
Marvel: Little Genius

Reborn in the Marvel world, becoming Tony Stark's illegitimate child and gaining all the wisdom of the mechanical prodigy Hiro Hamada from the Big Hero 6. This is a story about a mechanical little genius and his charming old man... ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Movies
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369 Chs

Chapter: 101

Bifrost - In Norse mythology, it is a massive rainbow bridge that connects Asgard and Midgard, meaning "the path to the heavenly kingdom."

When Mark saw the magical symbol left behind by Thor's teleportation through this Bifrost, his first thought wasn't to decipher the magic rune. His immediate thought was that the guesswork of the great physicist Albert Einstein was correct.

In his conjecture, there may exist narrow tunnels in the universe that connect two different spacetimes. These tunnels are called wormholes or Einstein-Rosen bridges.

And today, his marvelous conjecture from the last century is confirmed by magic that appears completely unrelated to science.

Even though it is already known in the Marvel world that whether it's using the Bifrost, the Tesseract, or the spatial magic of the Kamar-Taj, one can easily open the Einstein-Rosen bridge and connect two different spacetimes. However, it was only when Mark truly saw the runic magic on the print left by use of Bifrost that could serve as theoretical evidence that he was truly convinced that it wasn't some ineffable grand rule but an actual scientific truth.

"Magneto, scan it. We've made a major discovery. Coulson, it seems like I've won this deal again," Mark turned to Coulson and smirked.

"Your smile tells me that we better secure this place as soon as possible."

"You guys should definitely do that. If S.H.I.E.L.D. gain something in the end, send me a thank-you letter."

Mark didn't believe that the scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D. could research anything useful. As long as they didn't know the role of Ulu metal in it, any research they conducted would inevitably lead to a failed outcome due to the wrong starting point.


Having obtained the desired results from this visit, Mark returned to the location where Thor's hammer had fallen, accompanied by Coulson and his pleasantly surprising findings.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were truly swift in their actions. In just an hour and a half, they had already set up most of the main facilities in the vicinity.

At this moment, the area around Thor's hammer was filled with various instruments and devices brought by the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists for research purposes, used to detect and collect various types of data.

"Sir, the signal from the reconnaissance satellite can barely penetrate the cloud layer. Due to the influence of this mysterious object, electronic devices are having difficulty functioning properly. Also, a commercial plane, Southwest Airlines flight 5434, is about to fly overhead."

"Have the pilot change the flight route like the other flights."


As soon as Mark arrived at the crater where Thor's hammer had fallen, he couldn't help but laugh at the group of S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. Watching them cautiously wearing protective suits and scanning it with various instruments, Mark couldn't hold back.

If they hadn't even figured out the essence of an object and rashly started their so-called research, it would be like discussing cooking methods without even knowing if it's ingredients, only adding amusement to others.

However, none of the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists showed any resentment towards Mark's mockery. Ignoring Mark's recent public appearances and the revolutionary products he had released, just knowing about the aerospace carrier's power system that he had developed for S.H.I.E.L.D. was enough to earn their respect.

So these scientists not only weren't angry but someone even approached Mark and asked, "Mr. Mark, I wonder if we have done something wrong to make you laugh? Please don't hesitate to enlighten us so that we can correct it."

Mark was not secretive either. He knew that human progress is built upon the sharing of knowledge, so he has always been supportive of knowledge dissemination. If Mark were to refuse, it would mean that the other party's inquiry is extremely valuable and the offer is insufficient—in short, they need to add money.

But for simple analysis and sharing of ideas, Mark didn't have any problem.

Thus, Mark repeated the words he had spoken to Barton and Coulson in the morning to these S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists.

At first, they thought Mark's conjecture was mere fantasy and nonsense. However, after hearing the final analysis, they truly started to have some agreement in their hearts, just like Barton and Coulson did. At the same time, their firmly held worldview began to waver.

"All right, everyone, whether you believe it or not, this is just my personal opinion. There is no evidence to support my conjecture. It's getting late now, so let's go have dinner first. Ultimately, our bodies are the foundation that supports our research."

Everyone nodded, preparing to take off their protective suits and come back to work after dinner. However, at that moment, the alarm in this temporary base went off, and the agents around them hurriedly rushed outside, indicating that there was some action about to take place.

"It seems like it's my chance!" Mark raised an eyebrow, curled his lips, and at the same time, took out a syringe from his pocket, appearing quite confident.


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