sweep it up, using his hands wouldn't help. Tony didn't care anymore and approached brazenly.

Seeing Tony's shameless behavior, Mark's enjoyment from teasing him didn't feel as strong anymore. Feeling disappointed, Mark reached into his pocket and took out a small object that resembled a macaron in shape and size, presenting it to Tony and Pepper.

"This is my third invention. I named it 'Accel World.'"

"Accel World? Does this invention have the same ability as the acceleration function in the virtual lab, which overclocks the brain?" Having witnessed the wonders of the virtual lab and understanding its principles from Mark, Tony immediately made the connection upon hearing the name of this new invention.

"Bingo! Correct answer. In fact, this product was made by modifying the component that allows virtual stealth in the virtual host.

However, unlike the acceleration in virtual reality, overclocking the brain in physical space puts enormous pressure on the body and may even cause irreversible damage.

So, I've added many limiting programs and entry requirements. Besides, originally, this was intended to be a Christmas gift for you. But as I just said, among the three items, you can choose one. It's up to you to decide.

... ..... ...

"One more thing, Accel World can be mounted as a plugin module into your armor's helmet. With the protection of the armor, you can use its acceleration function with peace of mind."

"No need to choose, I'll take it! Since you said it was specially designed as my Christmas gift, I won't hesitate anymore. But I also really like the other two items. As usual, name your price, and we'll make a deal. How about it?"

"Deal!" When it comes to money, especially money earned from Tony, Mark's eyes will immediately light up.

"Alright, stop drooling, you money-grubber! Tell me how to connect this thing to the Mark IV." Tony rubbed Mark's head and urged him.

"Okay, look, it's like this. Twist it open from the middle, and it will split into two halves. When I designed it, I used a magnetic suction interface. Just place it in the helmet, right in front of the temple."

Tony snatched Accel World from Mark's hands as if he was robbing him and directly put it into his helmet. "Alright, I forgot to mention earlier, our real battle is a best-of-three format. The first match was for your sake, but now I'm serious. Hurry up and let Hover-cannon enter the field. Let's go again!"


You can read +14 advance chapters in my p@treon page!!


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