
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Realms, nieces and nephews

After their fights the siblings went down to earth to start making the realms

As they were talking about where they will set up their realms Tartarus said "I will set up my realm in the underworld".

They all nodded in agreement, as that was the best place for him given his powers, he could hold the dammed in a prison inside his realm and sleep for the rest of the time, as that was his favourite thing to do.

"Where are you going to set up your realm?" asked Erebus to Nyx who looked at him and smiled

"Ill set mine up along side you" said Nyx replying, Erebus blushed. During the siblings travels Nyx and Erebus developed their relationship to the next level, they were now acting like teenagers in love.

Eros giggled at that, don't get him wrong he was happy that his siblings fell In love with each other but he loves to pick on Erebus a lot. Erebus acts like a very cocky teenager, often picking fights or pulling pranks on his siblings, especially his younger brothers. During their travels the brothers all developed a rivalry with each other, always holding competitions to see who was the best at something. One time the brothers had a race across the milky way galaxy to see who was the fastest which turned into a brawl because they kept trying to trip each other up.

While Eros was teasing Erebus Echo asked Gaea what she was going to do, as she was the earth so there was no need to develop a realm, all she needed to do was develop life on her planet and she would grow stronger.

"what will you do sis?" asked Echo

"I am going to build a family for myself" said Gaea

This didn't surprise Echo as he had always known that Gaea wanted a family for herself but she was having fun with her sibling so she pushed her plans back. Gaea always acted as an older sister to her siblings always looking after them and cleaning up their messes., so they would do anything to support their sister in creating a family of her own.

As they continued to talk about where to set up their respective realms Echo got lost in his own thoughts.

'where should I set up my realm?' he thought to himself. 'The moon? No that would be boring. The underworld like Tartarus? It would offer more protection. Maybe in a secret covered in a lie? Yeah that will do' as Echo was finishing his thoughts Nyx spoke.

"Where are you going to set up your realm Echo?" she asked

Echo just smiled and said "secret". They all groaned, during their travels Echo would often say this and they could never get an answer out of him even if they beat him to tell them.

"I think I am going to build a massive realm and fill it with orgies" said Eros

Again they all groaned.

Eros was always talking about sex like a horny teenager, as he could change his body to fit his partners preference he often snuck away to have sex with other beings they met during their travels, even once having sex with a celestial. It eventually got out of hand so Gaea had to whip him back into shape (literally with a whip, which often caused the opposite reaction).

After a while they all settled on what they were going to do. Nyx and Erebus were going to set up a Realm of darkness and night together with its opening point in Tartarus, while Eros was going to set up his realm as a moveable point in space that attaches itself where there is the highest concentration of what he likes to call Sex energy (in the future his realm would often be found in frat houses and night clubs).

As they all began to set up their own realms, except Gaea, who decided to impregnated herself, Echo went off to create his realm, first he started with a point in space that expanded rapidly in all directions eventually spreading to the size of the universe. After he finished creating his ground work of his realm he created a secret to cover the entrance this secret stated that anyone who doesn't know of this realm shall never find it, only those who hold the secret shall find the entrance (like the fidelus charm in Harry Potter, as only the secret keepers know where it is). He then covered the secret in a lie, Anyone who knows of the secret and wants to take/steal from this realm shall be able to enter (it's a lie so they wont be able to enter).

After setting up his entrance Echo is drained of a lot of his power, having to expand a point in space to the size of the universe then cover it with a secret and a lie to a lot out of him.

'Finally finished with the ground work, but this is going to take millennia to finish' he thought to himself. His realm was going to be a major part of his power, so he would rather not rush the making of it and ruin it. He was fine with waiting eons as long as it was made perfectly.


10 years have passed since he set up his realm and it is progressing nicely, he first had to start with the foundation of his realm, he decided that it would be a massive library of secrets that held the secrets of every being in the universe which would be surrounded by a garden of lies. But before he could even begin building he had to build the ground and the sky. Since he didn't have that ability he had to learn from Gaea.

About 8 years ago Gaea gave birth to Uranus the titan of the sky. So Echo decided to go visit his new nephew (soon to be step-brother) while learning how to mould the earth and sky from Gaea.

As Uranus grew up and Echo learnt more about the earth and sky, he was almost good enough to start build his realm again, Nyx got pregnant randomly. The thing was that while she and Erebus were trying to get her pregnant she got pregnant by herself and gave birth to the fates. Everyone was confused as their only parent was only Nyx and not Erebus, but Chaos said that it was fated for them to be born only from Nyx. After they were born all the primordials felt Fate trying to bind them but the weren't going to let that happen as they were much stronger than the fates. Echo just lied saying that he had a fate and kept it a secret so no one could mess with it. The only being that did get affect was Uranus as he was too young to overpower it.

Eventually another 20 years pass and Gaea is pregnant again, this time with Uranus' children, and so she gives birth to the titans, starting off the age of the titans.

While the titans (titans are born as adults) are establishing their rule over the galaxy, Echo went to visit Nyx and Erebus as they finally managed to get her pregnant again this time with Erebus' children. Yes, she was having twins.

After a couple of years the twins are born. One deathly pale with dark red eyes and black hair, Thanatos, and the other had magenta sleepy eyes and black hair, Hypnos, Echo loved spending time with his new nephews as they were babies from birth that grew normally, they too enjoyed playing with their uncle.

While the twins grew Echo also learnt how to mould darkness from his siblings to cover his garden of lies in. After another 10 years of learning Echo went back to his realm to start building it again. He wouldn't be seen for another 500 years.


I don't actually know much about Greek mythology this far back so I'm just going to change it to my liking (Its an AU anyway so I doesn't matter).