
Marvel: Immunity

A seemingly useless ability. That was all he seemed to get after receiving memories of another life. But not everything is as it seems. Join him in re-discovering himself as threats all over the multiverse come after him. A/N: Feel free to comment and review the work. The author will try to respond and react to them. A/N: All rights belong to Marvel except for Original Characters.

Hidden_Throne · Movies
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Chapter 6: Rift

Tottenville, Staten Island New York.

Seven days ago before the X-Men and Hugo meet.


A rift between the infinite multiverse opens, it's causes currently unknown. Connecting the Earth and Universe that Hugo is in to another.

Multiple bug-like beings travel across the connection landing on Earth. Although many of them vary in characteristics, there are a few that most of them have. A flat triangular head, two crimson eyes and brown exoskeleton. Saliva pours from their fangs, and transparent wings come out of the back of most of them. Two extendable arm-like tentacles protrude from the front and four smaller like legs carry them atop the ground. Due to the size of the rift, only one such being can come through at a time. Their presence and coming into this world unprecedented.



The Ancient One, her head still as bald as ever reflecting against the rising sun of Kamar-Taj, puts down the tea in her hand. A serious expression replacing her usual neutral one. Standing up, she leaves a message for anyone who might look for her before opening a portal.

Not wasting any time, she steps through the portal arriving at New York. The morning sky greets her, the sun still not fully risen.

"Crieeek. Croooaha." Right below where she opened the portal, multitudes of beings never seen before in this universe is present. The sounds they make to communicate incomprehensible to her.

The glow of the rift from which they come from present and clearly visible. She observers both it and the aliens surrounding it.

An ominous and dreadful feeling creeps up her spine. This scenario in front of her never appearing once in the millions and millions of times she's viewed the future and fate of the world before.

'The Brood.' She recalls in her head. A terrifying predatorial race that seeks to conquer the universe. There wasn't a time where she fought these beings before because they do not exist in this universe or at least Earth. If they did, she would have long exterminated them already from the threat they pose. The only reason that she knows of them are from the records left in Kamar-Taj.

Knowing that if she left these things to their devices, they will devour not only Earth but this whole universe.

*Beep* *Beep*

The sound of a car horn blares across the quiet roads. Many people still fast asleep but a few already on their way to work. Incidentally the rift opened at an intersection, this unlucky worker's way to work.

He honks continually hoping to get whoever or whatever is in the middle of the road to give way. The light of there car not enough to see the road clearly.

But instead of scrambling out of the way, they move forward. Confident in their natural abilities and seeing a potential prey.

A few smaller ones with wings held an alien looking tool, seemingly aiming at the oncoming car ready to fire.

From the back, a much bigger being moves ahead signaling the others to not take any action.


The tires scraping against the asphalt road resound, the driver attempting to stop the vehicle from ramming against what ever is blocking the road. A useless gesture.

Without even waiting for the vehicle to stop, long tentacle-like arms extend from the Brood.


Breaking through the windshield, they grab onto the man inside.

"Ahhh!" He screams as they drag him through the broken glass, getting a few cuts and scratches from sharp extensions.

Futilely he struggles against the vice like grips of tentacles around him. Finally he stops, gazing onto two sets of crimson eyes of the Brood Queen in front of him. The threat of death coming face to face with him, his body produces cold sweat and urine runs down his legs. His throat aches from screaming and his eyes overflows with tears.

"No. No. No. No. Please. Please." He repeats, begging for his life. Ignorant that the being in front of him cannot understand.

A stinger covered in hard carapace gets closer and closer to him. He looks at it seeing his impending doom. But his death is not what the Brood seeks, but his capability to carry it's children.

The Ancient One, who has been observing until now, at last takes action. Taking advantage of the pause and opportunity that whatever the Brood Queen is doing to the defenseless man below.

She weaves her hand in signs. Then with a deep breath she pushes the spell down below. Encompassing all the Brood that's traveled to Earth.

The tings and clings of the mirror dimension rings as the spell travelled downwards, growing larger and larger until it hits the ground. With another weave of her hand, she opens a portal directing it to the captured human. Setting him free from the mirror dimension and cutting the tentacles that hold him, trapping the rest of the Brood.

Moving closer to the rift, free of the insects that surrounded it earlier, she opens the Eye of Agamotto. The relic containing one of the six infinity stones that govern the very fabric of the universe.

A spell used in conjunction with the Time Stone that Doctor Stephen Strange will be very familiar with in the future now comes alive.

Taking barely another second, she controls it.

Slowly the rift in space connecting two universes together close.

Returning back to the time where the connection didn't exist, crushing all the Brood still trying to travel across it.

Their screams the only part of them managing to cross.


Finally, the rift closes. As if there wasn't ever a time that a connection between universes existed here. Closing the Eye of Agamotto, she releases a breath of air. The foreboding feeling growing inside of her still isn't gone even though the rift is closed. Shaking her head, she turns her focus to the present, determined to first end the Brood that managed to cross over before dealing with the future.

Creating a way to the Mirror Dimension, she joins the Brood imprisoned within.