
Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.

In an surprising turn of events, Alex wakes up in the Marvel Universe(AU), problem is he had limited knowledge about Marvel. He only know some of the well known heroes, villains and lurking dimensional gods. He did his best to adjusts to this new reality, though not a genius like Ironman, he decides to adapt to this reality by starting a tech company he called Arasaka, hoping to strike it rich. During his undertaking, Alex finally gotten his wish, a half arse Golden Finger. That gave him advanced knowledge about technology, including cyberware, futuristic vehicles and weapons from games and movies like Skynet from Terminator. Empowered with this newfound knowledge, he transforms into a tech-enhanced superhero Navigating the challenges of the Marvel Universe. Authors Note: The Technology he will mostly use are from Terminator, Predator, Cyberpunk. I’ll add more as the story goes. There will be no Harem. I’ll try not to write romances as well so no Smut. I’ll have the main character focus in technology, sorry no magic. MC will appear as he has limited knowledge about the marvel verse. MC only knows about MCU, Spider-man Cartoons and Movies. A few clips he have watched from his previous life like Dare Devil. FAQ: 1) Is this business focus: No its not, There will be parts but not much. 2) There is a chance for romance depends on how the story goes. Note: I don’t know how to write stories. Believe me I tried. I’m just glad that I am able to accomplish one of my bucket list with the help of ChatGPT. Please be gentle lol. I know its gonna be bad, as again I don't know how to write in English and its not my native language. Its not even my secondary language, its not even the third since we have lots of languages, where I’m from. Any helpful criticism will be greatly appreciated. I'm just doing this for fun and hopefully when I actually try to write another story, it will be better.

TheMainPlagiaris · Movies
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88 Chs

Machine Man 50 : Savage Land King

In the heart of the Savage Land, a towering mountain loomed, its peak adorned with ancient stone buildings. At the summit rested a grand temple where a huge humanoid Pteron sat upon a throne. This Pteron, known as King Sauron, possessed an unusual green hue, a stark contrast to the typical dark yellow coloration of his kin. Clad in loincloths and fur, the Pterons appeared as savages, their primitive attire belying the intelligence that resided within their vast kingdom.

It was on this day that a change has happened in their kingdom, a frightened Pteron flew with amazing speed flying on the entrance of the temple and approached King Sauron and kneeled while lowering his head, "King Sauron, I have found strange beings with glowing armor in the lower parts of Pangea."

Sauron's piercing eyes fixated on the messenger as he inquired, "Are they humans? Haven't we hunted the rebels?"

The messenger, still trembling, began recounting the encounter. "King Sauron, these intruders don't seem to be the part of the rebels. They have strange looking camp. It is as if they are not from this land."

Sauron, deep in thought, mused about the possibility of outsiders discovering the Savage Land, much like he had done in the past. Before becoming the land's ruler, Sauron was known as Dr. Karl Lykos, a hypnotherapist. Memories of his transformation and the revelation of the Savage Land resurfaced in his mind.

He found himself washed ashore along with others during an ill-fated expedition to Antartica. Separated from his comrades during a dinosaur attack, he fled in fear and stumbled upon a mysterious cave emanating a green glow. Overwhelmed and wounded, he lost consciousness within its depths.

When Karl regained consciousness, he found himself transformed into a humanoid green skinned Pteranodon, endowed with remarkable strength and unusual energy and vampiric abilities. Embracing his newfound powers, he encountered others who shared his appearance, albeit with distinct yellowish colors and a less menacing demeanor. These individuals, were peaceful group residing on the tallest mountain, unwittingly became subjects to his will as he force them to serve him.

Driven by a desire for dominance, Karl, now known as King Sauron, initiated forceful conscription, regardless of age and gender. His growing army conquered the Savage Land, or Pangea as the locals called it, subduing various species, including the Tubanti fish people, the Uruburian beastmen, and the Lizard Men. Karl even enslaved the elusive Aerians, valuing their angelic appearance, but he slaughtered all human he despises them, like how he despise his weak human form.

"King Sauron," the servant stammered, his voice betraying a mix of fear and awe. "I have seen them, the strangers from the lower lands. They are like no creatures we have ever encountered."

The king, perched upon his stone throne, regarded the servant with keen interest, his luminous green eyes fixated on the trembling subordinate. "Speak," Sauron commanded, his voice resonating through the chamber like a low rumble.

The servant took a deep breath, attempting to compose himself before delivering the unnerving details of the encounter. "Their heads, my liege, bear six eyes – not like ours. They carry small swords that spit metal and flames, and their magicians wield strange flying beast with many arms. One among them, a figure in black and gold armor, sits on a flying throne that glows with magic. It is a sight to behold, but I fear their presence may bring unforeseen consequences."

King Sauron's scaled brow furrowed in curiosity and concern. "As I said before are they human?" he inquired his patience growing thin, seeking answers that he couldn't deduce from a simple description.

The servant, struggling to find the right words, responded, "My lord, I cannot say. They possess abilities beyond my understanding. The black and gold figure seems to command them with authority. They are unlike any humans we have encountered before."

Sauron, though intrigued, remained stoic. "Bring them to me," he declared with a tone that brooked no argument. "We shall see what manner of beings have entered our domain. And if force is required, so be it."

With a nod, the servant bowed deeply and hastened to carry out the king's directive, leaving King Sauron to ponder the mysteries that unfolded beyond the city's walls.

Internally conflicted, Sauron contemplated the implications of these newcomers. Were they a threat or an opportunity? Only time would unveil the mysteries that lay ahead in the Savage Land, as the tale of King Sauron and the strange humans began to unfold.

On the Praetorians Side.

As the Day lights turned on the camp its glow shine upon the surrounding landscape, Alex commanded his Praetorians to start their mining operation. The mechanical hum of advanced mining tools reverberated against the rocky walls, as Squiddy drones, tentacles whirring, skillfully gathered shards of the precious metal.

Below the mountain's surface, Barret and Cid led a group of soldiers in the meticulous task of fortifying the mine's foundations. Amidst the lit tunnels, illuminated by the soft glow of Squiddy drones, conversations echoed off the walls. The sound of metal hitting rock mixed with the steady gruff voice of Barret. "Secure those support beams, make sure the foundation is rock solid. We don't want any surprises down here."

As the soldiers worked diligently, one of them, a young recruit named Aang, muttered to his companion, "Can you believe we're mining Vibranium? This stuff's is worth millions! Wonder what the boss has planned."

His companion, Kara, another Praetorian, smirked. "Don't know, I heard we're making a huge battle ship."

Durin, with a grizzled demeanor, interjected, "It's probably to make better equipment to fight Aliens, I heard."

Aang, intrigued, chimed in, "Alien? Well, that would be more exciting than digging ores."

Kara, being cheeky, replied to Aang, "Just dig. Be glad we're not in battle yet or else you'll be on the clean-up crew."

Durin, in his typical old-man manner, nodded in agreement. "Right you are, lass. So just dig a hole." He then started singing… "I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole, Diggy, diggy hole, diggy, diggy hole."

Kara, rolling her eyes at Durin's antics, asked, "Really, a dwarf song when we're mining?"

Aang joined in, "Seems fitting. The sunlight will not reach this low. Deep, deep in the mine!"

Kara, now caught up in the banter, began singing along. "I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole…"

As the Praetorians worked diligently, Barret surveyed the darkened entrance of the mine. "We need more light here. Set up those portable lights. I don't want anyone stumbling in the dark."

One of the soldiers, Amon, nodded and relayed Barret's order. "Alright, team, let's get some lights up. Barret wants this place lit up like a Christmas tree."

As the portable lights lit up the mine, the camp gained a better atmosphere. The soldiers' chatter and the sound of machinery echoed through the cavern.

Meanwhile, on the mountainous terrain above, Strife and his patrol navigated the uneven landscape. The rhythmic crunch of boots on grass accompanied their movement. Strife, his mantis blades at the ready, turned to his team. "Keep your senses sharp. We're not alone up here. The wild can be as unpredictable as any adversary."

One of the soldiers, a stoic warrior named Jax, replied, "Copy that, Strife. These rocky peaks give me the creeps, though. Feels like something's watching us."

On the observation tower, Vincent and his team maintained a vigilant watch over the surroundings. Vincent, adjusting the focus on his sniper rifle, spoke to his fellow soldiers. "We're the eyes in the sky. Report any movement, no matter how insignificant it seems. We can't afford surprises."

As Vincent scanned the horizon, the usual sight of peaceful herbivores grazing in the distance was replaced by a squadron of dark yellowish humanoid Pterodactylus. They soared through the air with an unsettling purpose, each carrying a Vibranium-tipped spear. Recognizing the potential threat, Vincent swiftly grabbed his communication device.

"Commander Rico, this is Vincent. We've got a situation," he spoke urgently into the device. "Fifteen humanoid Pterodactylus closing in on the camp. They're armed with Vibranium spears."

Rico's voice crackled back through the communicator, "Good work, soldier. Return to your post, and keep a vigilant eye. I'll report this to the Emperor immediately. Prepare, but do not engage unless they attack."

In front Alex personal room, Rico, the revered leader of the Praetorian Guards, knelt in a gesture of utmost respect. "My liege," he addressed Alex with a sense of reverence, "there are fifteen incoming bogeys. Vincent reports humanoid Pterodactylus armed with Vibranium spears. We await your command."

Alex, sitting in the heart of the camp overseeing the mining operation, looked up at Rico. His piercing gaze met Rico's eyes, reflecting both authority and trust. "Prepare the Praetorians, Rico. We will receive our unexpected guests, but remain cautious. We don't know their intentions. I'll be at the forefront."

Rico, showing unwavering loyalty, responded with a salute. "As you command, Emperor." With that, he swiftly moved to mobilize the Praetorians and prepare for the impending encounter with the mysterious Pterons.

The air hummed with tension as the dark yellowish Pteron squadron hovered mid-air, halting their advance toward the camp. One of them, a particularly imposing figure named Nodon, descended with an almost crude lack of finesse, landing in front of the Praetorian camp. Nodon raised his head high, shouting in a guttural tone, demanding to speak with a representative from the camp.

Rico, the revered commander of the Praetorians, stepped forward with a composed demeanor. "I am Commander Rico, the Emperor's representative. State your business," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Nodon, with an air of snobbery, looked down upon them when he find out that the trespassers are just humans, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and disdain. "I am Nodon, a representative of the Pteron Kingdom. We demand to know why humans have invaded our territory."

Vincent, the most serious and stoic among the Praetorian groups, couldn't contain his frustration. In a low growl, he muttered to Rico, "Should I kill this Xenos and take down the rest of them?"

Rico, displaying a slight smirk, held up his hand, signaling restraint. "No need for that, Vincent. We'll handle this the civilized way. No violence without the Emperor's command."

Nodon continued his inquiry repeating, "Why are you humans here?"

Rico, maintaining his composure, responded, "We're exploring and searching for resources. Our Emperor means no harm."

Nodon, hearing this, grunted dismissively. "Then there is no need to talk to you. Let me speak to this Emperor of yours, human."

Rico, holding onto his patience, nodded. "Okay, let me guide you."

As they made their way to the tent where Alex sat on his flying throne, Nodon couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and shock. The Pteron, accustomed to a more primitive way of life, thought of this as pure magic. In his eyes, these humans were led by a powerful sorcerer.

He couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine. In a disrespectful tone, Nodon asked, "What does your kind want in our kingdom?"

Before Alex could respond, Rico, with a swift and forceful movement, slammed Nodon's Pterodactylus head to the ground. "Show some respect, you damn xenos, you stand before the mighty Emperor Saburo Arasaka" he growled.

Struggling to stand, Nodon looked up at Alex, whose eyes now glimmered with golden light. Fear crept into Nodon's voice as he pleaded, "Please forgive me, Sorcerer King. I meant no disrespect. Please spare me."

Seeing this, Alex raised his hand to grant Nodon some respite.

Rico, observing Alex's gesture and Nodon's sudden change in demeanor, release him and stepped back, allowing the Pteron to speak directly to Alex. Nodon, now meek and submissive, stammered, "I was asked to come to this camp. Our King Sauron wishes to speak about trade. Please, forgive me for my insolence."

Maintaining a composed demeanor, Alex pondered Nodon's words. "We also seek cooperation. We shall converse with your King Sauron," he announced, his tone carrying a diplomatic air.

Amused by the unexpected encounter, Alex remarked, "Encountering humanoid reptiles for the second time, and this time they can fly." He addressed Nodon, the Pteron emissary, adding, "You may inform my troops' commander of the whereabouts of your kingdom. We will visit you tomorrow."

Although internally Alex already has a full map of the place. He just didn't expect that the encounter with the locals would be a lot sooner.

As Nodon respectfully and fearfully bowed to Alex, they exited the tent. Rico, the praetorian commander, gestured for Nodon to follow. They went into one of the open terminals, where Rico activated a holographic map to discuss about the location of the Pteron Kingdom.

Nodon, eyes wide with amazement, couldn't help but think of the holographic display as another magical artifact crafted by the powerful sorcerer king. The advanced technology of the human world seemed like pure magic to the Pteron.

With fascination, Nodon pinpointed the location of his kingdom on the holographic display, revealing the tallest mountain in the land where their ancient stone buildings stood proudly.

Rico, maintaining his calm demeanor, remarked, "We will visit your place tomorrow. We have to prepare gifts for trade, forging an alliance between our peoples."

As the conversation came to an end, Nodon respectfully bid farewell to Rico. In a rush, he informed his squadron about the upcoming visit and commanded them to follow him swiftly. The Pterons took flight, leaving the praetorian camp behind, eager to report their encounter with the sorcerer king to their own ruler, King Sauron. The peculiar meeting between the human emperor and the Pteron kingdom was set in motion, where advanced technology was perceived as magic.


Please note: I tried looking for savage land comics, I found that only Sauron speaks weirdly like a caveman. Others from savage land that looks like pterodactyls speaks normal. So I just made them speak normal, plus I tried making them speak funny like caveman didn't work, I just can't lol.

Still feeling nauseous, probably due to the horrible heat in SEA its like 40°C. gundam it! feels like we're in Fires of Rubicon.