
Marvel: I wish to be the One Above All.

After devastating events wiped out half of the worlds population and fractured their ranks the One Above All and the remaining heroes struggle to move forward. But they must come together to restore order and harmony in the universe and bring their loved ones back to life.

Darth_Malgus5040 · Movies
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4 Chs

(Meeting Odin Allfather.)

Chapter three:

I concealed my presence and watched my children work like I had created them to do.

Michael had only appeared when he had deemed necessary necessary billions of years had gone by and I've seen civilization's rise and fall from infinite world's galaxies and universes. Millions to billions to even trillions of years had passed with little interference from here and there with the name of Ace.

I watched the formation of the grandmaster of Asgard. And I saw the big bang take place.

Later on, I started interfering word had spread about my feats in the galaxies one had called me Ace the great. Which is not a grand title if you ask me.

I watched the formation of the Earth I watched the civilization's rise and fall I saw alien's from the dark elf's invade Asgard.

I decided to go out and help the Asgardians which were led by Bor son of Buri.

I appeared in their rank disguised as an Asgardian elite who had fought beside Bor in the battles.

Having enough I revealed my true identity to Bor son of Buri. Bor son of Buri was really surprised at this. He asked for an alignment. Which I agreed to.

Which we shook hands and I vanished.

Lifetimes had passed since that fateful battle between the dark- elf's and now I was Xander in uniform battling the forces as you are well aware from the MCU the forces of Kree. I gained the favor of the leader which was a gorgeous female by the name of Sif.

I became captain and fought side by side, trying to bring down the Kree.

Me and Stella leader of the Kree fought a hard battle of destruction and explosions occurred from unleashing our weapons on each other. I, of course, was holding back by extreme measure. By seeing as how I am omnipotent.

By then a peace treaty was formed by the Nova Corps and the Kree.

I decided to leave and venture on a new journey not before receiving a huge thanks and response. A huge feast, and a huge surprise in the bedroom.

The years had passed and Odin had finally made contact with me.

In which he asked for a meeting in which I accepted.

When I appeared in Asgard into the Asgardian palace I saw little Odin who was now a newly formed king.

I appeared before him in child form as a test surpringly he passed as he recognized me and he did not deter nor spoke arrogantly.

Will you fight beside me like you once did with my father Bor son of Buri against the might of the angels? He asked in a calm tone however if you hear closely, you can hear a hint of pleading in his voice.

I stared at him in his one eye and saw the fire burn brightly he stared right back. Not willing to back down.

It was then I smiled and raised my hand out to him Odin smiled as well and we shook hands.

I will, thus continue my partnership with Odin which was formed.