
Marvel: Judgement System

A figure wearing black suit that resembled a amnesia mc from a certain anime that revolved around the ghoul. He hold his sword in his right hand and black magnum in his left hand looking at his opponent who are actually anime character but this is not your ordinary anime characters. It's fucking Dio. If it's just a Dio from the Jojo S2 then it's good but it's not, why? because he is a transmigrator and his job is to kill those to avoid chaos the world he currently lived with his revived family. He sighed, he just want live peacefully okay? he thought he can get reincarnated in MHA world or some easy anime world or medieval world but it's not. It's Marvel Universe Cinematic, a world full of mystery and chaos. Join his Journey along with the Avengers to the MCU to kill transmigrator who make chaos along with the villain.

MidNightBeast_Tv · Movies
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7 Chs

Transmigrator (1)


Marvin Lee:

Race: Human

Lvl 6 [ Experience: 0/7000 ]

Innate Element: Time & Space

HP: 200

Mana: 3800


STR -36

VIT -33

DEX -37

INT -38

WIS -28 (+3)

SP (Stat Points): 0

JP: 8,900


Looking at his status where he see his innate element which is Time and Space.

Time and Space is quite powerful but the drawback in this element is the high Mana consumption because the element is powerful if use property and have a high Mana pool.

Of course he know that this element is bad for the current him but he can fix it after getting some stats points.

He click at the Innate Element. The moment he click, a translucent blue screen appeared showing the description of his Time and Space.


[ Time Element ]

- Manipulate Time like slow, faster, time stop and some others stuff that involve using time.

[ Space Element ]

- Manipulate Space like teleporting, gravity but weak than the gravity element (To be balance) , black hole and other stuff that involve using space.


Yep, it's quite powerful if you use this with a creative mind like summoning your future or past self to fight with you than using clone which is weak but low Mana consumption.

Of course you shouldn't forget Space because this element make you teleport which is useful and black hole which is terrifying because this skill can be used without picking who and you can be killed by it.

As he think about the various abilities that he like to make with his new innate element, a notification sounded in his mind which is not too loud nor soft.

[ Ding! ]

[ New Skill added ]

[ Short Teleportation, Time Eye, & Speed Buff ]

He smiled ear to ear because today is the lucky day for him because he obtained his innate magic element and a skill that are good.

He look the skill with a wide smile then a translucent screen appeared in front of him.


[ Short Teleportation ] (Active)

- Teleport to the range of 15 meters.

Mana Cost: 500

Cool down: 10 minutes

[ Time Eye ] (Passive/Active)

- Can see in slow motion for 5 minutes

- Automatically active if the danger are close

Side Effect: Your eyesight blurred for 12 hours.

Mana Cost: 1500

Cool down: 1 day

[ Speed Buff ] (Active)

- Increase your speed two times.

Side Effect: Your dexterity stats will decrease half for 12 hours.

Mana Cost: 1500

Cool down: 1 day


'Yep, this skill is useful for fighting and saving my own life if I'm in troublesome situation because of sneak attack or power of my enemy.'

He thought while thinking that this is really a good skill but the downside is the side effect of those 2, of course he know that he can upgrade them but it's expensive considering that this skill is above normal.

As he keep thinking what next skill he will get, a notification sounded then a translucent screen appeared before him.


[ Emergency Quest ]

- A transmigrator know your location by sensing Mana in the surrounding and try to kill you before you became a threat to them.

Condition: Kill 2 Transmigrator (0/2)

Reward: 1 Lucky Spin and Random Skill

Failure: -10 All Stats




Interrupting his cursed, a gunshot sounded in the distance even though it's far, he know that the one who shot him is a sniper which is dangerous in the current him.

He dropped down in the floor, the moment he drop down a bullet hit where his sitting at which in the side of the bed.

He hurriedly summon his equipment to not reveal his real identify but good thing that he used a fake name while his registering to get a room.

He snapped his finger then his originally white shirt turn into black suit which a certain amnesia mc wear then his face turn into him.

He then stand up and run to the window even though it's risky but he know that he can only gritted his teeth and fight them because the failure of the quest is large for the current him.

If he run then his stats will drop and some transmigrator can kill him easily.

After arriving in the window, he then jump down even though it's third floor which can injure him.

As he jump, he summon his sword then stab it in the wall behind him while falling down along with the slash from the wall to reduced the momentum.

Looking down, he know that he can land safely without injuring himself but how the enemy allow him to do that.


A gunshot sounded then a bullet appeared 10 meters away from him, he then unsummon the sword to fall down quickly while avoiding the bullet.

As he fall quickly, he look around to see something to reduced the momentum.

He then see a tree which is near to his landing spot, he then land but with small injury in the leg.

As he land, he see a running figure heading to his direction with a katana.


Marvin sighed because this is his first time to fight some fellow transmigrator, he jump down from the tree then land down while avoiding the bullet.

After landing in the floor, he look at the opponent before him that stop and looking up and down then said to him with a mocking voice.

"Looks like your a transmigrator because no one know what appearance of S3 Black hair Kaneki."